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O.K., so my son started his new school yesterday and some of the kids called him creepy.?

I am not sure why, as he has always been a popular kid and is gorgeous. He has done some professional modeling, etc. We have always lived in a big city and just recently moved to a small town. He is 8 and does have both his ears pierced, but if that is what they meant by creepy, I don't know. This morning he got up and spiked his hair with red gel and painted his fingernails black. He said if they wanted to call him creepy, he would show them what creepy was! I say good on him, his father disagrees. Any thoughts?


NO my baby isn't GAY. He has had his ears pierced since he was a baby. NO ONE in Dallas or Seattle had issue with it, nor did the kids here say anything about his ears. Also, he has been at school for 3 hours now, so I doubt he is getting sent home.

Update 2:

AH, people's ignorance. Having BOTH ears pierced does not mean you are GAY. My husband has both his done, most professional athletes have both theirs done, Criss Angel has his done, the list I could make would take DAYS.

36 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They only called him creepy because they found him interesting...They want to be like him...Yet they lack the courage to be'm an elementary school teacher and I'm a professional session drummer/model...I have had both ears pierced since I was 17 two holes in my left ear and I wear all my rings everyday...My wife and friends love it and so do I...Your son is cool and I hope he does really well

  • 1 decade ago

    Well Im pretty sure that he is an awesome kid! This is why they call him creepy in small towns people are not so open mind like people from city are! Here is a quote " People dont like what they cant understand or what it is different to them." Hes ears are pierced thats cool he is a model I dont think that a kid of his age in a small town can see this as normal he needs to addapt to his new school and try to make new friends he wont be alone he was a popular kid there are kids who will like him I understand he feels weird cuz hes always been the popular kid but not now just be suportive and give him a lot of love Im sure this will end soon with what he did this morning im pretty sure that he can handle this!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Small town kids have small town views and your son may be more than what they are used to. It'll take a while for all to adjust and get used to each other. There's a difference though between unique, creative and creepy and not by red gel hair spikes and black nail polish on an 8 year old boy. Tone his appearance down a bit, he's only 8 not 18.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with his father for a few reasons--be sure you aren't putting your son in a situation where he could possibly draw more unwanted attention to himself--will his spiked hair and nail polish be seen as a disruption to the classroom? You don't want him to get punished by the teacher.

    It seems like your son is taking the defensive position with his classmates: "He said if they wanted to call him creepy, he would show them what creepy was!" I think a better approach would be to tell your son you love him, to ignore the hurtful comments or teach him how to laugh them off with out insulting someone else.

    It's important to tell your son how much you love him and be supportive of him but at the same time he's new to the school and town and you want him to make new friends. I'm sure your son is great with a shining personality, the kids at school will realize this as soon as they get to know the real him, not the "I'll show them what a creep is" him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with his father, that is an unusual look. At the age of 8, children tend to be abusive towards things that are different. That would include race. I am assuming that your son is also Asian. If you are living in a small town, it is likely that he is the only one of his race. Remember, children aren't born racist, that is a learned behavior. I myself am of mixed race and it wasn't easy when I was young, but you get stronger. I hope your son knows that the way he sees himself is much more important than how others might see him. If he is comfortable with who he is and knows that there are people that do care about him, he'll be just fine and the teasing will eventually stop. Also bear in mind that sometimes people say things just to get a reaction. As he grows more into the person that he is going to be, he will be better able to deal with adversity. I hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago


    Your son must be a smart kid as you r saying and im sure u must feel bad that people r calling ur son creepy. Your son dressed as a creep really, maybe the people in his school think he really creepy now because ur son knows how a creep dresses completely and they might not realise that he is trying to make a point that he is not creepy.All i say is give it a try and also think about his dads (ur husbands point of view) and then see what happens. If people keep saying he is creepy then u will have to do something but for now just let him give it a try. You never no what willl happen :) take my advice because its the best! :)

    Source(s): Me !
  • 1 decade ago

    guess that would make me gay since I have both mine also its not gay when wearing 3/4 k diamonds in them

    I think its children being mean to the new kid and I say good for him to do that showing that he has a backbone and not allowing the new school kids to get the better of him is great

  • FUNdie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, because now they're REALLY going to call him creepy. That's the worst advice you could give him. Why did you allow an 8-year old boy to pierce his ears? Do you WANT people to think he's gay? You will give him a complex. I can only see trouble ahead in the teen years for your son.

  • 1 decade ago

    My nephew started a new school this year too and is having some trouble with the students... They call him gay and strange. I've found out that with boys that's a big thing... calling someone is "gay" or "creepy". I believe that once the new wears off that things will get better. I hope so.

  • 1 decade ago

    That was horrible that the other kids called him "Creepy", but honestly, I think the whole red hair, spiked and black fingernails will just make the kids tease him more. I say he should just ignore them all and try to make new friends. Egging them on isn't going to help.

    Source(s): I have a 7 year old.
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