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Can James Hansen be trusted to be impartial in his role?

James Hansen, who heads the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and was one of the first scientists to raise the alarm about global warming in the 1980s. He recently paid his own expenses to fly to the UK to defend 6 eco-terrorists that had broken the law. He argued they were right to break the law as they were trying to save the world from climate change.

In a recent conference he made the following comment “If we don’t get this thing under control we are going to destroy the creation,” which to be sounds like it has religious conotations. He seems to be an environmental fanatic so can he be trusted in such an influential position and can he be really be impartial?


I agree George Bush is also in a position where he can benefit from his other interests, and the elected leaders shouldnt have business interests. Doesnt change the fact that a eco-nut is in a position he can abuse.

The activists did break UK law (broke in to a power station and vandalised a chimney), but were equitted because the UK government would have had to prove AGW isnt real to win, and having signed Kyoto theres no way they would do that and contradict themselves! But the question is not about that.

The link to whatsupwiththat was the first site that came up when I searched for the case but its well documented elsewhere, like on the BBC for example.

Eco-torrists have been equited before for vandalising GM crops as they were "saving the planet". Thats not unusual, they make the jury feel like they hate the planet if they do not equit them.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ho Hum, whatsupwiththat again, I think this is only proof that denier sites are really starting to clutch at straws, mister watts gives his usual spin but can't really get around the fact, the Jury, not Hansen found these people not guilty.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not familiar with the case you are talking about, but I'm fully unconvinced by your question. He believes very strongly that the world is on a very dangerous course, would you think more highly of him if he kept his mouth shut and didn't tell anybody? You also say that these people broke the law, but after doing a little searching I find out that they were acquitted, so apparently the British court system thought that whatever they did was justifiable.

    Finally, to paraphrase your question and apply it to a different person, I find the current US president to be a fanatic who can't be trusted in his most influential position, and who makes blatant religious statements constantly, do you really expect that employees of the government should be held to higher standards than their leader?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    But you need to realize he is one of the primary architects of the entire AGW pogrom. He is the one that got Al Gore involved and then helped Gore sell the whole idea to the world’s richest and most powerful person. He also engineered the data manipulation that created the Mann chart that the whole pogrom is based on. He has devoted himself for over 30 years now to this cause and though he has been very well paid for his efforts the person sponsoring him is over 90 now and wants to see his families central dream achived before he dies.

  • 1 decade ago

    the question is can anyone be trusted? no they can't.

    But i agree this guy sounds like a nut from your evidence.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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