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I've seen some incredibly transphobic questions on this site. Should we find and report these?

There are some questions which portray trans women as sexual deceivers and the like and many answers calling for violence against, or even murder of people like us.

As it is, we are already facing violence at the hands of the transphobes. I don't like HRC but their statistics are as good as anyone's:

"Hate crimes against transgender people tend to be particularly violent. For example, one expert estimates that transgender individuals living in America today have a one in 12 chance of being murdered. [1] In contrast, the average person has about a one in 18,000 chance of being murdered. [2]"

Is it appropriate to search for these questions, i.e. to search for the slurs they use for us, and to report these questions, and the most violent answers? Or is it better not to?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm going to say report them if it has anything to do with violence.

    When it's just hateful stuff, I'm kinda caught in between. A small part of me feels that it's better to have these "feelings" exorcised into the open online. Sure, there will be other people who will add to the fire. But at least no one can get physically hurt and a person who answers still MAY have the chance to turn the discussion around.

    Remember guys, all it takes is a smart person to plant a seed of doubt in someone's rage, and they may think about it later on. And they'll never admit it, but a smart answer could expose the hate for what it really is. Also, yahoo answers is not a purely one-on-one relationship. Whatever answer you give, even if it doesn't get voted as best answer, will be a record that could possibly change someone's mind in the future.

    (Of course, that would mean all us T people need to be vigilant here. Is our work ever done?!!!!)

    That's me at my most optimistic.

    In my most pessimistic: Education doesn't guarantee tolerance. Trans* people have had literally thousands of websites trying to "educate" people about their choices. Movies like TransAmerica, Soldier's Girl, Boys Don't Cry educate the general public. And you know what? The only movie quote concerning trangender people I continue to hear is still "It puts the lotion on itself or it gets the hose (Silence of the Lambs)

    If one goes by the assumption that once ordinariness is communicated, hate would cease, then how do you explain the fact that racism continues after hundreds of years?

    ...from well-educated, upper-class people, no less.

    (I also don't agree with the person above regarding transgender people bringing it on themselves through their deception and their "stupid" behavior. In order for a non-op, or pre-op transgender person to function in public, the question of passing inevitably comes up. I have enough triggers that people know I'm male (I'm 6 foot tall) so there's never a question what a stranger is up against, but for the ones who can pass easily, they are in a double bind:

    Say this t*girl is at a party. If she tells the guy she's a biological male, now he'll out her and she can no longer go to the girl's toilet. And if she goes to the guy's toilet, there'll be violence there. So it's much more complicated than mere deception. Also we have to remember that there are many t*girls who simply can't afford the operation. It's sad, but when you go to you tend to see more victims from the lower income area.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    Y!A community guidelines DO recommend reporting abusive questions or answers, but I'm not sure that actively searching for abuse is necessarily productive.

    Many of the 'transphobic' questions are not intentionally offensive; they simply display a woeful ignorance(often based, as "d332" suggests, on negative media influences).

    In those cases, education works better; especially (IMO) if it's done with a little humour.

    It's hard to demonise someone who makes you smile....

    If, on the other hand, someone is deliberately setting out to offend, the knowledge that they've succeeded will make them feel good; trolls thrive on attention.

    Also, it's likely they will very quickly notice that you are 'stalking' them; if they do, they may well turn the tables, and report all YOUR Q&As; losing your own account won't help.

    As has been said, if a question is not deleted, the answers remain for other users to read; you may not be able to alter the asker's opinion, but you may have a positive effect on someone else.

    Every little helps...

    Source(s): It seems to work for me ;)
  • 1 decade ago

    No one has a right to make threats against another human being or group of people. But seeking out those who make threats isn't a viable solution to the problem. The only way the trans community will ever change things is by educating those outside the community that were just ordinary people caught up in extraordinary circumstance.

    The Mortality rate of trans individuals is indeed high. But that stems more from carelessness than from the fact that someone is transgenderd.

    Go to the website "remembering our dead" and you will quickly discover that the majority of the victims on that page were murdered simply for deceiving someone else. By not revealing themselves to a potential mate, or by trying to fool others. That is a NO NO!! If someone doesn't know your gender status and you try to make them believe your something you are not. There is a very good chance that you may get killed.. That is one form of deception that can have very hard repercussions.

    It's not right that someone has to be killed over it. But that's a reality.

    Source(s): Being transgender and seeing people in our community do stupid things and paying a heavy price!
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, please do report it. If we don't stand up for each other by reporting these incidents then truly we are saying it's alright to have all this violence. Personally I would report anyone doing what you are mentioning here.

    Great question... I hope more people will feel free to be concerned enough to let Y/A know what's going on :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    you might stir some things up and make them more angry (altho they'll never know it was you who reported them), but if its that important to you i would say yes

    good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    when every i find a question that insults or threatens any LGBT member i report the question

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't see why you shouldn't. I like that fact that there are those who stand up

  • reme_1
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


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