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Lv 4
MBC asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 1 decade ago

Israel bashers: Have you ever been to Israel or do you know any Israelis personally?

If not, would you like to?

Why or why not?

Do you think it might modify your opinions about the place and the people if you were to have personal contact?


B: Cute retort, as usual. I miss you! :))) If I can get rid of this pesky virus and figure out how to set up a creative avatar, I'll put up a hoochy mama avatar for you, ok? :P

Update 2:

EDIT: Some of you have taken issue with my use of the term "Israel bashers". Please do not misunderstand me. I use this term specifically because my question is directed not at all persons who may be deemed "pro-Palestinian", but a specific subset of this group who consistently bash Israel and Israelis to the point of seeming to see nothing whatsoever that is good in either.

Update 3:

Stainless Steel: Your efforts towards resolving my virus are much appreciated. Specifically my problem is that the virus or whatever turned off my flash player and isn't allowing me to install it successfully again. I installed AVG Free Edition, but I don't know if it helped or not yet- haven't checked. Thanks again! :))))

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Israel bashers?!!!

    No and know many Jews.

    And i do not believe going to Israel

    will solve the problem if not intensify it!

    I tell you why.

    I'd a moderate views on the conflict, Pals, Jews & Zions and always been pro-Palestine but moderate even i knew the ferociousness and fiercely acts done by Zions upon Palestinians.

    But since i joined this section and experienced (first hand) rudeness, lies, insult, hatred, Zions creating multiple accounts only to continue their pathetic childish insults-reporting & etc, ....''this is Israel section''(as the rights are reserved for Zions only!!?), you get the feeling of how Palestinians are going through!?

    And don't get me started about being reported if you've an opinion about Israel!!?? and how cowardice Zions are!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the yankee people have an apprehension of Russians if those pretend Jew Khazar's have been uncovered people might positioned 2 and 2 mutually and picture why are we such acquaintances with those Russians as quickly as we had a chilly conflict against the others. Plus Jews call Jesus a bastard so maximum christians might hate Jews for asserting this form of element

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No lady I have never, ever been to israel.

    I don't want to go to israel.

    I am not scared or anything, I just don't feel like it.

    If you want my opinion about them jews, I prefer not to post it here because it ain't no good. To be more specific it sucks. Big time.

    So if I think that your precious little israel sucks do you think I like the israelian "fauna" by any chance?

    No I don't. Not one bit.

    This here Machine is not a jew fan.

    Is that a bad thing?

    Did you read all of those answers before me?

    I bet you did!

    Does anyone on this here planet thinks that the jews deserve to have a country?

    I believe that by the end of 2009 there will be no israel or a YA israel section neither.

    Wanna bet?

    The Machine is back and the Machine is always right.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I have met some israelis in my life.

    I can't say I was thrilled or exited to meet them tho.

    They all looked very much like Arabs and a couple of jew ladies were real hot.

    That's it.

    I hope i've answered your question correctly.

    Now as far as your spyware infection is concerned, all I can say is that you have a rootkit infection that messes up your TCP/IP settings and hijacks some of the search pages of your box.

    You can always try these:

    Rogue Remover:

    Mcafee Rootkit Detective:

    Sophos anti-rootkit:

    But first you need to ID the pest and then Google/Yahoo-search any manual instructions about removing and disinfecting your box.

    Take care

    Edit: On the other hand some over-zealous browsers "think" that them cute little avatars are ads and simply hide them or do not download them inside your cache.

    Some Internet protection programs also do that.

    Before doing anything crazy, check your browser settings, lower your shields by one notch and if no good, then go on and post at Y! answers - Computers - Desktops - or Security.

    There are plenty of Good Samaritans there ready to give a helping hand.

    Steel out

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. I've known plenty and I've been to the Holy Land five times. I found the jews to be quite rude and overbearing. i was disgusted by their ill-treatment of the Palestinians,who I found to be a kind and gentle people. My family has been going to Palestine since 1910 when my great-grandfather first went. We have seen the changes. We know most of the Christians are gone and we know why,and although the term ethnic cleansing wasn't around in the 40's we still knew that all those fleeing refugees would be permitted to come back when hostilities ended the way people normally do,like the Belgians in 44-45. My grandfather was in Jordan many times when the West Bank was part of it,and he's appalled by what the izzies have done to it and it's people. It's disgraceful.

  • Robin
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I have not been to Israel, and I am not sure I would ever go there, although I have a friend who did....they make great falafel!

    Maybe it would change my opinion if i did go there? I don't know. I don't think this would be true if i went to the camps in Ramallah or if I went to see the wall in the west Bank.

    I think my opinion is firmly routed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a "basher" but I do think Palestine deserves a better government than some weird European fantasy game played out IRL. Yes,I've been there and I did not like the zionists at all. The real people of the land - the Pals - were very kind and generous; I visited many homes in the WB. They were quite hospitable. I encountered quite a few of those so-called "settlers" and as far as I'm concerned they were jewish nazis,plain and simple. I've never heard such hatefulness and racism in my life. The contact definitely affected my thinking. Until then I'd been brainwashed by the U.S. media. Actually going to the WB was a complete revelation. The roles of victim and victimizer were the opposite of the media portrayal.

  • Zeno
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes,I was there for ten days in 1999 and over the years I have known more than a hundred former or present citizens of this alleged state,including members of the Jewish organization Tikkun,which favors a zionist withdrawal from the Palestinian Territories. Amnesty International also has many Jewish members,and I am co-chairperson of the local chapter. By "Israel bashers" I presume you mean anyone who favors a normative democracy for Palestine proceeding without regard to race,creed or color. I have always been opposed to the ethnic state. I oppose racism,I oppose driving people from their homeland,I oppose gross militarism and cold-blooded murder. In the U.S. most "Israel bashers" are peace activists and I am no exception. I regard the zionist regime as one of the most racist and war-mongering regimes on earth and I firmly favor it's dissolution,particularly as it now proceeds to drag the whole world into a major war,probably using nuclear weapons,in the Mideast. It is clearing planning to wage war on Iran very shortly. This will involve the U.S. and Russia on conflicting sides. Iran has never been known to attack any country. In the last two years alone,the zionists have attacked Lebanon,Syria and the now legally autonomous Gaza,which they have placed under siege. But I am not just an "israeli basher"; I would oppose the establishment of any ethnic state anywhere,particularly if as in the case of Yugoslavia and this item hogging up Palestine,it establishes ethnic purity by systematic exclusion,expulsion and murder. I would be opposed to declaring the U.S. an official "Anglo- Saxon State" based on driving out anyone who cannot prove they are Anglo-Saxon on their mother's side going back four generations. The whole zionist concept is as idiotic and it is racist and brutal. It is a fascist regime and I want it to go the way of Yugoslavia,and for the same reasons.

    Yes,I was a "Yugoslavia basher" in the 90's and I would have been a "Germany basher" in the 30's. Most decent people believe in racial and ethnic equality,not in a societal structure based at the most fundamental level on ethnic cleansing.

    I trust this answers your question.

  • John E
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My dear lady, I would prefer to address this question more politely to all of the fine people coming here posting their thoughts.

    I mean how about using "Palestinian Supporters" instead of "Israel bashers" ?

    My 2c of course.

    Yes, I have met some Israelis and when I tried to get some input about the condition of living of the Palestinian people, they just called me names that I am not allowed to post here.

    Some of these names were in Russian so I figured out the general meaning of those.

    Excuse me but I somehow do not believe that this avatar expresses your true feelings my dear.

    I could be wrong of course but that's how I feel.


  • 1 decade ago

    I've never been to Israel. I don't know an Israeli nor would I like to know.

    If I visit Palestine, the first thing I'm going to do is cry cry cry. Cry to see the place for which thousands of Palestinians have sacrificed their life. Cry after seeing the Palestinian people whom I love so much.

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