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Am I eligible to receive the Economic Stimulus payment?

I am helping a friend out with this:

She filed a 1040A for 2007 and reported 0 on line 27, taxable income. She is hearing impaired and received SSI benefits for her daughter; however, she did not report this income on her 1040A and wants to file an amended return so she can get the payment. Her total total income, including those SSI payments was 7018, 5000 or so of which is the SSI payment, in 2007. She is filing single with one dependent

Is she eligible for the 2007 economic stimulus? I looked on the IRS website and it seemed to indicate that she was, but when I added the SSI payment to her return the taxable amount is still zero.

Any help is appreciated!

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    SSI income NEVER counted towards the stimulus.

    Even if these were SSA, not SSI, benefits, they are her daughters, not the mom's so they still don't count.

    Your friend had to have $3000 of wages or net self-employment income...and even if you suddenly had those, an amended return will not trigger a payment.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes with her SSI being reported she does qualify for the stimulus. It is still not "taxable" income, it just allows her to get the stimulus. Yes I would file an amended return. She only lists her SSI income, do not include her daughters.

  • Judy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, SSI is not eligible income for the stimulus payment.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hey Q*, Did you receive a notice from the IRS in the mail about your rebate? I see some have. I have not. I also filed in Jan, direct deposit, and last SS is 01. Did not get a deposit as of 7:30 am SMT 4/28/08

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  • IIRC, anyone who filed a federal tax return is eligible.

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