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How much gas $ to drive to Florida ?

I live 20 hours away, and I drive a Ford Windstar minivan. It costs about $60 to fill it up. My guess is two full tanks of gas each way. What do you estimate?

(Don't ask me how many gallons my tank is or how many mpg it gets. I don't know. I don't even really care that much - I was just curious.)

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    According to, a trip in a 2001 Ford Windstar (also called Freestar) minivan would cost $244.21 one-way using today's gas prices. By the way, the tank size is 26 gallons. I used the route NY to Miami as that is a 20 hour route. You would have to refuel twice on the route, once around NC, and the other in northern Florida (around Jacksonville)

  • 4 years ago

    How much gas will it take to get to Orlando Florida from Warren Mi in a 2010 Chrysler mini van?

  • 1 decade ago

    If we don't know how many MPG you get... we don't know how many miles you will drive.. then how would we know how much it would cost. 20 hours away don't tell anything.. is that drive time.. how fast will you drive how many stops do you make? You can figure the amount just as easy as anyone else.

  • 1 decade ago

    on average, each full tank of gas does about 350 miles, so if you drive 70 miles an hour then it would be 240.00 dollars in gas. give or take.

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