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Lv 5
Terr asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Do you think Palin's "folksy" language is natural, or is she being coached to appear less DC-ish?

I'm curious on your opinions. Are others as skeptical as I am when it comes to all politicians?


Grahame, I said "all politicians". But there's nothing about Obama's (or any of the other P & VP candidate's) speech patterns that raise any questions for me.

I know they're all coached, but it just feels to me like while the others are coached to appear more professional/polished, she seems coached to appear less so. I was curious if it was just me.

Thanks all who've responded.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's probably natural, but please make no mistake - EVERYTHING at this level is calculated. If they didn't want her folksy charm to come through, they would coach her not to do it. I'm sure the Republicans see it as an advantage, so they have encouraged her to keep it up. She's being herself, but on purpose.

    I should say that I am hopeful for an Obama presidency, but having Palin run with McCain has made this election interesting, to say the least.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She is who she is. She doesn't have to put on an act for anyone, and that is why she will be a great VP! She isn't one of those polished politicians who have to put on a show and live up to a certain standard that people have come to expect from politicians. She is one of the people who genuinely loves their country, and she connects with the regular people because we all have families and jobs and children and are tired of the slick political machine that has been robbing the citizens of this country blind for years because there have been little or no restraints irrespective of who has been in office.

    She is not a Democrat or a Republican - she is an American first and foremost! The radical liberal press hates her because they cannot mold and shape her to fit their desire. Because she will not bend to their filthy tactics they are forced to attack her and lie about her and their candidates, and because they virtually control the bulk of media available to Main Street America they can twist and pervert the news and make it believeable to those who are unwise and willing to be led astray by their lies and deceptions.

    McCain/Palin is still the best ticket for those who love country more than they are partisan in their leanings. Obama and Biden will take this country down the not so primrose path to socialism. You can believe it or not, but if these hooligans get in office you will be a firm believer then. BUT hindsight will be worthless then and those who vote for them will get what they deserve. The rest of us will have to suffer with the guilty who refused to listen to reason.

  • 1 decade ago

    She sounds more natural to me than Biden or Obama, or most any other politician at the moment. I hope John McCain learns from this and is more himself in the next debate than he was in the last one.

  • 1 decade ago

    She is a natural woman and is speaking the way she always does. She doesn't have to stoop to the "black church" style speaking that Al Gore and Hillary Clinton did when the urge hit them to try to get people to accept them as their own. Sarah Palin speaks and says what's on her mind. She doesn't have to pretend to be someone she isn't. You may not like it and think it's cute to make fun of it but she is a terrific example of someone who believes in what they do, how they do it and what it means to be true to yourself. I admire her greatly. (. . . and she isn't a bit "DC-ish", which is a great thing!!)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Her "Folksy" language is real and you can't get any more LESS DC-sih than her! look at the contract with Biden, we are talking about 36 years in the Senate, talk about establishment DC!

  • 1 decade ago

    She talks JUST like I do. I am ALL AMERICAN and so is she.

    If there is ANYONE that you should be skeptical about, it's Barack Hussein OBAMA the CON man, The ACORN supporter, the socialist, the closet muslim that can recite the Quran to you in PERFECT dialect, the "cracker" hater, the phony that wouldn't wear a flag pin and had REASONS for that and then changed his hat and started wearing the pin, Tony Rezko's BUDDY, William Ayers BUDDY, Jeremiah Wrights BUDDY, the guy that believes that when a baby survives abortion it should be left to lay there and die WITH NO ONE ALLOWED TO AT LEAST WRAP THAT INFANT IN A BLANKET AND HOLD IT WHILE IT DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • akgirl
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well, she's been in the public eye here in Alaska for quite some time. I've watched her debates and interviews and seen her in person. She always talks like that. I think part of it is being a mom. Since I had my children my language has taken on that "Flanderesque" flavor.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not pro-Palin. But her "folksy" manner sounds mostly natural to me. I think she's cultivated it in the same way that most politicians emphasize certain points about themselves, but I think it's basically who she is.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, she governs in Alaska not in Washington.

    She speaks like one of us people that reside close to Canada here in the Midwest, you betcha, dont cha know?

    And yes, I speak like this!

    Funny. We have so many different ways of speaking in our country. I figure we should be celebrating our diversities.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She is quite the "folksy maverick reformer". I have no idea what that means.... or if that's even the right qualifications for VP... but I'm definitely told that that is what she is.

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