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  • Feels like my period, but only spotting?

    I feel the exact same way I feel when I get my period. The only difference this time is that I'm just spotting even though it FEELS like I'm bleeding. I did have sex a couple of weeks ago but my boyfriend can't have children so I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant. I can't think of anything that has happened that could delay or affect my cycle. I got two vaccinations last week at the doctor, and a blood test the other day, but I don't think that would have an effect...I'm not really concerned yet but it's just odd. What could be going on?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Using money that is currently in a CD?

    Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me. I'd like to go back to school and the program is starting in July. I have a good amount of money set up in a CD at my credit union. I'd like to use that money to pay for school and medical insurance instead of taking out a loan. The reason I'm going back to school is because I can't find a job and I'm sick of sitting at home. My question is: how does this work? Is there a penalty for using that money or is there a certain time when I can use it?

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • When is the best time to apply for a job?

    This might be a weird question, but I'm just wondering...

    I'm currently on the hunt for either a full-time job or another part-time position. Since today is Saturday, a lot of businesses don't usually operate (offices and such) Knowing that most places do business during the week , should I wait until after the weekend to send in a resume/cover letter?

    I guess what I'm asking is: What time frame would give me the best chance of my resume and cover being seen by a recruiter or hiring manager? Or does is not matter?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Salaried position that entails a 50 hour work week. Overtime or no?

    I was called for an interview today for a position as a recruiter for a healthcare staffing agency in a Philadelphia suburb.

    The lady I spoke with told me the hours are 8-6 Monday through Friday, which would be at least a 50 hour work week (she also mentioned the possibility of having to be in the office earlier in the morning or staying later at night). In addition, I would be required to be on call for 3 days a week (24 hrs each day) as well as for two weekends each month (24 hrs each of those extra 4 days as well). The position is salaried and not per hour.

    My question is: I was under the impression that anything over a 40 hour work week was considered overtime. Does it not work the same way if it's a salary instead of an hourly wage? Is it legal to make people work over 40 hours and not pay them overtime if they're on a salary?

    I'm trying to do some research so I can be prepared with questions when I go in for the interview, but honestly all the legal terminology is was over my head. Is there anyone familiar with PA labor laws who can clue me in?

    12 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Should I follow up again?

    I applied for a job last week and followed up on the status of my application a few days later (Thursday). I told the manager my name and she looked me up in the computer She told me she'd call me the next day (Friday) once they review the rest of the applications and have a list of qualified applicants. So I stayed home all day on Friday expecting a call, not knowing if I'd have to go for an interview or not. No phone call. No email. Nothing.

    So now it's Monday and I was thinking about calling again today to see what's going on but I don't want to feel like a bother. On the other hand, I really want to know what's going on with this.

    If I wasn't qualified for the position (which I am), that would be one thing. But I don't understand why she'd tell me to expect a phone call if she never intended on calling at all.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Sounds like a rock/alternative song. Maybe from the 90's?

    I can't figure out what song this is. I tried googling it, but I still can't find it. I heard it at work one night.

    All I remember about the song is some lyrics that way "Wanna take a ride, take a ride..." It's a guy singing, not sure if it's just one person or a group.

    I think it's from the 90's because it was played kind of in a set of other 90's songs in a row. It beat of it kind of sounds like something Weezer would sing or something, but it didn't sound like them, so I don't know.

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Pregnant from *** outside vagina?

    My boyfriend and I were fooling around a little a few nights ago (Thursday). We didn't have sex but made each other ***. Not to be graphic here, but when he was getting me off, he was naked behind me and his penis was kind of against my butt/lower region. Then I turned around and got him off and he came on my stomach. Wiped it off asap and got in the shower to rinse off. What I'm worried about is that I missed some of it although I'm pretty sure I didn't. Is it possible that some could have dripped in me as I showered?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Operator's number on the back of a traffic citation?

    This is probably a stupid question, but considering this is my first ticket , I'm new to the whole paying fines and pleading guilty thing.

    I'm filling out the mail-in portion of my citation that I have to send with the check to pay the fine for my ticket. It might be different for other states but in PA it asks for "your operator's number" on the mail-in portion. It also asks for your signature next to your plea and your address, which is self explanatory.

    So what is the operator's number? I have an idea of what it could be, but I don't want to put down the wrong information.

    Thanks everyone.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Is he trying to hint at something?

    I've been seeing this guy for a while but lately we haven't talked/hung out as much as we used to. We both know we'd never work out due to long distance and we just aren't good for each other in that way, but we always end up together. It's almost like Carrie & Mr. Big without the happy ending, lol.

    Anyway I talked to him tonight for the first time in a few weeks and he says he "trying to be a good boy." Completely fine by me. Then as we're talking he starts telling me about his day and how the only thing that would make it better would be if I was there giving him a massage. I reminded him what he just said about being good. Then he says something like "Well it's pretty late already so if you did come down you'd have to stay over ... which could happen ..."

    So I'm on the other line thinking "wtf?" And I said that it sounded to me like he was trying to talk me into coming down. He said "No, I'm gonna do my part to be good" And I agreed and said that I'd do my part. But he kept mentioning about me going over his house. It just sounded to me like he was trying to convince himself or something.

    So, my question: Does he really mean it when he says we're done?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • New (?) oldies medley with a female singer?

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to figure out the name and where I can get a song.

    It's a dance type medley of oldies songs like "The Tears Of A Clown", "Baby Love", "This Old Heart Of Mine", etc. It's a female singing the songs. I've only ever heard it before Phillies games at their ballpark but I'm wondering if anyone knows or has heard this too? I'm not sure if it's a new mix, but I've only heard it in recent weeks.

    I've tried searching online and can't find anything. Anyone have any idea as to what it's called and where I can get it?

    1 AnswerR&B & Soul1 decade ago
  • Re-dying my dark red hair?

    My natural hair color is medium-dark brown. For the past 2 years, I've been dying a dark red (Nice & Easy-Dark Spice). Looking at it, you'd think my hair was very dark brown, but in the light you can tell it's red. Now I'm looking to dye it again. This time, I bought Nice & Easy Perfect 10 - Dark Auburn/Cinnamon Red Hot. It is a shade or two lighter than my current color. It easier to tell it's red in any type of light, which is what I'm pretty much going for. I want it to be obvious that I have red hair, but I don't want flaming red or anything, if that makes sense.

    I just dyed my hair with the Dark Spice about 2 weeks ago. My question is, how long should I wait before trying this Perfect 10 shade? A few people suggested waiting a few months, but I purposely want to do it now so my hair is all one color. If I wait, the top half of my hair will be dark brown and the bottom half will be dark red, so when I dye it it will be two different colors and I don't want that.

    Any stylists out there who can help me out? Or has anyone done this type of dye job before?


    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • I wanna tell him off so bad...?

    Who else here hates it when people say they'll call and then they don't? This guy I know does it all the time - not only to me but to his other friends as well. I'm at the point where he just pisses me off and I want him to know it. I don't know if anyone else has ever said anything to him about it.

    We had made plans earlier in the week to get together today and he said he'd call when he left work today. So he calls and says that he forgot that his neighbors were making him dinner tonight to thank him for some stuff he did for them. That's fine b/c I know he has a very hectic schedule and tonight was pretty much the only night they could fit it in. So he says that it won't take long and that we'd get together later. Fine by me. I tell him to call me when he's done and we'll figure out plans and stuff. The dinner should have been over by 7 or 8 and I'm still waiting for the damn phone call. Obviously it's too late for us to meet up tonight but I really want him to know how pissed I am. My question - should I call him tonight or should I just wait for him to call when he feels like it (which I am so sick of)?

    By the way - I'm not gonna just lash out and scream in his ear or anything. I just want him to know that me and everyone else is sick of his crap.

    10 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How much will this run me?

    The back right side of my bumper is all scratched up. I'm not even sure if this can be fixed by just paint. It looks like I might have to replace the rear bumper, but I'm not sure. I was parked on the street last night and when I came out it was deeply scratched. So my guess is that someone hit me while backing in or driving into a spot behind me. Anyway, how much will paint/and or a new bumper cost me? It's a 2007 Honda Civic coupe.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I don't know why this bothers me so much?

    I've been seeing this guy for a little over a year now. We're not very serious due to the fact that even though we talk on the phone all the time, we don't see each other as often. Anyway, last year we decided to be friends who casually date-emphasis on being friends above anything else. So I was talking to him a few days ago about our respective schedules and hanging out next week sometime. Our birthdays are 3 days apart so we kinda wanna celebrate them at the same time. He suggests going to a strip club. Says he wants to see what I think about the place.

    Now here's my thing. It doesn't bother me when I "don't know" what he does. Meaning, if he doesn't talk about it then I don't care (even though I do know about him going to strip clubs and all). But for some reason, when he actually says it out loud, it just really irks me. And honestly, I'd wouldn't have a problem going to a strip club with a group of some other friends ... con't.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I'm just wondering what the general laws are about this...?

    I have a friend who lives in Florida who recently found out she is pregnant. She & her boyfriend are not married. She works part time and he is full time, so he is the only one with benefits. My question is, to anyone here that's familiar with these order for all three of them to be covered under his insurance, do they need to be married? She will not be working once the baby is born, leaving him to be the breadwinner. Does it depend on the company? Or is there a state law in effect?

    I'm just trying to help her out since she's a little freaked out about it.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • If a supervisor at work said this to you ...?

    ... after a discussion about sales at work, and me stating that no one was interested in buying on a certain night because our target audience (families/kids) was not in high attendance at an event, for the most part. A supervisior of mine turned to me and said "All the drunk college kids are your age. You should wink & flirt, maybe someone would buy something from you"... would you consider that harrassment?

    15 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I'm really getting frustrated?

    This unemployment thing is starting to get annoying. I've been searching for a job aggressively since August - nothing. I've been on 3 interviews since then and nothing else. I can't find a job anywhere. Most of the companies won't even send an email or give a call regarding whether or not they received my application. Or when I call to follow up, "no one is available to speak with me". I'm really fed up with it.

    What the hell do I have to do to find a job? I feel like I've tried everything, I don't know what else to do anymore. My parents don't get it - they think someone will just hand me a job. They can't comprehend the fact that, unlike when they started, the job market sucks right now. I can't stand being around them anymore because they treat me like I'm not even trying. I'm really about to just go off on someone.

    Please tell me there are other people who are going through the same thing? And any ideas when this economy will stop being so screwed up?

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Unemployment compensation in Pennsylvania?

    I applied for unemployment in mid-January of this year. I work a seasonal part time job so I am out of work from October until April every year. I was not aware that I was eligible for unemployment from my job because I am technically still employed. Anyway, I was accepted for benefits (because of decreased work hours) and have received my first two payments.

    The other day I called to file for unemployment back pay dating back to October. Has anyone ever done this and been accepted to receive the back pay? Any ideas on how long it will take for me to find out whether or not I will get the back pay? The woman I talked to couldn't really give me a timetable, and she was quite rude about it.

    Ideally, I'm hoping to have the money within the next two weeks.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How can I calmly confront my friend?

    I have a friend who always seems to "need a talk" about anything and everything - mostly boy problems. Over the last year I went through some stuff too - and even though she tells me that I'm not alone and that she's always gonna be there, I can't help but feel like she's just saying that to make me feel better.

    I always listen to her when she needs to talk and I always try to give her advice when she asks for it. She knows she can call me anytime. But when I try to talk about my situation - she always blows me off and finds a way to change the subject. So I just gave up on talking to her about it. I don't mention it at all - and when she asks I give her short answers and not much info. Of course she gets mad that I'm not filling her in on everything, but I'm sick of not being able to talk about my life but expected to listen to every detail about hers.

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How do you include a picture in an email ...?

    through Gmail? I don't mean attaching the pic to the email. I want to put it in the body of the email so it shows up underneath the message. Any clues on how to do it? It's probably really easy but I'm computer stupid, so any help is appreciated! Thanks!

    4 AnswersAttachments and Photos1 decade ago