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Have you ever gone to visit someone and used the bathroom only to find????

That there is no toilet paper on the roll? What did you do? Drip dry or hop along the bathroom with your pants down looking for some? Did you call for help or, ugh..look for something else to use?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    omg this question is hilarious girl!

    I would/have called for help!

    When I was a kid (like 11) my mom took me to mexico. I went into the bathroom, and when I was done, low and behold! no toilet paper.

    I ended up using a smarties box ( gimme a break I was 11).

    It was a little scratchy.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is why I have gotten into the habit of always checking on the toilet paper status before pulling my pants down. This has happened one to many times. I always always always check first especially in public bathrooms. I think it depends on who your visiting on how you deal with it. I mean if it is a close friend or something I have just yelled for them and talked to them thru the door or whatever. If it is not someone close then I have done the drip dry thing. I have used tissues that were on the counter. Once I was at my boyfriends aunt's house and I called him on his cell phone and told him I was in the bathroom with no paper and he came up stairs with a napkin. LOL. Again, this is why I always always always look at the paper first.

  • _
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Unless you just stopped by, the home owner should have had the courtesy to keep the bathroom well stocked. There were a few occassions when my mother in law didn't have a toilet roll holder and they left the TP on the sink, and it fell in (she has small kids) and was wet so I used a tissue out of my purse. I would look for a tissue or paper towel if possible!

  • TeaPea
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes! That happens to me all the time. I remember one time I was on my period and I needed toilet paper to wrap my pad in, but there wasn't any. So I'm like "Omg what do I do?" So, like you said, I hopped around the bathroom looking for some and during the process, blood was dripping out everywhere! I cleaned up what I could but some of it had stained their bright green carpet. Oh well, they should have had toilet paper, lol.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have had this happen several times. I have opened up the bathroom cupboards and replaced the toliet paper roll myself. This has always been with family though. My kids don't always put a new roll on the spool and if I had a guest in I sure wouldn't mind them helping themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd say go for a hand towel or wash cloth and use the water in the sink to clean up. Then let someone know a) that there's no TP, and b) DO NOT to use the towel that you left in there.

    If you know the people well enough, I'd yell for help!

    And if it's only #1 we're talking about here, use your hand then wash up vigorously with warm soap and water.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am so glad that only happened to me at home. When you use a public restroom, always check to see if there is enough toilet paper before performing your "business."

  • 1 decade ago

    never had this happen and if it did the first thing i would do would be to check in the bathroom cabinet for some

    i always make sure i have at least a half roll om the holder before my guests arrive

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm. hard one. A bathroom should always have paper!

    Maybe go with out, or use a magazine if there's one in there!

  • pete j
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Look for where the toilet paper is kept and if it can't be found, I mention it to the owner.

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