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How many houses do you have ?

Do you really think how well you invested your own money should have any effect on how you would do in public office? I currently own two houses and am a layed off UAW employee who is struggling right now because of the job market. I don't feel how many houses McCain owns has any Bering on his abilities to do the job he has chosen. If anything it shows me he knows how to balance a budget and make it work.What do you think?


Do you really think that has ANY bearing on your decision?Or should it have any at all?

39 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with you, I own more than one house, so what!! I do not know why everyone got so upset about the number of houses one owns!! Its none of our business!! Look what obamas friend rezko, the evil one bought him!! and then got indicted!! what a joke on his part!! his evil is showing, just like the last demo we had in office, the one who truly ruined our nation, MCCAIN/PALIN that's who I am voting for!!

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all it shows McCain has never had to struggle financially and knows nothing about us middle-class or lower-class citizens. Second of all - McCain was born in a well to do family. It's not like he pulled himself out of the trenches so sorry I can't give him credit for "balance a budget and make it work". Third of all- He is so freakin rich now (because he cheated on his wife and left her while sick for a younger woman with lots of money) that he doesn't have want for anything. He is so out of touch with our economy that he has no idea what going on except for what his cronies tell him.

    We need a leader that cares about us little people (with no houses because we are too darn poor to own them) and that struggle everyday to make ends meet. We need a leader that cares about our education system and not just the ones in the good neighborhoods. We need a leader that cares that over 16% percent of Americans have no health insurance. We need a leader that will take from the rich and give to the poor because this country is truly out to keep the poor people down.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We own one and are having another one build. So, if we close on the new one before we sell the first one, then we will own 2 for a little while.

    No, the number of houses one owns, or one's spouse owns, has no bearing on my decision. Nor does it mean how well someone would do in public office.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think its the fact that he has seven houses, as it is that he didn't know how many he owned when asked. I doubt you ever lost count of the two houses you owned. Most Americans would know this off the top of their heads.

    I own zero right now. Saving to buy the first one in the midst of this economic downturn and tight lending market.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have one.

    Now, if I were running for president and had called the other candidate an elitist... and THEN I couldn't tell a reporter how many homes I owned... THAT WOULD BE A PROBLEM.

    The reason that nonsense "matters" is because McCain chose to jump on the "Obama is an elitist" bandwagon. Which seems to have overturned in a blaze of irony.

    Survivors are yet to be determined.

  • Calvin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It has no bearing on my decision, but I think it plays to a theme that he is out of touch (especially economically) that is going to effect some votes out there. There is a ever growing burden being placed on the middle class, and many are tired of Republicans ignoring that burden.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe his wife actually owns the houses. Yes, I think that number of houses does not put one out of touch as a presidential candidate.

    BTW, who performed more charitable acts and made a difference last year, Cindy McCain or Michelle Obama. We all know the answer to that one.

    Source(s): McCain/Palin '08
  • 1 decade ago

    i have 3 1/2 paid for and 1 with a small mortgage. i also own 13 vacant building lots. i say good for mccain! i'm wierd though, i applaud the creation of wealth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And the sad thing about it is the media won't tell you that its his wife's houses , and that family members live in most of them while obamas brother lives in a hut. and why didn't mccain put out the ad of obamas 57 states and two to go right after they put mccains ad of not knowing how many houses?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    One, and what would it say about you if you didn't know how many houses you owned? And then McCain throws out his POW excuse as if that is suppose to explain his ignorance of what he actually owns. Good god man, if he can't even keep track of the number of properties he owns, how is suppose to keep track of the largest government on the planet?

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