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Do you think it will be hard for American's to support Obama because of his name and race?

I have decided to support him this coming election. My decision is based on the issues and his leadership abilities. To me, he is clearly the most qualified candidate. But, I wonder will the black thing or his colorful name get in the way with middle America.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    for some americans yes. Hopefully, we'll be able to see past race this election and vote for the right person.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know any republicans personally who aren't voting for him based on his race, only a few racist anonymous comments which would be the case towards anyone of color coming from those people's mouths. It's mostly the Democratic poropaganda trying to make people feel like if they don't vote for him it must be because they're racist, so all the democrats have been labeling life long Republicans racists, and can't comprehend why they wouldn't vote for someone THEY like.

    I'm not voting for him for ideological reasons. I'll admit I'm not crazy about his name one bit, but that has nothing to do with my decision to continue supporting the Republican candidate. I think he's a nice guy with a beautiful family, but I could never vote Democratically.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I think that it will be hard to support him unless he is somehow vetted to the satisfaction of Independent voters, such as I am. I should have already decided for him, but I have not because I do not yet see this so evident qualification that so many talk about. I still need to understand the evolution of his political thought, and until certain question of his past associations are clear to me, I will refrain from giving my support to him. There are still a lot of us out here that though they would like to be convinced, are not, and for good reason.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most qualified???? I don't think so. Did he ever serve in the military? No. How many years of experience does he have? Maybe 1/10 of McCain's, if that. What did he do in his past? Drugs. It's true, look it up! He even admitted to getting high. If he was not black, he would be not be running for president. His race is to his benefit.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Check Obama's resume here. aims to put together a simple and complete description of Barack Obama's career.

    From MarketWatch: The thinness of the John McCain resume

  • I hate it.

    but yes I have heard plenty stupid people that do no research into the election say that they can't vote for him just because of his name.

    One of my very closest friends listened to her husband when he told her that Obama was muslim. when I laughed at her she looked very confused!

    ignorance and non willing to check facts is what will hurt him... well... and the KKK

  • ksw
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes...unfortunately, there are a lot of racist Americans.

    I am voting for him though!

  • Dan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    no, but it will be hard to support mcain cuz he doesn't even remember how many houses he has.

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