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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Republicans, do you vote based on your faith?

What if your wrong about God? Don't get me wrong I have Christian beliefs. But don't you think you should vote on more then your bible? I'm not saying all republicans are this way, but I sure know a lot that do.


I agree with many on pro-life. Trust me, it is an issue that I am very in touch with as I am expecting my first baby. However, I am not voting based solely on that issue. There are so many other issues at hand and its a personal choice I have made.

Update 2:

How can people stereotype an entire party with statements like "democrats don't have brains." etc.. ? That is true ignorance.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have no doubts about my God! I was not old enough to vote in the last presidential election but now I am. I think that Republicans (especially people who attend church regularly) base a part of their vote on religion. Prior to this election my parents had voted Republican

    :( But now they see that Bush and the Republicans led this country into a downfall, so they are voting Democratic, and so am I. I still have my same morals and beliefs but I honestly cant base my vote for this election on my religion. VOTE OBAMA/BIDEN

  • 1 decade ago

    Faith, while it may be an intricate part of some humans, don't always or ever vote based on faith alone, that would be ludicrous. Think of it this way, people with a faith tend to have moral values and principles that go along with their faith, which is why they have the faith they have. They don't just flip the bible open, throw their finger down and take whatever word they land on to be the answer.. while their values are related to their faith and based on their faith, it's not like the hold true to values the don't believe in, you get where I'm going? ...

  • 1 decade ago

    No I'm a Republican and I've maybe been to church a handful of times my whole life. I'm not saying that's good, but it is what it is. I vote Republican, because of stance on issues. Security, taxes, smaller government, less programs that I have to pay for. I don't want the government telling me what to do with my money. I want to find my own Health Insurance and not have to ask the government if I can see a doctor. I want government out of it as much as possible. I believe that there should be limits on abortion. Obama voting to keep partial birth abortion legal appalls me. How could anyone not prosecute some one if they delivered a child and drilled a hole in the back of its neck to kill it. How could that possibly be legal? That is insanity! I could go on, but that's why. Nothing to do with religion.

  • 5 years ago

    The people have spoken loud & clear! They are sick of the Republican party, for now. I don't think that there is any way that a Republican can take the White House, with or without the Christian Conservatives. Accept it! The Republican Party is out of the election for 2008!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, we're NOT wrong about God, silly! Not all Republicans are Christian/Mormon & stuff like that (although most of them are), that's true, but a lot of people vote just based on what they personally think is right. Not just religiously. But their religions do have a lot to do w/ their votes, you're right. And it is kinda stupid that Republicans can be so biased. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If I am wrong about God, then it's not a problem for me. If you are wrong about God, then you may have some problems.

    Religion is a very personal thing. You vote according to a set of beliefs. There are many things that go into that set of beliefs. Religion is only one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Regardless of who we vote for, God will raise up who He wants to lead this country, according to His will and plan for mankind. We have little to do with it really. At the end of the day, God will get his way. God also gives the true believer spiritual decernment to know the truth from a lie. Clearly Obama has lied through his teeth at every chance he gets to fool the American people. He is getting away with it half the time, this shows me the wolf in sheeps clothing has pulled the wool over millions of eyes!.

  • Granny
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well, I base my vote on my morals and beliefs, most of which come directly from the Bible. I am not wrong about God. Real Christians believe that the Bible is God's word.

    I also base my vote on intelligence and on what my heart feels is the right thing to do. If you have not read Revelations, I suggest you read the book of Daniel.

    McCain 08

    Jesus is NOT on the side of one who would destroy our most prescious gift.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My faith does play a part on my vote. I vote against those who are against me having faith. Liberal Democrats are anti Christian. I can't side with a party who is openly against me and my beliefs.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know many republicans who vote on their political view points. I foundations on both sides how I vote

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