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Connecting my iPod to my new computer which doesn't have iTunes...?

I used to get my music from my brother's iTunes. Then, he left for college taking his computer with him. Now I have a new but old laptop only about 3 years old. I was just wondering if I could connect my iPod to my computer and put my music into my computer without losing my memory on my iPod. And if this is possible, does iTunes automatically download itself when the iPod's connected, or will I have to go to the webiste to donwload iTunes again? If it's possible please tell me. If not, I'll just wait until my brother comes back home during his winter break.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just download i-tunes from

    It doesn't take up that much space on your computer.

    The only thing is though, you wont have all of your songs from your i-pod.

    You'll have to transfer the files from your brothers computer when he comes back.

    When all your music is in i-tunes just sync it and your ready.

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