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Lv 7
hobo asked in TravelUnited StatesLas Vegas · 1 decade ago

I am recently widowed (3 months) and I'm taking a trip to Las Vegas by myself. Any tips?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My deepest sympathy on your loss!!

    First of all, try to stay on the strip. There's unsavory parts of town that are NOT safe but they seem to patrol the strip more because of all us tourists.

    Definitly plan on catching a few shows such as Cirque de Soleil. I came out of there AMAZED at how athletic the performers were!

    Don't go crazy gambling. Budget. Decide in advance how much you'll spend per day and, when you used up your money, DO NOT GO NEAR AN ATM MACHINE TO GET MORE MONEY AND KEEP GAMBLING. Walk away and go see a show or whatever.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Las Vegas is really a city that has something for everybody therefore find it with hotelbye . Las Vegas is really a town with great attractions and some of those could be the famous Las Vegas Strip; where tourists can enjoy a go in the hot leave morning, or have a stroll downtown and see a dazzling gentle reveal that spans an entire block, the Fremont Street Experience. Visitors may also get a glimpse of amazing world popular re-creations like erupting volcanoes, the Eiffel Tower and the Sphinx of Egypt in front of the various resorts and casinos. Las Vegas is really a town that consistently reinvents itself, therefore even although you have now been here before you will never run out of enjoyment what to do.

  • Spike
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hi, i have read your other question as well ( about the age of minors etc) and all that i can advise is that unless you only want to gamble do not go to las Vegas. It is no-where to take a child of any age. Entertainment is expensive and once you have seen the inside of one hotel themed shopping area you have effectively seen them all. I took my family there and really didnt enjoy it. For the same cost we have been to Disney World and also to Hawaii. Unless you have already booked your hotel maybe a re-think of your destination so that both you and your child will benefit from what is obviously a much needed break, may be a good idea. Las Vegas is full of bright lights and big bucks but it is VERY seedy.

  • 1 decade ago

    good for you, i would stay in the mirage if i were travelling by myself, its a fantastic hotel and the staff are really helpful, the pool is the best and no one will bother you, you must take a trip to the canyon, i recommend using king tours and doing the helicopter one, amazing sights you can have a champange breakfast at the top of the canyon and as the helicopter takes up to 4 people you would not be alone in the experience.

    go up the eifle tower at night and watch the fountains at ballagio, make sure you grab an ice cream from there its to die for.

    if you go down town watch the light show, the best night to go is a saturday, make an evening of it, have a dinner there as its about half the price of eating on the strip, you can get loads of cheap leather goods there as well, as well as other cheap bits from the tat shops, on the way back from downtown you could stop at the stratasphere hotel and do the tower rides or just go to the top, the sights at night are fantastic.

    if you want to go to the rio hotel, good free show, you can get a free shuttle bus from behind harras hotel which will take you straight there and back too. they have a restraunt at the top of the hotel which is lovley but quite pricy, the buffet is also very nice.

    out of town shopping, there are two malls which have quality seconds either are worth a visit, shoes, handbags and jeans, take a cab its about $20.

    hope you have a fantastic time, be safe and shop well.

    ps. make sure you have photo id if using a credit card, leave your passport in the safe, use driving licence

    Source(s): regular visitor to vegas
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  • 1 decade ago

    Stand on 17. :)

    In all honesty, just have fun. I'm sorry to hear of your loss, but imagine this trip will do wonders in getting your mind off of things. Spend some time in the casinos, go shopping, dine at some of the world's finest restaurants, catch a few shows, and take in the nightlife. Las Vegas is an amazing city!

  • 1 decade ago

    HHHmmm, great idea! I should have done that. I am widowed just over a year and I have wanted to go to Vegas too. I thought about going myself. I guess, I would just stay in safe areas, watch who you talk to, watch your purse at all times and don't trust anyone! I do think it is possible to go and have a good time by yourself though. I just may have to try that. I hope you have a wonderful time :)

  • 4 years ago

    it relatively is all as much as you. you are able to consume a meal there for $4.ninety 9 or $499. it relatively is a loopy place. shows there could be expensive, distinctly while you at the instant are not a gambler who gets complimentary tickets from a on line casino. there are countless coupons and bargains like that around in case you seem. The extremely top type shows at the instant are not likely to be discounted to the commonly used individual. Min of $60 a value tag for those. shows and nutrition could be accomplished conveniently for roughly $a hundred according to individual an afternoon while you're shrink the nicer stuff (enormous meal, fancy teach) to three different day or so. this is unique of playing money, of direction. alter that form in accordance on your flavor and finances. appreciate!

  • 1 decade ago

    Take LOTS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    wear flat comfortable shoes, and clothes. Put good jewerly in the hotel safe.

    ask for comps where ever you go, you can get a lot of free stuffnever carry a purse. carry ID medical and DL, one ph # not yours in a brafold or in your underwear. I live in Nev. Don't flash the cash. If you win a lot of $$$ call me.

    Just kidding . Get a m/o for it the next day and send it home to yourseld. keep enough to enjoy your trip a little more. (remember whatever you win, is money you didn't bring with you).

    Source(s): I'm a Nevada resident.
  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry for your lost. Were you married long? Were you happy?

    Do you have children? Why are you going alone?

    Taking this trip will do you good - you need a mental relaxation. Enjoy yourself, and be careful. LV is a beautiful place to visit - so much to do. Enjoy life to the fulliest! Best of luck to you (at the casi.\os) have a safe tripl

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gambling spells!

    They really helped me in a similar situation. I always go to them. The call is free and they are always willing to talk and work with your budget.

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