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Should We Follow Palin's Example?

And insure that our candidates are witch-free before electing them to higher office? Perhaps we should not hold elections so close to Halloween...


JT: it's not slander, she actually had a fellow bless her to keep her safe from witchcraft. Why do you feel the truth is slanderous?

Update 2:

And I'm curious: how exactly is the fellow a foreign dignitary? Are we applying that label to any foreigners now? I know a couple of people from England who hang out at the George and Dragon in town drinking and watching soccer: while they are cool to habg out with, I wouldn't really call them foreign dignitaries...

Update 3:

Sorry: hang.

Update 4:

Michael H: amusing. So you wouldn't be thrown were the video of the ceremony to include speaking in tongues or rolling on the floor, eh? If it's part of a religious ceremony, we should not take it into account when selecting people for high office, eh? Interesting.

Update 5:

Kitten: I never said Obama was God. Initeresting, though, how you try to explain away Palin being blessed to be free from witchcraft by claiming, without any references or cites, that people think Obama is God. Interesting.

At the end of the day, though, Palin is still kinda loopy...

Update 6:

Kitten: my bad. Your answer was a little ambiguous, and on re-reading it I think you're making the same point I am. Sorry again.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe they need to repeat the blessing, apparently the first one didn't stick. Then maybe she'd stop trying to fire "disloyal" librarians who want to protect freedom of speech.

    Does that guy actually believe Palin is open to other religions? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  • 1 decade ago

    As a Catholic, I cannot go to a Methodist service and expect the same fulfillment. I need to go to Mass. However, if there is some big/special event for a neighbor, family member, or friend, I would attend and then attend Mass later.

    In fact, many times have visiting religious used my Church's facilities for special services and even the priest attended.

    That is called being respectful.

    Now regardless of the video, were is the rest of the story? I see no problem with what Palin did. What I have a problem with is the media looking for anything to besmirch her.

    Why can't we do the same to Hussein Obama or Plagiarist Biden?

    EDIT: J T makes execllent points! If this is supposed to be a bad think according to the liberal socialist democrats, then wouldn't that be contrary to their position of tolerance and acceptance? Their continued discrediting of showing respect to another religious leader would mean that it was in fact the liberal socialist democrat party that IS biased/prejudiced. And Palin's actions indicate that it is the republicans who are tolerant of other religions.

    Excellent J T! Thanks for making it so clear.

    EDIT 2: Well what would do you have to say about all those reports, videos and articles of people fainting and crap at the Hussein Obama rallies? Should we not have our presidents be able to make others faint at their mere presence? Please, you are promoting a double standard and the hypocracy of the liberal socialist democrat party.

  • Phil M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't care what faith or what services my leaders attend so long as they keep that influence in their private lives. They can speak tongues, they can be muslim and hell, they can be satanists for all I care so long is doesn't affect their duties and obligations to running the nation.

    I see the hypocrisy from the 'right' on this one, but I also see the hyporcrisy and irony on the left.

    Partisan politics really irritate me.

    Source(s): Why is it okay to bash Obama about Wright and not Palin on this? Why were you protecting Obama with Wright, but not Palin with this? partisan = dense in my book.
  • J T
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If you are asking that we as a people be open and accepting to the religions of others, then the answer is yes.

    What Palin did was very commendable. She allowed herself to go through a religious practice that was not her own when a foreign dignitary came into her state. Although the 'blessing' was done in her church. It wasn't even her religion. He was a Pastor not a Priest! I DOUBT you would ever see a Muslim Mosque be open to have a Christian priest do a blessing there.

    We should all be as OPEN and CULTURALLY DIVERSE!

    Even though this was intended to be a slander of Palin, it was great that you brought it up. Another view is sometimes what we need to see to open our own eyes.

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  • 1 decade ago

    U R kidding right?! palin is such a joke. are we really supposed to believe that she is qualified for the vp spot?i,m all for women in high office, just not that woman. her plate is already full, what if we came under attack at a time when her special needs child had a certain special need, or when her daughter goes into labor? first grandbabies can be just as traumatic as first babies,and who allows a 17 year old to get married just because she,s pregnant?! ithink mcsame picked her to snag the hillary vote and now that we,ve had a chance to get over the initial excitement of a woman onthe ticket everyone is coming to their senses.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is gold you are making a big deal of her believing people practice in witch craft, by the way some people still practice. and supporting Obama who is thinking he is god, savior of American and the world. By the way he is not. The double standard bull is getting old.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well it worked, it kept Hillary away at the UN Summit. So I say yes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, there are more than enough unwed pregnant teenagers.

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