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Has McCain just lost the election with VP pick?

a soccer mom with no experience and not exactly thought of as savvy even by her own constituants while Obama picked Biden w/ 30 years experience? I can't believe he didn't make a choice thaty would help rather than hurt.


smart money was on Romney and if he HAD to have a woman it should have Kay Bailey Hutchinson.

38 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I hope that people are aware enough to see through this Rovian slight of hand, and continue to look at the bigger picture that we face as a country.

    Why not Kay Bailey Hutchinson if he was going to pander for the famale vote? I could have gotten behind her....he really is clueless.

    So - basically, when McCain found out Obama did not pick Hillary...he decided to insult every woman in this country by picking Palin assuming that those who supported the seasoned, brilliant and accomplished Hillary would cast our vote for Palin simply b/c she has overies...

    wow! What an insult!

    It doesn't suprise me at all that McCain would pick someone for such an important job after only having met her once.

    Can't you tell that is how he operates on all levels?

    He is quick to anger, quick to pull the trigger.

    This is his personality.

    As Obama put it so eloquently McCain does not have the "TEMPERMENT" to be commander in chief.

    This pick has been the first example of how McCain will exercise his judgment. He basically handed the presidency to Barack in a silver platter!

  • 1 decade ago

    Initially I thought this might have been a good pick. On paper it looks O.K. other than the complete lack of national (or even State-level--Alaska is more like a mid sized city) qualifications.

    Having seen and heard her and realizing she not only has no FP experience, she hasn't even got a layman's interest in it, I have to say this is a totally off the wall pick. Her selection and the way it was done (he doesn't even know her) makes me question whether McCain may be early onset dementia. Palin lets you check off all the boxes that please the traditional religious right, but it is an almost frightening development. Can you imagine the power vacuum if something really is wrong with McCain?

    I can't vote for a ticket that will embarrass the Republican party and endanger our national security and I think a lot more folks will think the same way.

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain should lose the election. This was a clear act of desperation for his excessive lack of women supporters (and with good reason; McCain has shown again and again that he has no respect for women - and he's even swore at his current wife in public using the "C" worde even: He cheated on his first wife numerous times. He's voted against ERA (for those ignorant women who still support him that is the Equal Rights Ammendment for women) He is also against equal pay for equal work. He also plans to have birth control no longer covered by medical insurance). Why would any woman be dumb enough to vote for a candidate that doesn't have their best interests?

    Sources also say that he had only met Palin one time, and it was a week before his VP pick. Clearly a desperate pick - and when the soiled reputation of the Alaskan Republicans comes into light, voters will smarten up.

    All of his attacks on Obama have the theme of "Inexperienced" and "Not Ready To Lead".. then he picks a VP that has even less experience than his opponent. Is anybody paying attention?

  • Yes McCain just lost the election.

    With his health what it is, there is a very good chance the VP (if mccain gets elected) will take over. Expecting someone with only 2 years of experience as Governor to run this country is like expecting a car driver to fly a plane. You can try it, but that jet is going down.

    Seriously, how stupid does he think the American people are that we wouldn't see through this attempt at getting Hillary's follower's votes? Even in that respect his pick fails, because as far as I'm concerned, the only thing Palin has in common with her is that they both have vaginas. Palin simply does not measure up to Hilary's track record.

    He has lost. Thank you McCain for making this easy for Obama.

    Source(s): Common Sense
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  • 1 decade ago

    The choice of VP is a presidential candidates first opportunity to demonstrate his executive decision-making abilitiy to the voting public. With that being said, McCain will lose votes and the elction partly because of this choice.

    She's not going to curry favor with Hillary's base because that base is largely influenced by a candidates stance on Roe v. Wade.

    Does her record shore up the tickets attractiveness to Evangelicals? According to recent polls, these votes were coming McCain's way anyhow (70 percent vs. Obama's 19 percent). So eventhough I think this will get him some fence-sitters, he probably could have gotten that with ANY of the other prospects.

    Her cache as the first female conservative VP nominee is meritable. However, if this is the type of thing a voter is basing their decision on, isn't making a black man president more of a moral victory?

    You can spin her "executive" experience all you want, but for American voters experience means "Have I heard of them on the news before today?" You have to SELL Sarah Palin without the benefit of name recognition. Joe Biden is an established political "celebrity" and for better or worse, Americans are more comfortable with that.

    If McCain argues that Barak is too inexperienced to be president, he better be prepared to explain how Sarah Palin is ready to step up when he passes away. Seriously, he has just raised the bar on the question of his age as a factor. Before this it was just a punchline to a joke, now it's something to be considered.

    Sarah Palin's story is great. She is probably going to grow on us through this, but she's coming from too far out in left field to grow close enough to win the election for McCain.

    One caveat: Joe needs to be careful how he comes across in the debates. He's a bellicose guy, and that's going to hurt him if he beats up on SP.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you watch the polls Biden did not give Obama any "bounce" in numbers, which if there would have been any excitement in that pick it should have been at least 5-10 points. Some polls dropped a few points. If the country wants Obamas "change" well Palin is their answer. I think this is an exciting pick for McCain and should see a jump in the polls for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain just won the election. Now tons of Hillary's supporters will vote for McCain because he picked a woman, while Obama PREVENTED a woman from becoming President and left her off the ticket. You talk about Palin's inexperience? What about Obama's inexperience, and he's on TOP of his ticket? Palin is a true conservative, so the base should be happy. Now history will be made as the first female Vice President in history will be a Republican.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey, I'd rather have someone with no experience being the vice president than the president.. as we have with the Great Orator, Obama.

    I think McCain did a wise thing.. he may just garner a few votes from this. Remember a lot of Hillary voters are still not happy. Obama screwed Clinton and everybody knows it.. at least the white women know it!

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you kidding..YES he not only lost the election, he lost HIS MIND! Out of 10 well qualified people he picks someone he met only ONE TIME and a couple of phone calls(2)..It is crazy to put this crazy old man as the U.S. president knowing this is how he makes decisions. He is 72 years old for goodness sake, and he's going to hand the responsiblity to this 44 year old woman , who is younger and have less experience then Hillary, and Obama. Big deal Palin is a governor of Alaska for less then 2 years with a population of 670,000, Chicago alone has 3 million people! This that does not qualify her to be a heart beat away of being the president of the US responsible for millions of people with no experience in foreign, domestic, international policies!! This is a mockery for the republican representatives they deserve so much better. McCain think that they can subtitute Hillary for this woman without the qualifications he just let his party down BIG TIME!

    McCaine american women who voted for Hillary are not stupid they will not vote for you, just because you have a woman in your ticket! A woman who is so pro life that even if a woman was pregnant because she was a victim of rape or incest will NOT HAVE A CHOICE, Palin is opposite of Hillary and what Hillary fought for. Men with common sense will not vote for you knowing you are feeble and had fought cancer 4 times, and with a health that is declining, knowing that the person next on line is someone who has no opinions of the war in Iraq, and have no intrest in foreign policy! She will basically just a puppet that republican will use sinsce she herself does not even know what VP does, let alone be ready to be a commander of this country, I can see it now, other countries LAUGHING THEIR A S S OFF ON THIS ONE, WE ARE A JOKE if we VOTE for McCaine who's instinct and sound judgment is OUT OF TOUCH .

    Atleast Obama had guts enough to vote for someone who is far off more qualifird then him when it comes to foriegn policies, with Obama's sound judgement and the vision of change and the experience of Biden well balance each other to restore this country once again so we can proudly walk with our heads up!

  • Fossil
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Quite the contrary, McCain has clinched it. The only serious offsetting step the Obama/Biden ticket could make would be for Biden to come out of the closet and say he's gay. If that doesn't happen, McCain's a shoo in.

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