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5 Weeks old....turning over?

I had to keep putting her on her stomach to make sure it wasn't a fluke. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes. My 5 week old premie keeps turning over. I'm wondering if I should be worried, or if I should stop her from doing it somehow. The doctor told me I can put her on her stomach for up to 30 minutes every time she wakes up (she sleeps for 3 hours up for 3 hours (i dint get that one either )).

Just wondering what some of you other mothers would suggest.

9 Answers

  • Erika
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    WOW! Five weeks is early to learn how to roll over, but that is great! :)

  • My son was the same way, preemie and loved to be moving all the time. He didn't sleep as much as full term babies and he was moving a lot more than them. He always had a strong neck and was holding his head up for a extended periods of time when he was born ( we were all amazed). Just try to keep her on her back when she is sleeping (my son would only sleep on his stomach). Keep putting out fun toys in front of her when she is on her tummy. Soon she will remember that those toys are there when she rolls to her back, and maybe she will start rolling to her stomach to get to them (that one takes a little longer though). Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    omg! this is the first time ive heard of another baby doing this. My daughter (now 3) started turning from front to back at 4 1/2 weeks, most people i tell dont belive me! my bubs wasn't prem though

    I stressed about 'tummy time' to until i saw the MCH nurse who said there was nothing to worry about, just put her on her tummy a few times a day and let her decide what she wanted to do.

    my little one was then also an early walker and talker, not sure if it is related or not.

    Sounds like you have a strong and healthy little bub there, good luck with it all!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know it can be worrying, but wow..she's a fast learner, eh. Is she rolling onto her stomach when she sleeps..cos that is a worry. If so, you can get these sponge type thing where u lay the babies body between the two wedge shaped sponges.This stops them form rolling over onto stomach. try searching on net for one. U got an active baby on ur hands:)

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  • 1 decade ago

    That's wonderful!! Especially for a preemie...way to go little one!

    Tummy time is so important. My little boy would scream on his tummy, so rolling over took a little longer for him. Just make sure you keep an eye on her and don't leave her on your bed or the couch.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would encourage putting her on her back when she is sleeping but if she is turning over while awake that's GREAT! That means she is strong and tummy time is good for them to develop their skills. My daughter didn't really roll over till 5 months.

  • wow!!!! my daughter is 5 months next week and still not rolling over!! I think you should be worried because shes going to be an early beginner in everything!!!!! just joking, normally being preemie puts them behind but obviously not in your case, she was meant to come out early because she is strong and shes going to be very smart

  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter did too at 6 weeks. She did it for a couple of weeks and then stopped for a couple of months and started again. Keep encouraging her to do it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow! congrats!

    let her learn and develope on her own steam, let her do what her brain and body is discovering,

    Congratulations on her rolling over, Pippa is 8months and still can't!! all she can do it sit! lol

    good luck

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