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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

What is your favorite piece of classical music?

As if any of you are even familiar with classical music. :P

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I now live in Prague, Czech Republic, so I've really had my fill of classical music. Hence, I've heard the standards like Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons", and more music by W.A. Mozart and Antonín Dvořák than I ever imagined.

    Hence, my pick is a little unusual: I choose Gustav Holt's "The Planets".

    The Planets was written over sixty years before the great sci-fi film scores it would inspire. In fact, Pluto hadn't even been discovered when it was written. Just lay on the couch, staring at a poster of the solar system, while you listen to Mars" and " Jupiter". From full-orchestra majesty to veriest whisper of the chorus in the final pages of "Neptune", it is a must for all hi-fi enthusiasts.

    Each of the movements represents a specific planet, or rather, each movement embodies the characteristics of the Roman deity for whom each planet is named, beginning with Mars (and war) and ending with Neptune (and mysticism). .

  • Josie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Favorite is a word hard to define when there are such beautiful pieces ...

    I love many and what I prefer to hear will of course, depend on my mood.

    Many times it will be Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" - especially "Spring". Some other times it will be "Ode to Joy" or Symphony No 9 ... it is so uplifting! Also No 5... Wow! And Mozart's No 40 then, it is so amazing.

    I also really like to listen to "Lullaby" by Brahms. Each artist has some pieces that are just master pieces for sure ...

    I have a song that really rocks me which is not exactly classical music but many include it in CDs with a miscellaneous of classics and it is "Greensleeves", so I count it in my list.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Bach. This was played at my wedding as the mothers were seated. Four years ago when my daughter got married, I asked her if she would consider using it for seating the grandmothers and mothers, and she did. That really meant a lot to me.

    Like many Americans of "a certain age," my introduction to classical music was through Bugs Bunny cartoons. We thought we were goofing around on Saturday mornings, and here we were learning.

    My daughter and s-i-l have a series of classical music CDs for babies that they play in my grandson's room every night when he goes to bed. He loves it. He loves all music. He isn't even 2 yet, and you ought to hear him trying to vocalize along with Mozart.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am very familiar with Classical Music, listen to it ofetn.

    Beethoven's 9th Symphny Choral is just magnificent.

    Although I also like some Baroque music, Vivaldi to be precise.

    And I loove Romanticism, Debussy and Chopin rock.

    Pity mnay people outthere don't listen to Classical Muisc...

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  • 1 decade ago

    I love classical music....there are so many pieces I love. Mozart has been a favourite composer of mine for a long time. But one particular favourite piece which springs to mind is Gabriel Faure's setting of the Requiem. I love the whole work....but I particularly love the haunting melody of the "Libera Me".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    From Mozart's Requiem mass.

  • 1 decade ago

    Symphony 25 in G minor by Mozart

  • 1 decade ago

    Revelation (Mother Earth) by Ozzy Osbourne.

    If you are so arrogant that you believe Ozzy doesn't do classical music you must listen with an open mind, and if you are capable of doing so, you will hear. Also listen to Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, the whole album...

  • Fur Elise

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I like Mozart, Chopin, Bach, Brahms and Tchaikovsky.

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