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Puppy problems...nipping & chewing on!?

I have a puppy that will be 8 weeks this coming Wed. He's part Rottweiler, part Pit, and part Miniature Daschund (no I'm not making this up), I've always had full blooded Pits and Rotts in the past and never had a problem with them acting like I'm the chew toy after being disciplined for a couple of days over it.

Evan (the puppy) isn't responding to typical puppy punishment for nipping like my other dogs have. I've tried tips that are on puppy training websites and it's not working either. The more I discipline him, the more he thinks he's Cujo, almost like he thinks I'm playing.

I know I have to show him that I'm the "alpha" in the house and for the most part he understands that until he gets all woundup wanting to play and starts the nipping and nawing on me.

Any tips for breaking him of this?


Thanks for those suggestions but thats things I'm already doing. He nips, I attempt ignoring him and he follows me around biting my ankles and pulling my pants legs, so I crate him for 20 minutes. Have also tried grabbing his muzzle, telling him no and replacing my hand with a toy.

Have also taken the extreme measure that the trainer who trained my pits taught me and that is to grab the flappy skin under their chin at the top of the neck and gently pinch and pull down until they show submission through either laying their ears down, whimpering, or raising a paw. He takes it as playing.

He socializes with other puppies from his same litter frequently and is around lots of people and he tries to chew on everyone. Again I've never had this problem with any of my others (4 rotts and 7 pits). If he was one of my purebreds I would enroll him in classes, but I'm not paying what I do for the pits & rotts for a heinz 57 to go to class.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When he nips at you take his muzzle and tell him "No Bite". Be gentle because dogs can't breath well when their mouths are closed. Or when he nips at you tell him "NO" and then give him a toy. This will teach him that you are not for biting, but the toy is ok.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well you do have to understand that he is a puppy! I know sometimes it get annoying but that is part of puppy life. Be stern with him, when you are showing him you are the Alpha lay him on his back and keep him there until he becomes calm submissive. Or if you have a crate, when he starts to get to crazy place him in his crate and pretend to ignore him until he calms down as well, then let him out and with a stern voice ask him if he will be a good puppy ect ect whatever you feel, and then let him go roam again. Remember as you know you must be constant with punishment. Sometimes a nice LONG walk will tire him out and let you be. Good luck with the puppy!

    Source(s): I am a dog tainer/Breeder
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my dogs went through the same thing pure breads don't seem to be as bad but all i did with my puppy was to tell her off when i saw her doing it

    if you were out at the time come home and see it hold the puppy's nose to what ever she has chewed and tell her off until you no she understands that its bad

    what i found helps is (im not sure it will work but it worked for me) when she is biting you tell her off and if she is licking then biting put her mouth in the middle of your finger and thumb when there is a bit of skin for some reason she didn't bit is she just sort of nibbled it so it didn't hurt

    im only 13 but i have looked after dogs needing to be re-homed and had 1 pure bread and 1 mongrel of my own so i no what im talk about

    good luck home he/she (im not sure) doesn't chew anything expensive

    Source(s): my life
  • 1 decade ago

    He needs some puppy obedience! Take him to PetSmart, or your local pet store, and sign him up!

    He needs LOTS of training and socialization!

    When he is being nippy, walk away from him, and ignore him for 15-20 mins. When he calms down, praise him and give him a treat.

    Eventually he will learn that nippy equals no attention. Being calm equals yummy treats and lots of attention!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    go to petsmart and bring ur dog there with u and see wat dog it likes so ur dog can get distracted and play with the toy more than bitting u. and ur puppy is in a teething mode.

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