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Lv 7
gone asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why is no one saying anything about the Bush speech?

Our esteemed leader did read to us last night. Any opinions on what he said?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My answer to another question:Warren buffet thinks we are in the early stages of a depression-he is an expert on money and I agree with him. President Bush's Plan for the Government to buy out foreclosed properties is going to plummet the country in deeper.What this plan is doing is what people do in a desparate last ditch effort to avoid bankruptcy-borrow from Peter to pay Paul(the Government borrowing from the taxpayers to buy the forclosed properties)-the end result the government owning empty houses needing repair and maintainence(seems like this is the purpose for HUD).Where is this money going to come from-why, the good old, rich taxpayer(us). What will really get us out of a depression is a NATIONAL INCREMENTAL FLAT RATE TAX-everyone pays a fair share, no loop holes-saves on IRS paper work and creates jobs.Watch dogs on government spending(no need to buy $600 dollar toilet seats worth $5.00), reduce our lending to other countries and put the money in the US economy-call in our loans to other countries in cash and/or needed materials, and an old Plan of FDR-anyone on government assistance and able to work-earns that assistance at an hourly wage working for the government(i.e.-cleaning streets), a Plan by former President Bill Clinton, any able bodied person on assistance(was voted down), either gets further training, or gets cut off from assistance.We need more education on core skills, like on the job training rather than degrees or both.Also, we need an affordable health care plan-I like the idea of paying a set fee based on income, to have all your health work done(i.e.-$200.00 (adjusted to household income) covers all expenses- doctor's fee, lab work and anything else). Last, but not least, OUR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS(Congress) SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO APPROVE THEIR OWN SALARY AND/OR BENIFITS PACKAGES-seems like their sessions always end before major decisions are approved-what are they being paid for-they are not doing their jobs?All their fringe benifits need to be cut back to only government business, not mixed with personal use(i.e.-private jets for vacations).Mandatory job transferable employee retirement plans(Medicaid and Medicare are bankrupt and were never intended as a sole source of income, but as supplemental income), starting at age 21.Foreclosure should only be a last resort-banks need to conform to the buyer's income and restructure debt as income changes(unwillingless to do so-leads to foreclosure).This is what it will take to bring the economy up to par-will it be done-I don't believe so-why neither- we the taxpayer,nor, the government officials will do so?Regardless, whoever makes it into office, the country(and the world) is spiraling into a WORLD WIDE DEPRESSION, but no one sees, or, seems to care about this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He looked tired and worn out. Not sure what was going on outside the camera angle, but there was a weird screeching sound during the address as if he was gripping the podium too tightly.

    As for the content of his speech, no surprise. "Give me a check for $700 billion and I'll make sure Paulson doles it out appropriately." Just like he did with the blank check to go to war with Iraq. Didn't trust him then and I don't trust him now.

    Whatever bill Congress decides upon, needs to have Congressional AND Judicial oversight of the Treasury secretary.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because I'm too busy panicking! Taping my windows..hiding cash under the bed. The end is near!!!

    Or maybe I don't believe a word coming out of that guys mouth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He doesnt want to admit that its his fault for almost all of the problems going on. He IS a joke! I hope he has heard that song from Pink! I am so glad he will be out of office soon!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because no one believes a word that comes out of his mouth anymore.....he'd be doing us all a favor by just going to Crawford and clearing brush for the next 4 months.

  • Mac
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because Bush has been reduced to a joke. America no longer trusts him.

  • Phil M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, he gave a good speech but it was filled with rhetoric. This is a "dire" time because the GOP needs the economy to turn around in a bad way.

    They inherited a slumping economy and they're going to leave with a slumping economy PLUS a war...

    So I can see why this is a "panic" situation for them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think he was right on the money as far as the plan and its economic impact. I have a BA in Economics and I support the plan. It is a bitter pill to swallow but it is the only alternative to avoiding a serious recession.

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