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BulliesRock asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Has your dog ever been treated for giardia?

Her stool is jelly like substance and smelly. Does this sound like giardia to anyone who's dog has had it


Her stool is jelly like substance and smelly. Does this sound like giardia to anyone who's dog has had it? The stool sample will be tested tomorrow for confirmation. In the meantime, she's on metronidazole (just started tonight) and had rice for dinner. We're stumped as to how she would have gotten it. If your dog has had it, did you have any ideas how he/she got it? Our pit mix is 11 months old and hasn't been near any other dogs that have had it. One of the woman I work with is treating her dog for it, but our dogs never come in contact. We're in separate buildings on the premises. The only thing that I can think of is that I tracked from her office to mine, but I thought infection only occured when they drank out of the same water dish or were exposed to the stool of an infected dog. Any ideas/advice before we hit the vet tomorrow? I'm just an overly worried mom...

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    does it have a really bad odor? and does it look like it has blood in it? or maybe just clots of blood? if so it could be cocidia which can be treated with an antibiotic called albon and it's not all that expensive. alot of vets get parvo confused with cocidia but there is a BIG difference. hope this helps

  • miaugh
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It can be anywhere. It can be on the grass, if she stepped in stool then later licked her paws. The giardia cysts can live for weeks in water & drinking bowls, but also on wet soil, damp lawns, etc.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's giradia OR more likely,COCCIDIA!! Coccidia REEKS.

    Treat for BOTH-panacur for giadia & ALBON for coccidia.

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