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Where are hypocritical republicans who blasted Clinton for his example he was setting for the youth of America?

When he was having an affair thats all you heard about. Why are they not blasting McCain for picking a person who’s teenage daughter is pregnant out of wedlock. This is the same thing as saying that’s ok what kind of example is this setting for teenage women in this country where is the outrage by the religious right on how this will corrupt our daughters into believing this kind of behavior is ok. Notice I am not criticizing Palin’s daughter or Palin I am criticizing the republican leadership for saying this is the best example to our youth that we can find in our party to make VP. Was there no one else?


Shane I am not saying Palin didn't admit it and your right she should not be punished for it but the question is that it sets a bad example for our young by implying that it is ok and they couldn't find someone else for VP says a much about the republican party.

Update 2:

Try answering the question and not going off on a rant about how I attacked Palin's daughter I didn't

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They went back into thier caves.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe there is a big difference between a middle aged man committing adultery in the highest elected office in the country and a couple of teenagers making a mistake. Sure, it would be better for their family if this hadn't occurred. However, it is amazing the level that the democrats have lowered themselves in attacking this situation. What in the world would you all have to talk about if it wasn't for this issue? One day before the election, you will realize all the time and effort that you expended on an issue that will have no bearing whatsoever on the election. In the meantime, if it wasn't so sick and disgusting how this situation is being used, I would actually be glad to see you beat this drum all the way to defeat. Since there are two young kids, and soon to be a baby, involved, you really should drop the issue and move on for common decency.

  • 1 decade ago

    No one is claiming that the behavior of Palins daughter is ok. It was a mistake, and she has admitted that. But when someone makes a mistake, then admits to it and looks for support, we will give it. If she had tried to lie about it and hide it and make up excuses about it, or bomb an aspirin factory to divert attention from it, then we might have a problem.....but that's not happening is it? That's what democrats do.

  • rich k
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Why would you expect, given their history, that the Republicans would ever hold themselves to the same standard they do others? In their rhetoric morality is matter of grammatical tense, somethings moral in the first tense, "We did it"; it's immoral in the third tense, "They did it.", it's simple as that. Since the American people love and approve that kind of behavior and have rewarded it with the Presidency seven times to two in the last 40 years, the GOP has no reason to change, you don't fix something if it ain't broke.

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  • J&J
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hmmm... a 50-something, mature, smart man who runs the free world taking advantage of a 21-year-old subordinate...


    A 17-year-old who made a mistake and is trying to make the best of it...

    Tough comparison there.

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