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If you think banning guns will make you safer?

How much safer do you feel now that murder, robbery, and rape have been outlawed? And since you feel so safe with those laws, why do you need additional laws to outlaw guns to feel even safer? Or is it possible that simply outlawing something doesn't really make you any safer? (Due to candidate position, I kept this in the Elections section.)


Isn't it interesting how Obama supports guns when it's HIS family being protected, but not for protection of anyone else's family?

Update 2:

LovingLife, we already have that and the Supreme Court supported it, too. It's the outright bans that are the issue here. Stay on topic.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not at all. That's something most Democrats simply don't understand.

    I'll give up my guns when Obama's security personnel give up theirs.

  • wahoo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Banning guns only makes it easier for the bad guys to do their dirty work. The honest people will be more at risk for their lives and limbs when the outlaws can do what every they damn well please. Go in rob and kill and rape while the family has to sit there and do nothing because a law was passed that forbids them to have any gun or amo...please...Canada is in a bad position right now...there have been gun laws passed, they had ordinary folk threatened with law suites if they did not bring in their guns, and have them destroyed. Well we all know that did not do a many shootings have we had since that big ordeal. We need to enforce the laws that we have against killing, raping and stealing and keep the criminals behind bars. Knives are another weapon of choice, shall we pass a law to forbid them too. or base ball bats...there is another dandy yes, we should ban them too. The list is endless for improvising a weapon. Come on people wake up.. if we give up our guns, then we repeat what happened in Germany while HItler was in office...he also passed a gun and weapons law..hmmm I wonder how that worked for the citizens of Germany back then.

  • Coley
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    banning guns wont make anyone any safer! Just as everything that has ever been outlawed there will always be a black market & those that want them will get them. Banning guns will just take them out of the responsible peoples hands. Guns in my home is common place. I have 4 kids so of course they are locked in a gun cabinet with ammo stored seperate & locked, better safe then sorry.

    We are avid hunters and we have guns to put food on the table. We raise beef & pork (butcher & process ourselves) and also eat venison, elk, buffalo, phesant etc. I DO NO buy meat. I have 4 kids, this saves on my grocery bill substancially and even my 4yo can tell grocery store meat from home is SO much better!

    My boys have toy guns and they only "shoot" animals...Sorry all you animal rights activist out there! I LOVE animals of all sorts but they were put on the earth for mans use and if that priveledge is not abused there is nothing wrong with it. That said, I may be a deer hunter but I work to preserve wildlife just the same.

    Guns are to survive not for protection! Those city people who have a gun soley for protection are instilling in their children guns are to kill people. Change your views on guns and don't take them away from us!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am an Obama backer and have travelled extensively in the USA ( I've been to 41 of the 50 states.)

    No. If we out law guns, only outlaws will have them.

    We need to enforce gun control laws and punish those who break them severely. Assault Rifles have no place in either rural american or urban america.

    BTW - The need for guns in rural and agricultural areas is very real and is actually a good thing. However guns in urban areas aren't good and is dangerous.

    Gun Control laws in Wyoming can't and shouldn't be the same as Gun Control laws in Philadelphia or New York City.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Wal mart won't sell explicit lyrics but they will sell me a rifle. I can shoot something but freedom of speach is a no no. I love how everyone is afraid that if they don't have a gun someone is going to murder them, but the same people live in the middle of nowhere where the crime rate is pretty much zero. The real reason people own guns is because they crave the power to take someones life with the pull of a trigger.

  • 1 decade ago

    Buy a gun, and support immediate justice for the boys in the hood.

    Obama's buddy, Mayor Nagin, already had a trial run of taking up all guns in New Orleans.....of course, New Orleans is once again, the murder capital of the US. Except, it's the citizens without their legal guns who are being murdered.

    See the whole story:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, because street thugs will still get a hold of them. Come on! Obama is no naive fool and he should know that thugs will still get their guns, so what does he think that a business owner should do when a mad criminal enters his store and threatens his life? surrender and give him all the money so that the criminal can still kill him? call police? Hellooo!!! the criminal is not going to tell you "go ahead and use the phone". Why should hard working americans surrender to criminals? And that was another Bad Idea from Obama.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't believe I've ever heard Obama say that he was in favor of repealing the Second Amendment. He is in favor of more common sense gun laws that closes the gun show "loop hole" and other things that make it easier for criminals and unstable people to get guns. That old chestnut about "if guns were illegal only criminals would have guns" is a tired old argument that holds no water. We need common sense gun laws, end of story. No one needs an assault weapon to hunt deer. No one needs an Uzi to protect their family. The proliferation of these weapons makes us less safe so we should ban these types of weapons. Leave the sporting weapons to the sportsmen, leave the assault weapons to the troops.

    Source(s): The truth hurts
  • 1 decade ago

    You know, I live in Australia where guns are outlawed and I've never seen one. Funny how I don't fear walking the street at night, but you all seem to think this is going to happen if you guys do it.

    Having said that, you're already screwed. Everyone has guns so it'd be impossible to get them off the bad guys now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes ... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.

    Source(s): Thomas Jefferson and Cesare, Marquis of Beccaria
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In 1976 Washington DC put a ban on handguns- After that crime rates in DC rose by 200% as compared to the rest of the country. As far as I know Obama was the one who helped put a gun ban in place in Chicago back in 94, look at the crime rates.Higher than ever before.He doesn't want to take our guns away to make us safer, he wants to take them so that when he and his buddies take over DC and start their Socialism ideals- None of us will have guns to protect ourselves with. Obama is talking out of his butt and people are eating it up like he is a Messiah.They will believe anything he says simply because they are tired of Bush. It wouldn't matter if Obama was killing babies and women on CNN live- they'd still love him and vote for him because of how much they hate Bush. I don't like Bush- But McCain is not Bush and MCCain will actually protect us from Terrorists unlike Obama And Chris K needs to go live in a Nazi camp the wauy he is talking- This is not a Communist Country no matter how much you want it to be Chris.

    Source(s): Proud Member of the NRA- And Social worker for McCain
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