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Palins daughter pregnant at the age of 17?

I am soon to be 17 and I am a pretty firm democrat already, so it is only obvious that I am an Obama/Biden '08 supporter and I have just heard of the news that Gov. Palins daughter is expecting a baby and is five months pregnant.

I strongly do not believe in a lot of what Senator McCain or Governor Palin have to bring to the table when it comes to political views and do not want to be in a country that has a leader with those views, one of them being Pro-Life.

I understand that Palin had a downs syndrome child just four months ago, and that understandably gives her more of a reason to be Pro-life. However, it strikes me as a bit hypocritical of her and McCain (and most Republicans) to ignore the first amendment which is "Freedom of speech, press and petition" which includes choice -which McCain nor Palin seem to support by their Pro-choice views, but instead to support the second one, "Right to Bare Arms", which both have the potentiality to risk someone or somethings life.

By that I mean: making it possible to get a gun at the age of 18 could potentially put a family, a friend, a stranger, a nation, or the world at high risk of tragedy or a cruel act. As could allowing it possible for a teenaged girl, young woman, or even an older woman who feels she can not handle the responsility of raising a child and doing what she feels is the best thing to do and all that she can do, for whatever reason she feels that way, could potentially take away from a (what could be) human life.

Being nearly 17 myself, not pregnant, and having a friend who currently thinks she could be pregnant, I could only TRY to put myself in a girl who is my age and pregnants' shoes. Seeing how afraid my friend is, and imagining how afraid I would be, I can only imagine how afraid Governor Palins daughter is as well, and how hard it must be to have to deal with a mother who is running as VP for a party who is pro-life, and having to go through this time publically.

Now, being Democratic, this is very hard for me to even believe myself saying (haha) BUT I have kind of gained more respect for Palin because she is one of the few Republicans whose views are SINCERE enough to not be hypocritical to them. Even though Palin has every right to be dissapointed in her daughter, she is still pro-life-and because she believes in that view she has (and also because she, like any mother, loves her daughter) to support her daughter, and I think it shows a lot of character. (I don't necessarily believe that her daughter should be made to marry the father of the child, though....but that's beside the point and I don't want to talk about that.)

However, I have also realized she HAS to support her daughter, because she'd lose loads of respect if she didn't and I think Barack nailed it when he said (in response to the news) that family should always, no matter what, be off limits-which only makes me like him even more for sticking to the importance in this election; that being everything the next President of the U.S. has to get done to benefit this country now and for in the future and that he is not going to allow himself or Biden to bash the other party for their candidates family problems.

And although this kind of made the Republican party look a little bad, I think it could kind of also help them. It also could help Barack make more excellent and tastefully mannered comments which could boost Democratic support as well.

I do, however, believe that if Biden had a 17 year old daughter and this happened to her, McCain would take this to his benefit and would somehow use it to make Biden look unfit for Vice Presidency.

The main question is, how do you feel about this situation?


I know he is not trying to BAN ( I made that in all caps just for you, Janny ) abortion.

However, I want a president who can not only support their views and ideals, but also support what is amended.

Barack doesn't want to BAN the second amendment, and he isn't against guns (like McCain and Palin are AGAINST gay marriage and abortion) he supports the second amendment, unlike McCain and Palin with the first amendment, he just wants something done about it so that there are no more innocent children, adults, elderly or even animals found dead due to the gun hungry people who are getting their guns because there are not enough regulations when it comes to purchasing a gun.

There should never be a regulation against an abortion.

I'm not saying I believe in them, but I am saying it's better for a 14 year old girl who doesn't know what to do to have every single choice to choose from as all of the other 14 years olds had 10 years ago, 40 years ago, or even 0ne year ago.

Update 2:


and with John McCain in office, there is no evidence as to if that will be there for her.

I hope that by the time I am old enough to have a teenager, and if it happens to be a girl and if she happens to get pregnant, that she has the choice of abortion, adoption, or raising, as I would have right now if I did get pregnant, or as my friend could have.

That is all.

Update 3:

I find it offensive, Jobo, that just because of my political views, and from just saying that I am pro-choice, you took it upon yourself to imply that we ALL want every teenager who is pregnant to get an abortion...that is what is pathetic, you. You clearly have no knowledge.

It's called "pro-CHOICE", not "Pro-Nazi".

Update 4:


I will quote you with this as well, b/c I want to feel as smart as you.

I'll even break it down into parts-the two parts that I will be addressing.

"...1. it [abortion] contradicts the law against murder, 2. because the baby is alive when it is inside you."

1. You are so right! I totally forgot about the laws on murder! Because you seem to be so educated with the laws on murder, maybe you can inform why capital punishment is still around.

2. The human embryo does not begin breathing until it is 3 months devoloped. Yes, it developes and developing indicates some form of life, but not necessarily "human" life.

You can fight me on that all you want, because no matter what scientific quotes you have, they're all opinion.

A plant developes, a plant is life, too.

An embryo devolopes TO BE a human life, but it does not start breathing until it is 3 months old and to be a human life form you need a heart, a brain and the other organs which don't start...

Update 5:


developing until after that third month.

So wouldn't the states that still perform Capital Punishment more elligable to be tried for murder?

Update 6:


I did not say in any of my body or additional details that "THE DAY I GET PREGNANT, I AM GOING TO GET AN ABORTION" all I said was that I am pro-choice....actually, I don't think I even said that I am pro-choice at all in that main body of my question, so really I don't know why it was already implied, but you guys are really good at guessing if I didn't.

Being pro-choice does not mean that atleast once in my life I will get an abortion, it means that I believe that everyone should be given the option.

You are able to see two sides if you are pro-choice.

You don't even have to believe in the act of aborting even if you are pro-choice.

Being Pro-Life, you believe in one answer and one answer only, (no matter what circumstance) and that answer is to not abort, and I don't believe in it.

That is that.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hypocritical of the Republican party. The government will never stop abortions. If a woman does not want to give birth she won't. No options and she could through herself down a flight of stairs. And seriously, until a man can carry a baby for nine months and suffer through periods he should leave abortions and rights to females only. Have your point of view. Abortion should be the last reason to vote for a President and not the first. Gov Palin is pro life to the fullest point. Gov Palin is against abortion EVEN if a woman is raped or pregnant by incest. Very wrong. It also sickens me she wanted Ariel shooting of wolves. She is suing to get the polar bears off the endangered list JUST so she can build a gas pipeline. Everything is available through search engines. And just don't believe angry people like me. Go to her own website and learn what she's voted for and what she's been against. You can't go around forcing your religious beliefs on others when your own house is filled with skeletons. I'd never want her as VP or as President. And yes, she'd be President if McCain died or became ill.

    In November 2006, then gubernatorial candidate Sarah Palin declared that she would not support an abortion for her own daughter even if she had been raped.

    Plenty of proof-just search.

    Source(s): I was for Hillary and was not going to vote. Until now, when McCain picked Palin I became an Obama supporter.
  • 5 years ago

    I think it's pathetic how liberals are using this to their advantage. Did you hear the rumors that Palin's 2 month old baby was actually her 17 year old daughters? I guess those rumors can be dropped now! I heard a girl on TV saying "How could a woman who can't even control her daughter, run the United States." I wanted to jump in the TV and slap her! How ignorant can you be? Barack Hussein Obama has so much more crap that needs to be looked into, but I NEVER see the media covering it! Or Biden? I haven't heard a word about him and I'm sure he's got some skeletons... Anyway, I think Palin would be a great vice-president, whether she has a new grand-baby or not, and I am definitely voting for the McCain ticket.

  • 1 decade ago

    "Freedom of speech, press and petition" which includes choice -which McCain nor Palin seem to support by their Pro-choice views, but instead to support the second one, "Right to Bare Arms", which both have the potentiality to risk someone or somethings life."

    I only answered because the statement I quoted you on above.

    "Freedom of speech, press and petition" which includes choice -which McCain nor Palin seem to support by their Pro-choice views"

    To start with, yes, the first amendment does include freedom of choice, but the choice the pro-choicers is not a choice that is protected by that amendment, it contradicts the law against murder, because the baby is alive when it is inside you.There is no consititutional right that is contradicted by a law, that atleast is not describe exceptions for, and there is no exception for the aborting of living unborn babies.

    "but instead to support the second one, "Right to Bare Arms", which both have the potentiality to risk someone or somethings life."

    The second amendment is a right to bare a firearm. When that amendment was written, it was ment for the right to protect yourself, an abortion does not protect yourself, unless your life is indangered (in which case it is understandably justifyable). When you acknowledge that a firearm can potentially kill somone, as a point towards abortion, then you must see that abortion does kill the baby? In which breaks the law for murder. What are you going to do to protect yourself when someone breaks in your house with a gun? Why would you have to abort a baby, if your life being indangered from having it, or other extreme circumstances were not involved in the situation? Thats the difference. One is to keep your self safe, and possibly save your life, the other is for your own selfish reasons.

    To on_a_mission, "Palin wants to make it so even if you are raped!"

    That is a rumor, that has yet to have a source or proof, oh, and by the way, you wouldn't happen to have a source to prove that.

    To the Kels; "1. "You are so right! I totally forgot about the laws on murder! Because you seem to be so educated with the laws on murder, maybe you can inform why capital punishment is still around."

    I don't agree with capital punishment, by the way. Everyone is entitled to be alive, what they have done in their past (criminals), will have to take it up with God, when they meet him. But the difference is, an unborn baby, did nothing wrong, infact, nothing at all, but be concieved, the abortion of a baby is unjustifyable, with the exception for extremem cirumstances, rape, incest, mothers life, ect. A criminal committed a hainous act that some would justify with capital punishment.

    "2. The human embryo does not begin breathing until it is 3 months devoloped. Yes, it developes and developing indicates some form of life, but not necessarily "human" life.

    You can fight me on that all you want, because no matter what scientific quotes you have, they're all opinion.

    A plant developes, a plant is life, too."

    Not necessarily human life?! What, is it a plant when it's inside you. No, it is human life. If it is human when it is out of the womb, than it was human when it was in it, period.

    Yes, a plant is a life, but it is not a human life, you cannot compare the life of a plant to a human life. A human life is far more precious than a plant life.

    "An embryo devolopes TO BE a human life, but it does not start breathing until it is 3 months old and to be a human life form you need a heart, a brain and the other organs which don't start......continued"

    Okay, point taken, but what does an abortion stop? It stops it from growing into a human being, when it has already started. So if it has started, it is a life, aborting it at 3 months and under may stop the life from growing into a human form, but it is still a life.

    "Being Pro-Life, you believe in one answer and one answer only, (no matter what circumstance) and that answer is to not abort, and I don't believe in it."

    Not true, and is a wrongful generalization, I think an abortion is only a choice when either, rape, incest, and if the mothers life is indangered, than it is a choice.

    "I will quote you with this as well, b/c I want to feel as smart as you."

    You know you shouldn't try to be something your not.... JK, JK, lol...

    Can you answer my questions?; If a criminal can get a long sentence for killing an unborn baby, than doesn't that mean the courts consider an unborn human, at any stage, a life?

    Do you think Prostitution should be legal?

    Do you think Suicide should be legal?

    Tatoos at any age?

    Those are all things woman CAN do to their bodies, but don't, because there illegal. So do you think they should be (legal)?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe that it shows that Palin is wrong on her views of education. Her daughter probably wouldn't be pregnant had she had all of the facts about sex.

    Anything more about this situation we won't know until after the election, as everything currently is show and may fall apart once it stops being important.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This woman doesn't like children just the way to get them. I guess they have always had so much money - it didn't matter how many they put out.

    She DID NOT spend ANY time with her kids.

    Why did she not castrate the husband and sterilize herself rather than produce more unloved kids.

    Mine was the same way - but kept it down to two - thank God.

    She was a business woman - she had to be so we could eat.!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think its pretty ironic that someone who as a republican, runs on their "family values" and has stated that they believe in "abstinence only" when it comes to sex ed now has a preggo teen aged daughter. Apparently, just saying "no" doesn't really work to well whether it comes to sex, alcohol, drugs...

  • J
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    McCain has no intention to BAN abortion by the way. Though personally he is pro-life, the motivation for overturning Roe vs Wade is a STATES RIGHTS issue. He wants to return the decision to the states. Check it out on his webpage.

    "John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and as president he will nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench.

    Constitutional balance would be restored by the reversal of Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion question to the individual states. The difficult issue of abortion should not be decided by judicial fiat."

    The stance on the Second Amendment is based off of the constitution as well.

    "John McCain believes that the right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms is a fundamental, individual Constitutional right that we have a sacred duty to protect. We have a responsibility to ensure that criminals who violate the law are prosecuted to the fullest, rather than restricting the rights of law abiding citizens. Gun control is a proven failure in fighting crime. Law abiding citizens should not be asked to give up their rights because of criminals - criminals who ignore gun control laws anyway."

    Beware of any politician that wants to take away your guns. The Second Amendment is, by design, meant to also protect people from their own government.

    Source(s): McCain / Palin 2008
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, the republicans would bring up "moral values and christian beliefs" . After how brutally they attacked Obama's family, there's no doubt they would use it.

    Source(s): JANNA this issue to ban abortion because this election rides HIGH on the next supreme court justices and they can overturn it. Palin wants to make it so even if you are raped! That you still shouldnt be allowed an abortion.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow, a pregnant 17 year old, how unusual. I guess you liberals would have liked it better if she had killed the baby. You liberals are pathetic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with Obama. This should be off limits. Bristol is not the candidate.

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