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what's your opinion on this?

since there are so many abortions here in America those who want to adopt have to go overseas to adopt. i have a friend who has adopted 3 children from overseas. and my friend isn't of the same ethnic background as the children and she doesn't care as long as she can show her love to the children she adopts. my real question is if there are so many people willing to adopt children why are women choosing abortion instead of adoption?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Who knows why they choose to abort instead of giving the child up for adoption. As you pointed out, people are having to adopt children from over seas because there isn't enough children here in the US to adopt....... I know that there are a lot of kids in foster care, but that doesn't mean that they are adoptable.....

  • Anil S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This depends on the circumstances . The circumstances tends to opt for abortion , but it is not quite customary and the % is quite less. Even 12000 girls of the age range of 13 and 14 , are adopted the motherhood and they , or their parents have not adopted the abortion and have had the babies . These babies too are enjoying love from all family members. But every where their are reasons for such occasions , and as per the Bible - everything has a reason to occur. But % of such incidents are considerably less. As regards adoption , at times , the either parents could not have for reasons best known to them - means either mother could not conceive due to physical problems - or lack of fertility of a man

    In such circumstances , the adoption is quite fair and nothing wrong. As regards, the ethnicity , the Globe now is a big city and the countries now are the villages. The only race is known now is human being . And its a better approach to be a good human being, which is a best religion . Their children are also so loyal to take care of parents when they reach to an age , and take care with love to their parents .

    The surrogate mother is a new concept in this century and proved to be most successful . The UK , observed that the mother of a daughter has become the surrogate mother for the child of same race and ethnicity . The test tube babies are also quite common . Of course , the % is negligible

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Except when their lives are endangered by carrying the pregnancy to term, women choose abortion (which is prenatal infanticide) to escape the responsibility of pregnancy and birth.

    Most people sympathize with the woman they see and not with the child they don't see. Thus, the pregnant woman will find many friends, family members, and politicians who will encourage abortion. We live in a fallen world.

    The fact that there are many fewer babies available for adoption than requests to adopt demonstrates that every child already is a wanted child. The only question is which parents want that child. Adoption is usually the best answer to an unmarried pregnancy.



  • 1 decade ago

    There are many reasons why women are having abortions.

    She may be a college student on a sport's scholarship and will lose the scholarship if she is pregnant. She may feel she is too young. She may feel she is too old. She may be a single mother. She may be under threat of losing her job if she's pregnant, especially if she's a phys-ed coach or another profession where she would be forced to take maternity leave early on. She may be coerced by a boyfriend or husband who threatens to leave her if she doesn't, or parents who threaten to throw her out.

    She might be the victim of incestual rape, forced to have an abortion by an abusive father or uncle who wants to cover up his crimes.

    She may believe the lies she's been fed by groups such as Planned Parenthood that abortion is "perfectly normal" and the best choice. She may believe the abortionist, in the business for money, who tells her that it's not a baby, just a blob of cells, or that an abortion is safer than carrying the pregnancy to term (when in fact more than twice as many women die from having "safe" and "legal" abortions than who die in childbirth).

    She may be scared and young and not know about the adoption process.

    Or she might just be a greedy ***** who doesn't care so long as she doesn't have a baby around to interrupt her rise to the top.

  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It would be a very difficult thing to go through pregnancy for 9 months, go through the birth, then possibly see or at least hear your child then be able to give it away.

    I have had an abortion, and I knew that there was no way that I would be able to give birth then give my child away. Not only would it have been something that I wasn't capable of doing, I wouldn't want my child to grow up and possibly have issues, knowing that their mother gave them away and thinking that they weren't loved.

    As for the person that said people have abortions because they're selfish and because it's an inconvenience, that is a load of crap! I had one because I wasn't mentally or financially stable enough to bring up a child. I wasn't mature enough at the time, and I knew that I would struggle to bring up the child properly. I suffered from depression , and to carry on with the pregnancy would have made me even more ill. If I became more ill, which I'm pretty certain would have been the case, it would have been very unfair for the child.

    I don't believe that I was being selfish, I was looking at how well I could bring up a child. People can judge me all they want, it makes no difference. I have no regrets about what I did, I still believe it was the best thing to do.

    And, yes, I did use contraception but it failed.

  • Lily
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Not all women are choosing abortion. Some are choosing adoption. Don't generalize. If you're going to make a statement like that, you should know the numbers involved.

  • 1 decade ago

    It isn't right, but a lot of women feel that carrying a baby for nine months and then giving it up to a stranger would be to much emotional pain for them. They will always wonder where the baby is and if the people who have this baby are treating it well. They would rather murder the baby. They don't understand that abortions carry a lot of guilt and agony as well, and that this is a terrible mortal sin they are committing. Well that's my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel that many of the women who abort their babies are very self centered. To them, it seems, that nothing is more important than not having a complication in their lives. In this frame of mind, of course they will abort the child. Pregnancy would mess up their lives for a few months....

  • Very true probably because they dont want their kid to find who they r but still i think that is very very very wrong to do that!

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