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How much to tax the rich?

The 2009 U.S. federal budget is 3,110 Billion dollars. If you tax the rich at 100%, the richest man in the world, Bill Gates, would only keep the country running for 6½ days. According to Forbes, there are 987 billionaires in the world, slightly more than half of which are U.S. citizens. Trump, let's be charitable and say he's worth $4 billion. Even taxed at 100%, his money doesn't even keep the U.S. running for a half day. So, at best, all the billionaires combined, might barely run the country for one year. But it took years for them to accumulate their money and will take years again. In the meantime, their companies will have been liquidated and sold to foreign buyers to raise the capital. By taxing the rich into extinction, all that happens is that foreigners will own all of America. Is this the bailout that Obama promises by raising taxes on the rich?

Granted, it would qualify as change. Change we could do without, thank you.


Hitler ranted about the Jews destroying the country. Obama rants about the rich destroying the country. Aryans rant about blacks destroying the country. Everybody has a scapegoat they want to blame. "Tax the rich, feed the poor, til there are no rich no more." ~ Ten Years After

Update 2:

Georgemarvin, taxes & SS are two different things. And yes, no matter how much you earn, you only have to contribute a maximum amount each year into SS. But you only get a maximum amount back in retirement, no matter how much you earned. For 2008. the max SS benefit is $26K per year. And if you're still earning during retirement, then part of your SS is taxed as income.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Taxing the rich is just a good buzz phrase with democrats. they know there are less rich people than middle class and poor people. What better way to get the majority of the vote than to buddy up to the larger classes and demonize the small 'rich class'

    If they really realized howmany of the 'rich folks they want to demonize are actually sitting in Washington making the laws, they would be hesitant to believe these lawmakers were going to raise taxes on themselves. After all they are the only people I know who write their own raises and benefits packages courtesy of taxpayers money.

    It's like Hillary and Bill claiming to be one of the black's all smoke and mirrors to endear them to groups that they think will get them elected.

  • 1 decade ago

    Currently, the top 10% of the population control over 87% of the wealth in this nation and pay 65% of the income taxes. The bottom 40% of the population control less than 1% of the nation's wealth and only pay 3% of all income taxes. However, due to the fact that there is a cap on social security taxes, the poorest 40% pay over 20% of the social security taxes, so they actually contribute far more as a percentage of the total federal budget than their share of the nation's wealth would indicate to be their fair share. The percentage of the nation's wealth controlled by the top 10% has increased every year since 1980, while that of the lowest 40% has decreased. It's the old saying "The rich get richer while the poor get poorer".

    A much fairer system would be to allow the first 20,000 of income to be tax free, nobody gets any exemptions, then all other income is taxed at the same rate, whether you make $30,000 or 30 million.

    Also, everybody pays the same percentage into social security, and receives the same benefits back. With that system, Bill Gates might get a social security check of $1 billion a year when he retires, but you must admit that it isn't fair that somebody making $8,000 a year has to pay 13% of her income, while Gates pays in less than .00001% of his into a mandatory system that there is no way to opt out of, while people making less than $20,000 per year live much shorter lives than those making over $50,000; she won't ever live long enough to get a penny back. Let the rich pay into the system at the same rate as everybody else.

  • 1 decade ago

    Man clearly said that those businesses or companies who keep the jobs here in America would be given tax incentives to do so. Those who posture to enjoy the good of America while sending jobs to other countries for cheap labor would pay higher taxes.

    "In the meantime, their companies will have been liquidated and sold to foreign buyers to raise the capital." That scenario is happening right now with the Pubs in office so what accounts for that. 200 years ago foreigners started owning America. Don't believe that just ask the Indians.

    It doesn't take an MIT graduate to know that a tax base as described is so far exaggerated that it isn't plausible to relate that to simply closing loops holes that allow the ultra rich to pay taxes comparable to some middle class Americans.

    Obama also calls on those using need based programs to be more positively accountable for the help they receive and closing loops holes there as well. Results in using them for shorter periods of time and moving on to be a viable part of society.

    As a scare tactic, socialism has been thrown around like it would be a new never happened before thing in America. It's happening within that 5% in the distribution of wealth at the tax burden of the middle class.

    So what positive change has McCain proposed than would start a healing of this economic diaster that we are riding on. Nada, Nothing. Being that he is in that 5%, he certainly doesn't have middle America's concerns high on the list as there is a conflict of interest.

    Give me someone that actually, truly gives a damn that I'm hurting. They are more vested in finding a way to remove the cause than give me a placebo and try to convince me the pain is just in my mind.

    8 yrs. of an blithering idiot for a president is enough for me. Enough failed cowboy tactics. I want a president busy about the mess of this country not one occupied with sweeping the dirt of the previous failed administration under the rug through party loyalty.

    Independent for

    Obama/Biden 2008

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    basically 17% of possibly U.S. voters now say the rustic is on the right song, in accordance to a sparkling Rasmussen comments national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, July 24. That looking is the backside measured provided that January eleven, 2009. From August 2007 to early January 2009, self assurance interior the rustic’s modern-day course ranged from a low of 10% to a intense of 24%. whilst President Obama assumed workplace, optimism rose to 27% and climbed to the low to mid 30s until might 2009. That discern has progressively declined provided that. Seventy-5 p.c. (seventy 5%) of voters say the rustic is heading down the incorrect song, the utmost looking provided that early January 2009. provided that that element, voter pessimism had ranged from fifty seven% to seventy two%. maximum Republicans (ninety one%) and voters no longer affiliated with the two political occasion (seventy seven%) have confidence the rustic is heading down the incorrect song. Even a stable majority (fifty 8%) of Democrats now say the rustic is heading interior the incorrect path.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm hoping to be rich one day (aren't we all) and I'm working very hard toward that goal. I'm not yet, by far, especially with the stocks sliding into the abyss the way they are. But my point is that if I make it there, to the American dream, my pursuit of happiness, I don't want my money taken by Obama or any other liberal dem just so they can use it to buy votes from those that either don't aspire to do much or.....well....I guess those that don't aspire to do much. That's their problem and their fault, not mine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is a great question, it shows that the government is on the way to bankrupting all of us. If you think you are going to put Democrats in and they will fix it? Keep dreaming.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If Republicans didn't drive up the deficit constantly.. We wouldn't have to tax them more..

    Besides = The rich hire people strictly to avoid paying taxes.. The ones that don't? Well, ummmm... They lose far more than the others pay....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OHHHHHHHH - Those poor rich folks!

    I'll gladly cook and eat each of them - they have no socially redeeming qualities!

  • 1 decade ago


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