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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Who else here is excited about Gov. Sarah Palin as McCain's VP?

I was so excited, not to mention surprised, to find out that Gov. Sarah Palin would be McCain's VP pick. McCain made the right move here and has really energized the ticket.

Where else is as excited about this as I am?

McCain / Palin 08

60 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am!!

    Obama/Biden '08

  • 5 years ago

    John McCain didn't pick Palin - she was chosen by Big Oil. McCain hardly knew who she was - and there suddenly she's the VP candidate???? And the boys at Big Oil aren't very smart - they didn't look into her past. They just know that the American people are stupid and will vote for trash like Palin without asking too many questions. Big Oil needs a stupid person who is easily manipulated - like Li'l Bush. Palin is perfect in this role - she's stupid, she's paranoid and she's a religious nutball. And McCain isn't going to make it a year as president - and we'll be stuck with Bimbo Palin!!! OR work like Hell for Obama!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's a great ticket. I'm for McCain all the way. I like that he has chosen a more or less unknown but incredibly qualified VP that won't muddy the waters further with his publicly known persona, but stand beside him with only her experience beign the focus.

    There's never been so much focus on the VP picks before in history. There again, we've never had such an American Idol type election created by the media. Palin is the traditional type of VP pick, experience but no real public familiarity, instead of picking someone who has to bolster your experience because he's well known.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Barry lost ground after that horrible speech last night. I couldn't believe the delegates that were crying! Maybe they were crying over all the lies and promises that will be broken IF Barry was elected.

    Sarah is a great asset and will help elect McCain! I am trilled with the choice.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't excite me any. If anything they just will be able to school her quite a bit to learn how to KEEP AMERICA IN THE POSITION THAT NONE OF US WOULD HAVE EVER IMAGINE.

    Have you guys seen our dollar bills, especially the new $5. Our dollar is turning RED. The Republicans don't care if they borrow money from China. Think we won't notice that China is saying we own you. That's what the Republican party has done for us.

    You better think about that excitement OR IS IT A QUEASY FEELING. THAT NUDGE TO TELL YOU. BUDDY DON'T DO IT.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're excited? I really have no room to speak as I have not been following the campaign, BUT it just seems purposely chosen and very childish and sneaky of McCain to all of a sudden pick a female to run for VP. Hmmm let's see, Obama already has the fact that he's black on his side, so let me get the first ever female VP. He should have just went all out and picked Hilary as a running mate, who probably turned him down! Stop with the games, this is our country at stake, not a game, people's lives (mainly how they survive) somewhat if not all depend on these people!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am! Wow, we are definitely going to either have a female Vice President or a black President this year! It's an exciting year!!

  • 1 decade ago

    this is an excellent pick , he threw a curve ball and the Dem's are beside themselves . They dunno what to do grasping looking for a reason , "she is being investigated for corruption " they need to go back and read that again she got a member of her own party discharged for corruption Why? Because it was right. They can't stand what McCain did and are upset they have underestimated him . I think its funny how all the liberals were for Hillary and become sexist with Palin .

  • 1 decade ago

    I thought I was excited about the election before this, but now that I know who McCains VP is, I cannot wait till its time to vote. I am so excited I just might pee myself. lol I bet those obamanation lemmings are shaking in their boots. I cannot wait for the debates. I think this is gonna be the best election year. :]


    Im a woman! AND IM NOT OFFENDED!

    I think she is an amazing choice and was picked on merit rather than gender or anyother physical trait. Which is more than can be said for obama considering people are voting for him simply cause he is HALF black. He really does fit his name OBAMANATION.

    Dont talk to me about paulin being chosen for affirmitave action reasons. Especially because everyone knows aa is so a liberal thing. duhhh.

  • 1 decade ago

    Apparently you don't have much company, but I'm sure she would appreciate your "rah-rah". She's a hard-line conservative, so she won't be getting any Hillary voters (they don't just vote on gender, contrary to popular opinion), her "more experience than Obama" is a joke considering that Alaska is a very non-diverse area (other than native Americans) that is at best the size of a small metro area. And she's under investigation for firing an official because they refused to fire the guy that broke up with her sister? Nice job, McCain. Thanks for sending more votes our way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yep i sure am and not just because we share the same gender but more so after hearing her speak i know we share the same values and that we fight a common enemy. And its a fight i will gladly join her in and it is my hope we all do. --------------Not only has her choice as VP by McCain once again exposed the utter hypocrisy and ineptitude of the Democrats it will renew all of our hopes that we can bring change to Washington and not just the rhetoric of Obama's tiresome message of "hope and change'!

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