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Why is it so Important About the US Constitution?

What is the real reason that our Us Congress signed

the Declaration Of Independence during July 4th 1776 ?


well let's talk about the Us History

what year was the Boston Tea got taxed?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In short, I believe the main purpose of the Declaration of Indepence was to be free of Great Britians rule and abuses, and wanting a stronger government with rights for the people.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Declaration of Independence was signed, not by congress but by the 'founders'.

    The constitution (written in 1787 and ratified in 1788) is important because it is the supreme law of our land;the backbone of our system.

    The men who signed the Declaration of Independence are:

    George Read

    Caesar Rodney

    Thomas McKean

    George Clymer

    Benjamin Franklin

    Robert Morris

    John Morton

    Benjamin Rush

    George Ross

    James Smith

    James Wilson

    George Taylor

    John Adams

    Samuel Adams

    John Hancock

    Robert Treat Paine

    Elbridge Gerry

    Josiah Bartlett

    William Whipple

    Matthew Thornton

    Stephen Hopkins

    William Ellery

    Lewis Morris

    Philip Livingston

    Francis Lewis

    William Floyd

    Button Gwinnett

    Lyman Hall

    George Walton

    Richard Henry Lee

    Francis Lightfoot Lee

    Carter Braxton

    Benjamin Harrison

    Thomas Jefferson

    George Wythe

    Thomas Nelson, Jr.

    William Hooper

    John Penn

    Joseph Hewes

    Edward Rutledge

    Arthur Middleton

    Thomas Lynch, Jr.

    Thomas Heyward, Jr.

    Abraham Clark

    John Hart

    Francis Hopkinson

    Richard Stockton

    John Witherspoon

    Samuel Huntington

    Roger Sherman

    William Williams

    Oliver Wolcott

    Charles Carroll

    Samuel Chase

    Thomas Stone

    William Paca

    Source(s): U.S. History, the real thing not that revisionist nonsense currently being spewed in public 'skools'.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, the Declaration and the Constitution are very separate documents, so you might want to research that a bit.

    At any rate, money was the main reason for declaring independence. "No Taxation without Representation" was the problem - the colonies did not feel the British government gave them a voice in how they were to be governed, yet they still wanted tax money from those colonists.

    There were other issues that added to the problems, of course, but money/representation was the big one.

  • 5 years ago

    the U. S. shape is a in demand new way of thinking with admire to governments relationship to the individuals. traditionally the rights of the individuals have been desperate by skill of the sovereign and ought to be taken away at any time without reason. the U. S. shape grew to become into outfitted decrease than the concept that the rights of the individuals have been from an greater capacity and ought to not be rescinded arbitrarily. The the objective of government grew to become into constrained to shelter those rights. This in ideas the form grew to become into written to heavily shrink the government as a manner to not encroach the rights of the individuals. besides the fact that the government has strayed from this critically over the years the basic concepts stay. what isn't yet prevalent is will the individuals as quickly as lower back include liberty and face up to take decrease back those rights the growing to be Federal government has grown to usurp? the 2d superb element with regard to the U. S. shape is that it has outfitted into it the capacity to be amended to duplicate adjustments in society, or maybe to repair the rights of the individuals if the definitely everyone seems to be so prone without the choose for revolution or bloody conflict.

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  • Teekno
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    OK, I am confused.

    Is your question about the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence?

  • it means u can carry guns and kill eachother whenever you're angry about something.

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