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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Republicans voting for Obama?

I am a republican and I am voting for Obama because I feel that he is the best candidate and proves to be a natural leader. I wanted to know about why other republicans are voting for him as well.

41 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Susan Eisenhower is backing Obama... Talk about a conservative family backing Obama that's about as big as it gets.

    I used to vote republican in fact from my grandfather down voted republican. I just can't do it anymore I lost my best friend in Iraq and my brother is going on his second deployment there. There's no way I can vote for more of the same this Palin woman talks like more of a warmonger than McCain I don't want her anywhere near the white house.

    I'm with you we need change..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let me start off with this..... My beliefs fall more with what "republicans" as supposed to stand for, than what Dems are, but through the course of JM running for Pres, he has shown me he is not capable of running a proper campaign, yet alone a country. Guys, he didn't know who Zapatero was, lied about Iraq, doesn't have a clue who training the terrorists, flip flops more than Clinton, below average student/border line passing, left his wife who had stayed loyal to him, mother of his child, a women that was crippled due to a car accident, for a younger women. He is a pig, a liar, and an idiot, and I for one will not vote for him. Bush's polices and leadership have failed us, JM is a hell of a lot more similar, than dissimilar to Bush. I for one do not want to see this train continue on the same track. Even though I hate socialism , I feel it's wasted money that could be used to fix other problems in this country, creates problems in itself, and a step closer to communism, will vote BO

    Ask yourself this, How much money has been wasted on the Bush War? What if , we would have taken that money instead, and used it for social programs, think we would had seen a better return on that investment? Nice thought huh, but the reality is that it has been lost, the country thrown into a debt the might be repaid by my grandchildren, and a hatred built up against us around the world that is justified. Sure BO does not stand for everything I believe in, but JM does a lot less. There is a saying, when given two bad choices, select the less worse of the two, that is why I'm voting BO.

    Oh , almost forgot ...for those (I get a real kick from these people) saying " I don't want higher taxes" vote Republican ...guess who is paying/ and will pay off the mess that Bush created ? Think your note going to, think whoever gets elected will note raise taxes, guess what, they will, they have to .

    Also, do yourself a favor and look up what inflations other name is.

    Hint.... it starts with a T and ends with a N

  • 1 decade ago

    I am voting for McCain. Obama will raise the taxes for the rich and businesses. Who do you think will ultimately end up paying for that? We will, by paying more to offset the higher taxes that companies are paying! As far as a natural leader is concerned you've got to be kidding. He never even voted in the Senate. No yeses, no noes just present. What kind of leadership is that?

  • 1 decade ago

    There are far more high profile Democrats and many more independents voting for McCain than the other way around. The few republican votes that go to Barrack Hussein Obama, we don't want you anyway.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And just how did he "prove" to be a "natural leader"?

    He has no experience (173 days voting present in Congress), can't even string a sentence together without a teleprompter.

    Says he's always "for" everything - depends on who he's talking to!

    Went to Harvard, yet wants to bring FDR policies back when all that failed.

    Geez, man, get some Aricept!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that some Republicans are voting for Obama because he is very charismatic and well spoken; they should look deeper for the qualities that are really important for the most powerful position on the planet. On the other hand, it appears that a lot of Democrats will be voting for McCain because they feel that he is more qualified for the job.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    A white Republican friend of mine voted for Obama because she thought Palin wouldn't be a good president after McCain died of old age.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    brand new account, private settings=troll. you aren't a republican or you could never vote for someone who thinks the government should run every aspect of your life. if you lie, your nose will grow longer.

    Today's bank crisis isn't due to the inherent evil of the private sector, as Obama claims. It's due to Democratic leaders who were bought off by political donations and hostile to reform.

    Obama, curiously enough, is one of the top recipients of cash from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Small wonder, then, that his main election argument would expand the scope of government by using the banks' subprime woes as leverage.

  • 1 decade ago

    I really did not like McCain VP pick also he is pretty weak in terms of economic policy. However Obama grossly inexperience, just as Biden once said before being chosen as Obama's VP "this position is not suitable for on the job training." Its funny how he doesn't talk about that anymore.

    In the end I will make up my decision in the next few months after some debates.

  • 1 decade ago

    if you notice most Republicans are worried about raising Taxes,,notice when you ask them if they agree with the McCain/Palin ideology's and the issues they will say they don't ..this is just a money thing with the GOP. a bunch of greedy people who don't want to share the wealth. i think your a smart man to have made that decision

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