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Einmann asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Is McCain's proposed delay a ruse to give Palin more study time?

Bearing in mind that he proposed the October 2, the dated fixed for the VP nominees' debate, as the new date for the presidential debate. Furthermore, is President Bush also deliberately helping McCain's ploy by suddenly extending an invitation to McCain and Obama to a White House meeting to work on a compromise?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you have more sense than the law allow

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. It's an obvious ploy to buy more time since neither him nor Palin is prepared for the debates. (Especially with the economy looming as THE topic to discuss.)

    I loved watching Don Reigle, a Republican senator, commenting on the McCain decision to delay the debate. He said that McCain going to Washington is not going to help any in the crisis, McCain does NOT have the clout especially regarding economic policy, which McCain admits is a weak point for him. He believes that is is a "political stunt" (the very words of Reigle) and that if McCain makes a "story" out of "being bipartisan/having no political agenda" and "trying to work for the common good", it is clear to HIM (Reigle himself) that McCain's act of making this big announcement to "suspend the campaign" is in fact an act of making it political news. How it benefits his campaign he does not know, because Reigle actually believes this decision HURTS the McCain campaign.

    And that's FROM a Republican senator. Case rested.

    Source(s): CNN news
  • Vaughn
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I heard someone say that the McCain campaign wanted to hold the VP debate this Friday, and simply swap out that one and the first presidential debate. If that's really the case (my source wasn't particularly good), it would argue against your premise.

    As for whether Bush is helping--we'd have to be Bush to know for sure. He's certainly not a disinterested party.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No he has found out how extremist she is and does not want the voters to discover it too!!

    If McCain gets elected and dies Palin becomes president!!

    She has wanted to break up the Union by giving Alaska it's independence.

    She wants to breach the constitution by forcing creation and religion into schools and government.

    She has banned a long long list of books from the library on religious grounds.

    She is being investigated for using her position to attack and sack an ex family member and tellingly those around her are refusing to give evidence! Now surely if they could give evidence that cleared her they would want to do so!!!

    So what if she gets into power? Constitution torn up? Union broken up? Burning books? Banning free speech? Using her position for personal reasons? Recognize the description of a third world dictator yet?

    If there is even a slight chance of her gaining power then be afraid BE VERY AFRAID!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think that the potential delay in the presidential debate was more to gain a political foot hold on the process of salvaging legislation that will look more bi-partisan that what the president is now proposing. If Sen. McCain accomplishes that, he will look like a masterful leader capable of working across the aisle while Sen. Obama continued "campaining in self interest".

  • 1 decade ago

    Given that Couric interview with Palin, McCains only hope is to NEVER have Palin in an unscripted debate.

    Its really embarrassing how supremely unqualified she is. The wheels are coming off the McCain campaign. I predict an Obama landslide.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I believe he is attempting to scuttle the Palin-Biden debate altogether and also give his alzheimer meds a better chance of working. Pehaps they should schedule the presidential debates in the morning before his sundowner's symptoms kick in.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is not enough time in the day! What you don't know can not be learned in days. This to shall blow up in their faces...McCain really doesn't know what to do regarding the bail out.......if he votes yea there is backlash (bush man) if he votes nay LOL his people may not back him, because his President drafted this and if this is not passed we will be heading for depression! Did you see Palin's interview???

  • bill t
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    How would it? Her debate is a ways off.......the debate in question is a Presidential debate for some odd reason democrats seem to think Palin is running for president??? intresting!

  • 1 decade ago

    No, he's trying to do his job. He's a senator, and the economy is in the crapper. He and Obama are still senators, even though they're running for a higher office. They still have a duty to this country as senators.

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