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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsMarriage & Divorce · 1 decade ago

is silent treatment between couples a bad habit?or its just natural in relationships?

After my boyfriend and I argue, he tends to do the silent treatment for days unless I call him. I find it childish and draining. i'm the type who wants to talk it out and face the problems head on. Even when it's his fault, he does not talk to me because he is pissed why i got angry in the first place. I mean, should i just accept this about him? i already told him I don't like it but it keeps happening. I know space is important to him when he's angry but he should call once he's "normal" and sees the light, right?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think silence is a big waste of time, because it doesn't really help resolve the problem at hand. I think communication is very important for a relationship to remain stable. Silence just shows that the person is stubborn, and probably does not want to be proved wrong about the argument. You always realize how much time you've wasted after the silence is could have spent all that time cuddling or something. =)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all some of your comments tend to make me think you are very young. What about you "seeing the light" and realizing that maybe he doesn't want to deal with you in anger. Wait for him to call after your next fight. If you are having these problems now, it might be time to move on. I get silent when I'm really mad at my hubby too, I have to calm down and focus my thoughts before we can talk, cuz when I "let loose" in anger I always say things I don't mean. (BTW this only happens a few times a year). Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a line from a song by Bush "Silence is not the way we need to talk about it." And I feel that line is very true. There is nothing wrong with needing some space to see the problem with a cool head - a cool head wins in a hot situation. But once you've both cooled down, you do need to talk about it. No relationship survives without communication.

    Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    If we have a disagreement, and it's usually because she takes a comment out of context, usually her interpreting my statement opposite from what I said, I find it best to clam up. If I don't stop and shut up, what happens is some disagreement from months or years ago gets brought up that has nothing to do with the present circumstance. She frequently says "You always, or You never".

    It's kind of like those YA questions: "what does it mean when (He,She)says...". I mean what I say, yet she often thinks I men something else. She says what she thinks I will think she says.

    To avoid such problems, I try to avoid saying anything are asking anything which would cause a problem.

    It is very frustrating.

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  • honey
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    men have different behavior and different ways on how to handle a situation.when they are angry some yell,some hit(which i find disgusting),some say foul words,some blame their partner and some used the silent treatment.your bf uses the silent treatment because he doesn't want to say things that he will regret later.he believes that by being quiet he will have the time to think said that evevtually he calls means that he is realises his mistakes.he loves you enough to do it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's passive aggressive. It's a way of manipulating you. Don't give in, if he doesn't want to talk and want to pout like a child then leave him be till he comes around himself. Try talking to him about it, tell him that it's better for relationship to talk it out then hold a grudge. It's really hard to change such a pattern of behavior.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My ex would give me the silent treatment for days at a time. It got under my skin so bad! I would rather just have it out and move on myself. But she liked to stew for days. Thats why shes my ex.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it can be helpful if it is done so one can get their thoughts together and gain composure. But it is bad if one is doing it to be manipulative or hurt the other person. To me this should be a couple of hours....not days.

    My husband and I similar. It took lots of arguing and a book "Men are from Mars...." for me to figure this out. My husband goes in his "cave" and comes out when he is ready to talk (usually 1-2 hours later). Usually by then we have both realized whatever it was we were arguing about it petty. At first it took a lot for me to just let him go calm down...because like you I wanted to talk it all out. But this way works much better for us.

  • 1 decade ago

    my husband used to be like that and i drove me f**kin insane, beacuse i'm a confrontational person, whether it be neg or pos. now when we disagree and i see it turnin into a argument i don't say anything and he can't stand it. i had to learn that why should i be so drained and upset when he's not speaking to me just because he wants to be mean. i don't talk to him because i don't feel like hollering and screaming, that's just as draining. so until we can talk normally, i don't say sh*t. try it out. it's hard at first, but you need patience.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is probably the way he was raised and does not have a clue you however are not going to change him! Move on you dont like this and it is a waist of time!

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