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Why does Pelosi want to rob states of their royalties?

including her own constituents in california. under the pelosi plan - among other things, no state could profit from the offshore drilling. all profits would go directly to the federal govt.

their are loads of other things in this bill that are just plane garbage, but this is the part that i find the most offensive.

thoughts? hidden agendas? why does she want to rob them blind?



this bill is not a comprimise of any sort. this was a top down pelosi/reid concoction that no one with a brain would ever support.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    She wants to have state control, but take away incentive to drill, because she doesn't want to have anyone ok drilling.

    Why stop drilling?

    The price of fuel is the cause of inflation right now. Everything is transported, and fuel is used. Also many things use oil in manufacture, and most things require some kind of energy to manufacture or grow and transport them.

    Fuel is the back bone of our economy, and when it's expensive, everything is expensive. No way around it if fuel is high.

    The reason fuel is high is supply and demand. China and India started using a lot more oil. We have lots of oil out there, but there are moratoriums on drilling for oil, which are politically based, and caused by the democrats and some jerks posing as environmentalists, who's push is more to harm the economy than help the environment judging by their actions.

    Democrats have put the brakes on all kinds of energy development. Nuclear energy, Hydro Electric, Natural Gas which is abundant in the US and the stuff T Boon Pickens is speaking about on your TV, clean coal technology, and about any kind of energy that is cost effective and would help the economy.

    What is wrong with the ECONOMY right now is Fuel prices, and that is almost all of it. We have some housing problems exacerbated by the economic slow down, but we are still ahead of where we were 4 years ago. Some people are going into foreclosure, but for every 1 of those, there are 16 home owners who were not home owners 4 years ago.

    It's Fuel, and you can thank the democrats and their obstruction to the obtaining of any efficient fuel source. They have actively opposed and or denied access to nuclear, bio fuels, natural gas, hydro electric projects, clean coal and anything efficient enough to help our economy.

    Why? Democrats do better when the economy is down, especially when a republican is in the white house and they can point to him and say failed! as they love to do so disingenuously and so often.

    BUT democrats big power boost comes when it's a down economy, and they control the resources in the country and can take money away from some and give it to others to form captive voting blocks who depend on them. They own the environmentalists, poor black people in projects, and others, but you get the idea.

    Those people become dependent on them and fear that someone else will cut them off, so they vote for democrats every time. The democrats can actively screw those outside of their control and take their money and stop their progress with idiotically restrictive laws they justify through others they own, like environmentalists and dishonest news outlets who go along willingly and with zeal, until they own them too.


    Then we have to remember what GWB had to deal with. The economy was tanking as he took office, and had been.

    We had the 911 attacks on top of the already hurting economy, and that hurt it badly, it really set us back.

    We had Hurricane Katrina, the worst natural disaster in the counties history, by far.

    Through all of that trouble and disaster, GWB had better numbers than Clinton did. Through the Tax Cut and all that trouble, GWB collected 20% more in revenue than Clinton did. Why? Tax cuts increase overall revenue to the federal government because when the upside is higher the risk on investment in business is lower. Many more people and many times more $$ is invested. Money moves more quickly through the economy and there are more taxing opportunities, on the same money. Tax Cuts have NEVER FAILED TO INCREASE REVENUES. JFK knew this, so did Regan, and it's been that way every single time they have been cut.


    I explained that above. Democrats do better in a down economy, where they control the resources and can use them to buy voting blocks.

    I know that is a long and complex answer, but the answer is very long, and complex.

  • x x
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Pelosi may not be the dumbest lady in congress but she is close. Her big clam to fame is she does not understand the issues none of them. As for the people we are lucky in that she is the most incompetent Speaker we have ever had. The last Democratic controlled congress did nothing and Bush beat her like an old drum.

    The government in general should stay out of the oil producing business. Pelosi could not pass a 6th grade science class on the subject!

    ibid Harry Reed.

  • Well, not to stick up for Pelosi, but California is a "donor" state, which means it gives up more federal revenue than it receives back. Texas and NY are in the same boat. At the other end of the spectrum would be Mississippi, West Virginia, Louisiana. So, by passing that revenue onto the Feds to subsidize those recipient states, it might actually ease the burden on donor states.

  • 1 decade ago

    From what I understand, I think the "Gang of 20" also supports the notion of using those royalites for Federal projects like building coal-to-liquid energy plants, helping with the conversion of car manufacturing plants to build alternative energy vehicles, provide rebates/incentives to those buying the cars, and to help fund research.

    I happen to agree that if there is compromise is met to allow the drilling, then a compromise should also be met with the profits. It is not outrageous to say the windfall should be wisely spent to further insure our nation's energy independence. Otherwise, states will use the profits for things like football stadiums, gazebos, and public swimming pools.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    If a catholic promotes abortion that is going against thier religion and is a sin For look at the ten ccommandments and notice the one which states "You shall not kill"

  • because she doesn't believe in state control...just on big federal government dictating everything...

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