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Lv 6
Elle asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 1 decade ago

I wanna tell him off so bad...?

Who else here hates it when people say they'll call and then they don't? This guy I know does it all the time - not only to me but to his other friends as well. I'm at the point where he just pisses me off and I want him to know it. I don't know if anyone else has ever said anything to him about it.

We had made plans earlier in the week to get together today and he said he'd call when he left work today. So he calls and says that he forgot that his neighbors were making him dinner tonight to thank him for some stuff he did for them. That's fine b/c I know he has a very hectic schedule and tonight was pretty much the only night they could fit it in. So he says that it won't take long and that we'd get together later. Fine by me. I tell him to call me when he's done and we'll figure out plans and stuff. The dinner should have been over by 7 or 8 and I'm still waiting for the damn phone call. Obviously it's too late for us to meet up tonight but I really want him to know how pissed I am. My question - should I call him tonight or should I just wait for him to call when he feels like it (which I am so sick of)?

By the way - I'm not gonna just lash out and scream in his ear or anything. I just want him to know that me and everyone else is sick of his crap.


Actually I'm not the only one pissed at him. There were a few times a group of us (including him) was going out together and he never showed or never bothered to call and say that. Naturally, we spent the night worrying that something was wrong because he didn't pick up his phone when his coworker called to see if he was coming.

And another time he was taking a mutual friend out for his birthday and he "forgot".

Update 2:

By the way - I just called him. Of course he doesn't answer. So I left him a message saying that it was obvious he didn't want to hang out tonight and that it's really screwed up that he said he'd call and left me hanging. I asked him to call me back - which he won't, because he'll know I'm mad at him.

So I'll give him a couple days and see what happens.

Update 3:

I'm not pissed that we didn't hang out. That's not the big deal to me. It's the fact that we had the plans set, and he had to break them so he said he'd call either way - whether we hang out or not. It's rude to tell someone to wait for your phone call and then you don't come through.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i kinda had to go through the same thing in my last relationship. my ex would call me every night just to talk but sometimes he wouldn' he'd forget or he'd just be busy well i found out it was because he didn't really have an interest in talking on the phone. mabey thats the case with him too(on nights that he never calls just to talk) or mabey its just because he's a guy. Being a guy means he has other priorites sometimes than call a girl. It mabey could be that he forgot too. Grls are way more better at remembering things like that but guys just dont care sometimes. If you really feel you need to say something then do, if he really cares about you, he will listen when you tell him you don't appreciate him not calling and try to change that. But if he continues to not care or listen when you say something like that, then it's probablly time to move on. But just start with saying something like why didn't you call me(not too seriously though) and if he really cares about you, he won't lie and tell you the truth on why he really didn't call!

    hope that helps

    good luck:)

  • 1 decade ago

    let it go until the next time you see him or he calls. tell him sorry you missed his call if he called that night but you had a great time with other friends. never tell him you waited on the call. then make plans again and when he said i'll call say no let me call you because i have some things to do first. then well guess what wait and call late or the next day. do unto him what he does to others. this may break him

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well he may be drunk and asleep on your neighbor's couch. =P just playing..

    It sounds like his mind races so much he forgets a lot of things. If I were you I would give him a call unless you think hes at home asleep in which case you wouldn't want to anger him after being awaken out of a slumber. That would make the matter worse. But yeah give him a call and good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that he may have been in a situation where he could have overlooked the time and he could not be rude to his neighbors. I think he could text or something. Give him a chance to explain. Another way to avoid the frustrations is not to get too dependent on him calling. If he does it all of the time why do you think it will ever be different. This is who he is, except it or leave him alone.

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  • 1 decade ago

    wait for him to call and then rush off the phone as if u were ina hurry or too busy. Then leave it... wait for him to contact you again or you could then contact him very briefly in atleast 2-3 days.

    Give him some of his own medicine.

    But i dont think its such a big deal he didnt hangout. Prob had too much to eat or had to do another favour. Newhooooo goodluck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yeah i have a lot of friends like that i would just forget about it and call him later after all its not that big of a deal and guys never change so just live with it

  • 1 decade ago

    i think your the only 1 that is pissed at him... not "everyone else"

    chill out!!! you dont own im!!! he does watever he wants!!! jus leave him alone... as in dont make plans with him or get involved with anything that has to do wih phones!!

    or make plans with him (1 he cant resist) and then diss him like he does to you so he will feel wat you've had to go through!!!

    i hope this helps and please try not to sound like a control freak (no offence)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If this guy doesn't treat you well. Then find some other guy to be friends with. It's not as if you are married to him.

    Perhaps he is not that interested in you. And that's why he doesn't make you his first priority.

  • people forget stuff all the time.

    i always tell people im going to call them back and i mostly never do just because im busy and forget.

    just be calm about it and tell him calmly you hate how he does that.

  • 5 years ago

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