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Water imagery/ word assosiatons?

Ok so im writing a poem for enlish about water...and i need imagery or just any creative word having to do with water, any ideas??


ahh your answers helped me alot and I wont copy it obviously but some of the description words of the water really helped...but i dont know how to resolve a question/ pick you as the best answer!

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How about this. Don't copy it, but I hope it gives you an idea.

    Water it is crystal clear,

    Flowing freely without fear.

    I wish that I could be like it,

    slowly changing, bit by bit.

    Moving, swaying, rapids, flowing.

    Full of life, always growing.

    Reflecting all of my woes,

    getting stonger as it goes,

    Dipping my toes in the cold,

    remembering that I'm not old.

    Reflecting my youth and fun,

    hoping that it is not done.

    Is this all that it reflects,

    but others feelings it projects.

    Moving forward and moving on,

    my interest to this is drawn.

    Why can't we all be like a river.

    Flowing freely as it swithers

    Leaving all worries behing,

    how I wish that this would bind.

    Ok, I'm tired so sorry if it's not that good. Try to mention


    *Moving forward, leaving behind

    *Flowing Freely

    *Full of life

    *Without worries

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