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Is it normal for my husband to do this?

We live on a property 1 hr from the nearest town,and he dosn,t let me go any where unless i ask him first.He never takes me and the kids any where,on Wednesday i wanted to go to another town to do the shopping he said no.Today he has gone to our nearest city and he knew i wanted to go but said no.then yelled at me for being up set.This is,nt just a one off it happens all the time,he goes away fishing and to rodeos and i have to stay home our kids are 10 and over so that's not the reason any advise would help thanks

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's normal for a husband to want to know where his wife and kids are - my husband and I always know of each other's whereabouts - but it's not normal for you to have to ask his permission to go somewhere, and for him to just say "no" with no apparent reason. A normal thing would be for you to let him know you're going shopping and for him to either say - "cool, see you later", or give a reason why he doesn't think it's a good idea ("honey, we need to save money, we just had a huge tax bill", or "but we were gonna go out to eat tonight, remember?") The situation you describe is not normal.

    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like a control freak. Does he have a girlfriend he doesn't want you to find out about, and is keeping you away from the town so no one sees you together? Get your own car, and go where you want to. He will try and keep you home all the time, and that is not right especially for the kids.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you a child or something? Because the only people I have ever heard of having to ask permission to go anywhere is a child because they are not mature enough to make their own decisions. I think your husband has conditioned you to beleive that he is your keeper. You could make a point of this to him by asking him permission to do everything, I mean everything, like doing the dishes and making the bed etc. Soon enough he may realise that he doesn't want another child around the house. Then when he asks you why you are asking permission for everything, point out that he wants you to ask him if you can have a mind of your own when it comes to going out, so why not for everything. He wants you to be his little baby, then act like it. Your not his child, you are his Wife, if he doesn't like the idea of that, show him where the door is. He sounds like a cruel, heartless, self centred use up!

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree with the other answers you got,you are definitely being controlled and dominated,why haven't you stood up for yourself and demanded your on life,are you worried he'll leave if going thru this maybe he should,sorry to say that but you get married to enrich and enhance your life not set you back,first thing that would come to mind is he's very insecure and worries you may meet someone else,but you said he don't even want you out with him,therefore i thought maybe he has another family,or girl,if not he need help,it'll only get worse if it havent already,i'm speaking from experience,when i left my controlling ex i got kidnapped and worse,so convince him to seek help,find out the root of the problem,whatever happens please be safe

    Source(s): my experience
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it's called your being emotionally abused. you and your kids have the right to go anywhere you want to. he's controlling you! stop it, and stop it now. it could also mean he's cheating, and will do anything to keep you home. been there done that. get out, just leave take the kids and go!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's too controlling,

    tell him to back off and that

    you moved out of your parents house

    a while ago you don't anyone else telling you what to do.

    Or you can just 'talk to him about it', but the

    conversation will probably end up like that anyways.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope to GOODNESS that this question is a joke. If not, then missy you are in a dictatorship NOT a marriage. Either you lay down the law that you two are PARTNERS or you GET OUT. Plain and simple.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No he's controlling your every move. You need to go places too, and it wouldn't be okay even if he stayed home all the time too. Talk to him about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like a marriage I wouldn't wan't. And neither should you. My advice: Get out now!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he sounds mean, you are a big girl you are allowed to come and go as you please, you dont need permission, just tell him you are going, what is he honestly going to do besides say no?? next time he wants to go fishing or to a rodeo, simply tell him no and see how he likes it.

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