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Is this how other countries really see the U.S.A. ?

From: Rikashiku

Subject: Re: How?

Message: Well the only proof is, me and 5 billion other people saying it. you dont know coz its happening to you.

The slavery thing happend and was at its worse, the south even fought to keep it.

By 1830 the slave trade had already been abolished in the Caribbean, most of Portugal and northern France.

Im not coming back, its to dangerous, bad air, bad food, bad manners and stupid people.

You do have alot of resources, but then again, so do the rest of the world.

you only have resources, but as a wealthy nation, your not.

Senile, Inbred, Ignorant= North American.


How is it that you can speak of intellect when your educational system is failing.

-All freshmen must be 100% or they fail life

-God doesnt exist, wheres the physical proof?(wtf hes a spiritual being! they have no physical body!)

-Homework every single night

-Underage drinking

-Constant rapes

-Constant Pedophillia

-Constant petty crime

-100% hate against other nations

-Powerful military, still alot of poor people.

Your country fails very badly.


I am an AMERICAN and damn proud of it!!!!! This is an excerpt from a conversation with some Austrilian who thinks of my country.

10 Answers

  • RWLake
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe you need to step back and take a few minutes to compare what you know to the writers comments. First, anyone who makes broad statements like these (implying that all Americans are what he describes) is very naive and quick to follow / believe anything they read. Now, lets make a couple observations. First the world is changing and much wealth / knowledge is being spread around the globe - this is good. Having said that, the US is still the world leader in the area of finances, medical treatment, opportunity for the average guy, militarily, and research. One interesting point that some from other countries always fail to mention when making statements as above is their countries never take the lead when terrible things happen anywhere in the world. Its easy to point to others who are trying to help in difficult times as failures when their country does little. Who really is the failure? Seems to me many from abroad still come here for educations, surgeries, jobs, vacations, etc. If it is so bad here why do they come? Bottom line, I don't have much time for people who make broad, uneducated statements. Lets hope when their time comes to face life or death choices they can finally step up and make a difference to the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm an Australian (hoping to emigrate to the US) and I can tell you that we have all those problems and more here.

    Slavery abolished in 1830? We'd only just started massacring the natives by then.

    Stupid people? Youtube "Sam Newman Street Talk"

    Bad manners? Americans are some of the friendlist people I've ever met.

    Education? Americans work hard to get a good job. That's a good thing in my eyes. The most revered job in Australia is the construction worker.

    Underage drinking? The only reason we don't have so much underage drinking is because we lowered the drinking age.

    We do have a massive binge drinking/crime problem though. Melbourne now has curfews and a special police unit in Hummers to patrol the city at night because of all the violence.

    Hate for other nations? We had nationwide race riots a few years ago.

    Powerful military? Since when was this a bad thing?

    Poor people? We would too, if we didn't pay welfare more then many people work for.

  • o
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Shirley-YIKES!! this is how a great majority of the world views America. we are considered to be like that bully in high school who used his physical strength to stomp on anybody who disagreed with him or didn't do as he said. Not the way to gain respect. As our economy continues to go down the toilet and the majority of our citizens struggle to afford even the most basic necessities the weakening of our country as a whole can not be fixed with military clout. The shortsightedness of our current administration has left this country teetering on the brink. I hope you don't get any responses from the wackos who say we are so powerful and great and this responder is just jealous. How embarembarrassingd that be? International respect is earned through leading by example and showing the world what democracy can do for it's citizens. There is no hiding from the fact that there is an obvious flaw in the internal workings of government as it is run today. I pray that with the coming elections people use common sense and a desire for repairing our own home systems and protecting our citizens before we go stomping all over the world under the guise of promoting something we are unable to implement in our own home base.

  • 1 decade ago

    And Yet more people from all over the World try to Immigrate here every year than anywhere else on Earth.Odd isn't it? If we're such a horrible Country,then why have people been flocking here in droves for over 200 years?

    Also there's some obvious lack of knowledge in that statement,because the South did not "Fight to Keep Slavery" Slavery was an additional issue at best,and even then only as it related to States Rights.The fact is that the Civil War was solely over the division between Federal Power and States Rights.The South wanted what the Founding Fathers wanted,a coalition of States,with the Federal Government as a guiding and organizing force,not a ruling force.Lincoln wanted what the Founding Fathers feared,an all powerful Federal Government that could rule the States practically by decree. Lincoln got his way,and now here we are over 100 years later,10 Trillion Dollars in debt,with the majority of the Public Lands in the US held hostage by the Federal Government even to the exclusion of what's best for the Citizens in the States where the land actually is,etc etc etc. Which is of course why Lincoln should really go down as America's Worst President,not one of it's best.And those who think it was all over Slavery are deluded at best,Slavery was mostly a wedge issue.Do you really think Lincoln got a Quarter of a Million Northerners to charge to their deaths with the battle cry of "Free The Slaves"?


    Source(s): Jesus was not a Community Organizer
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow that's mean. But it's kinda true. Some countries DO see the U.S.A. that way. Not that they're only judging the U.S.A. from the negative perspective. They do see the the bright side of the U.S.A. However the negative elements always overwhelm the positive ones, so the bad things are more obvious and discernible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ask then about the battle of midway island, who saved them ? . It wasn't the english the french the Norwegians , there were saved by American ships , American planes and American Navy . Tell this person to take their faults for the U.S. and write it in Japanese if they can't then the only thing that saved them from that fate was ......You guessed it An American.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What these anti-american nimrods fail to realize is when they criticize America wearing jeans,polo shirt, typing on a computer running XP/mac, on a processor (intel/AMD) , on yahoo is that every moment they come into contact or use something that was gifted(technology) by america to the world.

    telephone,the transistors, the IC, the Microprocessors, etc etc all american inventions ingrates!

  • 1 decade ago

    Powerfull military & still lot`s of poor people, is true I think. The correlation between superpower status & social situation (poverty etc.) in the U.S is puzzling. In my book, in order to call oneself a superpower a countrys citizens should not be as divided as the U.S citizens are.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are just jealous that ours is ten times better than anyone else lol

  • 1 decade ago

    Well miss smalley.....

    You!..... are a nut!

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