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Lv 5
Jon asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

In the debate for global warming whether it dose..?

or does not exist.

Why haven't they rebranded their argument to something that everyone can get behind.

Like improving energy efficiency.

I know this would get rid of the whole carbon offsets that Al Gore is pitching.

But wouldn't this be a better argument.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Who is 'they'? Everybody talks about energy efficiency. Ever heard of EnergyStar appliances and CFLs? Hybrid cars? People who acknowledge that humans are causing global warming are always encouraging improved energy efficiency. Including Al Gore. The end of 'An Inconvenient Truth' included a list of ways to become more energy efficient!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It would, but the key point to be made on this subject is that all of the major proponents of the AGW scam are against high tech answers to the energy problem. A few of them will support nuclear but they all seem to reject the real solutions to be found by going into space. If Jimmy Carter had not made his anti technology edicts the US today would be exporting cheap space generated electricity to the world and oil usage mostly for the making of plastics would be less than a tenth what it is today. There would be no call for reducing Co2 because with virtually no excess output people would recognize that it is solar activity not Co2 that brings about warming and cooling of the planet.

    Let us instead put that money where it will do some good like into a new and better reusable earth to orbit shuttle and a moon base to begin the production of orbital factories and power stations. We need to put the money where it will generate practical solutions to real problems rather than a lot of divorced from reality ivory tower failures pampering themselves and wasting money on feel good concepts that never mature into practical solutions of any kind. Spend the money on real life engineering let us get on with exploiting the new frontier!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    DO download the Royal Societ checklist that Richie refers to. do not pay any concentration to what he says it says. that's its end: 57 there is robust evidence that variations in greenhouse gasoline concentrations as a effect of human activity are the dominant motive of the worldwide warming that has taken issue over the main suitable area century. This warming style is expected to maintain as are variations in precipitation over the long-term in diverse factors. greater beneficial and bigger rapid will strengthen in sea degree are maximum in all likelihood as a thank you to have profound implications for coastal communities and ecosystems. fifty 8 it particularly is not achievable to verify precisely how a lot the Earth will warm or precisely how the close by climate will distinction faster or later, whether careful estimates of know-how variations and suitable uncertainties have been made. Scientists save to paintings to slender those places of uncertainty. Uncertainty can paintings each and every techniques, thinking the variations and their impacts is additionally the two smaller or larger than those projected. 59 Like many main possibilities, insurance possibilities approximately close by climate distinction could desire to be made interior the absence of maximum suitable skills. whether something uncertainties were a great deal resolved, the massive style of hobbies, cultures and ideology in society could make consensus approximately such possibilities problematic to receive. whether, the know-how impacts of close by climate distinction are sufficiently serious that main possibilities will could desire to be made. climate technology – including the enormous physique of skills that's already reliable based, and the end results of long-term study – is the premier beginning place for long-term close by climate projections and making plans, and could be a suitable ingredient of public reasoning in this not uncomplicated and confusing issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because that would be smart and efficient! If someone with power would ask this question, then half of the stuff that has happened in the worl wouldn't have. Also, everyone is making a lot of money off the current concern.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the real debate is not about energy efficiency. The debate is how can the governments gain as much power as they can? By claiming only they can stop AGW and we need to pay for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    In Europe we are creating a whole new green economy.

    Ask bush why he didn't do anything when he had the chance...

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