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Christians: Are atheists separated from God?

I've seen a few questions asked such as "how can we burn in Hell if we are just a soul and not a physical body?". Some Christians responded saying that there isn't a physical burning, but rather the pain of "being separated from God".

If God exists, aren't atheists already separated from Him? Why don't they feel the pain of Hell already?


By the way, I'm an atheist and don't believe in Hell. I have no intention of praying to a deity I don't believe exists. I was just asking to get a consensus of what Christians believe on this topic.

Update 2:

revulayshun, if we are not fully conscious of our sin, then how can we be expected to be responsible for it? That is like putting a 5 year old on death row for murder when they don't yet understand right from wrong.

Update 3:

Eva, if we have freewill, then we could choose to ignore this burning desire to be with God. Besides, time is a healer and you would accept your fate eventually and the pain would go away.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, but in hell there is going to be gnashing of the teeth and that does not sound too good to me. We all will get the new resurrection bodies that will last

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi Freethinker, I think the "burning" separation one experiences in "hell" is understood in our human flesh bodies to a degree.

    Someone you unconditionally, a spouse, a Mum, Dad, other family member or the biggie, if you have children. To be in another place- away from them is a burning feeling to me. I need to be near my children ( when they were small ) . Same rule applies.

    Separation from God will crete that longing if you will.

  • hiland
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    that is each and every physique's inner combat to tutor they're ideal. That way that area of them interior isn't a lie. we don't % to stay a lie, so we combat not hassle-free to disprove one anothers perspectives or ideals. the subject is that we are going to not purely save it own. If a christian retains their faith to themselves and shall we others stay their lives then its positive, and if an atheist would not circulate out of his/her thank you to bash on a christian for believing in something than the christian is positive with the atheist. the subject is neither do this. The christian the two feels he has to save the atheist or a minimum of stick up for his or her faith, and the atheist feels its incorrect for the christian to purpose to save them and that they factor out each and all of the "information and theories" that ought to disprove the christians perspectives. consistent with threat they attempt it to fill the vacancy they have interior. maximum christians sense comprehensive i've got faith and are often circumstances much less hateful then say an atheist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "If God exists, aren't atheists already separated from Him? Why don't they feel the pain of Hell already?"


    And, why have I had such a great life till now?

    I've spent a lifetime having fun, doing sex, drugs and rock and roll (I'm pretty straight these days); I've had good jobs close to the top and earned Buku dollars; my health is surprising good and I have enough money to see out any amount of years very comfortably AND for extra fun I blaspheme quite a bit.

    Now, IF there was an talking-donkey riding, invisible sky-dwelling monster who could do some bad stuff to me, shouldn't 'he' have done it already?

    Why is 'he' taking it out on poor little black kids in Darfur?

    It's almost as if there is NO talking-donkey riding, invisible sky-dwelling monster at all, huh?


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  • 1 decade ago

    Right now they are not completely separated from God, nor do they have a full consciousness of their sin and guilt.

    Right now, God is still "present" with the unbeliever insomuch as God provides their very breath. And they receive the " common grace" of life, that is, God doesn't give them death right now.

    When they die, however, they will have a fully functioning conscience, they will be aware of the depths of their depravity, and will realize how great was the mercy that they scoffed at. They will spend an eternityof regret and despair so horrible that the Bible describes it as a lake of fire.


    You know enough to tell right from wrong. Even a five year old knows its wrong to lie and steal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gee whiz>> I felt cut off from him when I WAS a christian! maybe because there was no one there!!

    You are using Pascal's Wager to try and defend us to the christians!

    Don't bother on my account!

    I am living my life for today, and tomorrow! I don't give a damn about the non existent afterlife!

    I feel sorry for those that are ignoring the here and now, and dreaming about heaven, when there is no such place! The sad part is that they will never even know that there IS no heaven! AS when they die, that is>>THE END!!!!!

    Source(s): Religion>. the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the human race!!
  • 1 decade ago

    And wouldn't you just get used to it after awhile? jk

    Seriously... if a hell exists... then God created it. Why would he create a hell to begin with? Why all the struggle?

    Seems like a pretty crappy design for a universe and an existence if you ask me.

  • W
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Atheists: Are Christians separated from Reality?

  • 1 decade ago

    I got separated at birth. I have the scar to prove it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not christian.

    God Loves us all, believers and non believers, equally.

    God is Love, Love is God.

    Trust Love.

    Peace, love, calm and positivity to all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm separated from God, Feels pretty good.

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