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Does this country really want a more Socialist government?

Do those who support Obama really want socialism in this country? Just wondering, because a vote for Obama, is a vote for socialism, bigger government, less freedom.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Dude, we are heading for Socialism... it'll just more along the lines of a reverse robin hood, Corporate Socialism - Not the kind for the people.

    I don't know if either candidate can stop it. sadly!

    Edited to add: Ron Paul/Dennis Kucinich are the only ones I can think of who would fight the hardest, but, they'd have a huge uphill battle with other elected officials and those $#*$ lobbyists.

  • Sasha
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If you vote for Obama, We will become a Socialist Country. That is no joke. McCain will not let that happen. He has been a thorn in Bush's side the whole eight years. A few things McCain sided with Bush. Not that much though. Palin is a great woman, and she will do great. I was a democrat. Now I am voting for McCain. So many of these idiots don't even research a candidate. They don't even watch the news regularly. But when election comes, they are sheep. Dems. Liberals are idiots. They are Lazy, want things given to them. Can't get things themselves. They whine and complain. The poor me. Makes me sick. Years ago democrats were not like they are today. Disgusting creatures.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    that question doesn't have a simple answer for example: North Korea says it's Socialist, But it's really a Tyrannical Dictatorship. and Norway doesn't have pure Socialism, but it has far more Socialist Programs than most other countries. So.. do we call North Korea a Socialist Country just because that crazy @sshole Kim Jong-il says it is ??

  • 1 decade ago

    Implementing certain aspects of socialism into government is what has allowed so many progressive countries, such as Great Britain and France, to give every single citizen of their countries accessible health care.

    Also, the French get something like 6 weeks of government mandated paid vacation every year compared to the United State's 2. So who has more freedom?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Medicare is socialized.

    Education is socialized.

    401 K's and social security are socialized. (Hence, the word "social" in social security.)

    ...And if this 700 billion dollar bailout plan passes, a part of big business will be socialized (which is what Republicans, Bush and McCain are in SUPPORT of).

    So...we are already socialized. LOL, you know!

  • Pens
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think a lot of the people who say they support Obama don't really know what he stands for. I hope they don't vote.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama has ZERO experience to be President. He has a college degree, has worked in the community, which millions of Americans are doing, and he has voted present in the senate.

    Also, just look at all his radical associations, either he has a terrible judgement of picking friends or he is just like one of them. I believe the latter is true.

    In addition, he is not what he says he is. Obama's father figure mentor (in his memoir book, he refers to him as only "Frank") was Frank Marshall Davis, leader of the Communist Group USA, which makes him very dangerous for our country. See link:

    Plus, we do not want our country to be controlled by Pelosi, Reid, Obama, and Biden. No thanks to socialism!! No thanks to higher taxes!! No thanks to more government agencies!! No thanks to a failed Congress!!

    All these democrats, Frank Barney (chairman of finance commmitte), Chris Dodd (chairman of banking committee) are responsible for the financial crisis, allowing Freddie/Fannie making these bad loans to lower income people for years..... And guess who was the second most receipient of money from Freddie/Fannie, well it was Obama.

    I have sent a letter to FBI to investigate, Obama, Dodd, Barney and SEC chaiman Christopher Cox... The FBI is already investigating CEO's going back 10 years, when the housing bubble started in 1998. They include, Freedie, Fannie, Lehman, Bear Sterns, Merryl Lynch, Washington Mutual and AIG. These are the people who are responsible of our money, banking system, and investments. And Obama has been receiving sweet deals from these same people.

    This is very serious!!! Wake up America!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    McCain and Obama's policies are essentially the same.

    There is no election. Either one will be about the same.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama supporters might but I don't.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



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