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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingOther - Pregnancy & Parenting · 1 decade ago

married and husband says hes not ready?

so this is my delima, my husband and i have been togeather for over 4 almost 4.5 years. we got married on our 4 year ann. so we have been married for 6 months, i am wanting to have a baby join our family so bad. i want our family to be complete and it dosent with just us. he knows that i want a baby and i have been telling him about this for over a year now and everytime it gets close to that time like he said we could try in a year well its a year later and hes like i meant a year or two after we got married. now i am pissed cause my body is like baby baby baby and hes like no, i am wondering in a year he can say no again and what am i to do but agree takes two to do takes one to say no. but anyway we have a nice townhouse that we rent for only 400 a month, he works for government i work for insurance, we have a cat and a dog and everything is great life is simple and nothing to do. he says hes not scared hes not worried about money he is just not ready? he said he dosent care is we get pregnant on accident but he dosent want to activly try? what the crap does that mean. i told him that if he me to help i can take the pressure off him. i am so confused?


he also out of the blue one day came up with a full babys name if we had a boy and that got my hopes up. then he also made the baby hope chest I was wanting wich in turn got me excited but nope again. i dont know that prob?

i am 20 years old and i have a full time job that pays very well and a new car and a townhouse so i have nothing in debt but my car

he is 22 full time good paying job new car and same

we make enough money to where we have plently left at the end of the month

Update 2:

please dont tell me i have my whole life ahead of me and so on i have been on my own since i was 16 so i grew up young and am very mature most ppl think i am 23 when they meet me. i have held a full time job since that age and payed for my own school clothes and bills etc. so i know how to manage a house and bills

Update 3:

for 1 you dont personaly know me for 2 i am old enough to do whatever i want and 3 i am taking online courses. so shut up about the being to young thing your just bitter that your life sucks ok

Update 4:

i dont wanna travle the world, i am content with spending time with my husband at home or just going out for diner. we are not party ppl we dont care about visiting a million countries.

i am going tp be able to retire at 45 and then i can spend the rest of my life doing whatever travling and etc. i have always wanted children young and i think its stupied that ppl wait until they are 30 years old then complain when they have problems ttc. my sis in law is onlly 26 and already having probs with ttc. so i want to live my life with family to the absoult fullest if you cant understand that i am sorry you are a sad person

Update 5:

we live in a nice quite sub right outside city limits, he said our age our money and life hes not worred a bout hes just "not ready", i dont talk about if everyday i brought it up about 3 months ago and this time i approched it more with a fun att. and i think the he thinks i was kidding

Update 6:

i would never do anything behind his back. and its not that i need to grow up its that i came on here for some ppl who felt the same way as me or had helpful hints for me and everyone is so closed minded these days that is makes me angery how much i hear this. everyone gets mad sometimes and this would be that subject for me

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had my first baby at 21, and looking back, I would have been smart to wait a bit. I had also been on my own since 16, and thought I was quite mature. Looking back, I wasn't. There is nothing like waiting a few years to put your current situation in prospective. Please, take some time to be a couple before you decide its time to have a baby.

    Judging from your responses, you do have some growing up to do. With that attitude, you really need to wait until you can control your emotions a bit better before you can raise another person.

    My life doesn't suck, but the wrong decision about having children can sure make YOURS suck, so be careful.

    You also want to be careful not to get pregnant until your husband is ready so that he doesn't feel alienated. This is a MAJOR life decision, and if he's not ready, you can't force it. Don't be selfish.


    If you don't like people's opinions, stay away from Yahoo Answers, because you'll get all kinds, not just the ones you want.


    And as for retiring at 45, its a nice dream, isn't it? You never know what tomorrow brings. My dad was Vice President of a very good bank, and after 35 years, 5 years away from retiring, he got laid off when the bank was bought out. We lost everything. Don't count on retiring early, or even at all, be smart, please.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    $400 a month?? Where do you live?

    The pair of you are too young for children, let alone marriage. Ask again in 10 years. It's all well and good you can take care of yourself, but the fact is you're still 20 and should be acting like you're 20. Why aren't you in college? You're throwing your life away. This is not 1952.

    ADD: Paying your bills on time and a willingness to stay home does not constiute an adult. You have so much more growing to do. People wait to have children because being at your most mature makes you a better parent. Sure, you can start having babies now, but you'll make a lot of mistakes you won't when you're 30. Who's bitter? Online classes and suburbia? Please- you're barely skimming the surface. The world doesn't need another stepford mom, we need smart, powerful women raising smart, powerful children. Do something with yourself. Marriage is not a be all end all of your life. You're wasting away.

    ADD: Listen to Devon, she knows what she's talking about. You're obviously not mature enough yet. You can't even get your emotions in check (and that's normal for someone your age).

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Wow. Young kids. I don't blame him for not wanting anymore kiddies right now. It has been a long hard road for him. That is quite a challenge for both of you. You can't really convince him to have another child. There is obviously no talking him into it. Though, you should have serious discussions about it. One thing, who is he to tell you that having a child will ruin your life? It will not ruin your life, but it will be tougher in some regards. Are there certain things that you guys want to do career wise or any aspect that needs to be completed before you start all over again? I don't believe that having a baby will "complete" you. Shouldn't you already be "complete"? Whatever that means lol. I understand you want your own child and he shouldn't get to tell you no or yes. It's your decision too. But, it's up to the both of you. I really don't think I've helped at all....The only thing I suggest is communication! Be upfront and honest of your expectations from him as a hubby, dad, and partner. He needs to know where he stands and he in turn needs to tell you what he expects from you in the same areas. If you guys are meeting those expectations, then why not have another baby?? Good luck. And good job for helping him with his kiddies from a previous marriage. That can be tough!

  • 1 decade ago

    You are young and newly married...Im not critisizing you for your age because Im 22 and pregnant with my 2nd Im just saying let the marriage have time like at least a year after marriage...maybe if you dont talk about it so much he will come around. My hubby and I have been together for 6yrs but married for 3.5yrs. This is his 1st biological child and he was very nerveous but now he is exstatic that Im having his little baby. You say the money is there so what id do is slowly get some neutral baby stuff and put it in a spare room and if it is something you really want he will understand and maybe come around sooner, just dont talk it everyday...he will come around...its not like hes scared of commitment because he married you, maybe he just is scared of the idea of a baby completely dependant on you 2....also a baby wil mean time off work for one of you which means less income for a while...Just think things from his view and maybe you will see where he is coming from...have a heart-heart talk with him and let him see your side but also be open to his side....good luck and if you go ahead with baby lots of baby dust your way....*blowing it to you*

    Source(s): 22yo and preg. with baby#2 due early march.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I dont see what the rush is to have a family, why not travel the world, make new friends and do something cool with your life. Children are very expensive and take up alot of time. Your only young once, and once you have children your dedicated for your whole life,whats a few extra years to do something with YOUR life, find out who you are. I wish I traveled the world and experienced more things before I had kids,I too graduated at 16, went to work full time completed my full apprenticeship with fine art baking and cooking. I always find the most interesting people are those that have seen things and experienced things. Money isnt everything, but it sure sounds like you do have things going on with your life, which is awesome, but why not find out who you are before you bring in a whole new generation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe he just thinks that you two are to young to have baby right now. You don't want/need to have a baby until your both ready. If he never seems to get to the point that you are then you might want to start thinking about finding someone that wants the same things in life.

  • Holly
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    He means that he would be ok if you just said "honey, I'm pregnant" but he is scared to make the decision to have a baby himself. Easier for him if it happens and it was out of his hands, not his choice. Perhaps you could not use birth control and just let nature take its course?

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