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In these modern civilized times many of us have our beloved pets (dogs, cats, talking birds).?

How many feel that "Old Shep", or "Fluffy" really gave us love and faithfulness? Our pets really matter, and more times than not, they are the last to remain by our side. Where in your Bible does it give us stories or examples of undying loyalty from a dog? Does God really know us and our basic emotions? We live in the world, not 24/7 in church, so I can't imagine a world without love, be it from a sweet devoted dog or an abusive parent. Where is the reward for the creatures that share our lives and bring us comfort? Is it just about mankind? So, all dogs don't go to heaven?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Davey! I'm a dog fancier.I always remembered my late lovely dachshund "Brown". I believe in God. If He could give me Brown that is so lovely and also so many other beautiful funny animal kingdom, He can also give me (even more) happiness in heaven (why not with all His creatures like "Brown"). What is not written Bible does not mean that it does not exists.

    Source(s): God's love.
  • Jeff M
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well, The Word of God tells us to be in the world, not of it. so I do my best to be in His presence 24/7. Just because I'm not in the building, doesn't mean Christ is not in me. God created you, of coarse He knows and loves you.

    As far as knowing your dog, we had a healing minister here a year ago, and on the 3rd night of his teaching, The Lord used a border collie to teach about 30 people that He is very alive and at work. This dog was involved in a hit and run accident. The vet was disturbed with the owner for not putting this dog down ,as his shoulder was completely shattered and leg broke in several places.

    The owner of the dog asked the minister to come out and pray and lay hands on this dog. The minister was not an animal type of guy, at all. But The Lord spoke to him and told him He was going to use the dog to build up the group's faith. So, he went out and did as The Lord told him. After finishing about a 1 minute prayer, the dog barked, the owner removed the splint, and the dog jumped out of the van, ran a half of block, barking the whole time. Like I said, that was a year ago, the dog is still just fine, and the vet still don't believe, and he is the one that took the x-rays. I find nothing that says pets go to heaven, so if it's not in The Book, can't say they do, but I know God uses them every day.

  • 1 decade ago

    YUP! Heaven would not be Heaven to me, if there were not animals there. Where ever I am going to, I know that I will see all my pets again, because they are the ultimate example of unconditional love.

    The joy a pet gives, is unknown to those who do not have pets, or even want pets. Our lives would not be the same without all the different species of animals, birds and sea creatures. In the owl alone, if you look at the pattern of feathers, especially in the face, it is astounding how beautifully they are placed. The colors of birds, the beauty of wild animals. All show the love that were put into their creation.

    I take pictures and I find the shell of a snail so beautiful. Different colors, different arrangements.

    Listen to the gees or ducks flying in formation overhead.

    They ARE love and were given to this world for a reason. To show us humans HOW to love, unconditionally.

  • More than an animal's lifelong devotion or 70 years of faithful marriage, God's love reigns supreme.

    Just like we were once happy and content in our mother's womb, we like it here in the world now and dont want to crawl back in the womb. So it will be for God's elect when we are in heaven. We won't bemoan the lost things back in this world.

    If you want a friend, feed any animal. They become conditioned only because of your treatment to them. But God's love exists even though we curse His Name and spit in His face. Note how Paul persecuted Christians and then was shown God's reality and did a complete 180.

    Trust not in your own logic or reasoning; they are endless spirals away from the true God.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I suppose that it is all a matter of opinion, but the Bible is full of references to animals.


    The beasts of the field give praise for the water in the desert

    The wolf and lamb shall lay side by side

    The stock paid homage at Jesus' birth

    Solomon's bride had eyes like a doe

    Animals were placed in the ark

    Doves, whales, mammoth beasts, oxen, cattle etc

    Whether or not they have souls, I don't know, but they definitely have importance and value. I do expect animals in heaven, whether or not it my actual dog ( past or present ) remains unknown, but I expect to see them all represented.

  • ;)
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Excuse me please - allow me to address the first poster and get some truth in here.

    Evangelicals DO believe animals have souls - i don't know where you heard that, but it's not true!!!

    Animals have souls - soul: Mind, will, and emotions - animals have all 3.....

    Sorry about that but lies about Christians i cannot stand!


    Yes the Lord does know our emotions, He designed us.

    He gives us pets to bless us and get us through some of the most difficult times in life - i know this for sure b/c of what He has done for me over the yrs - and how timely my pets have come into my life.

    You know God is bigger and more amazingly awesome than we can ever imagine - He knows our every need - He gives us families and pets - all are important to Him and He knows how important they are to us....

    I always point people to the book of Romans ch 28 in the Amplified version -- it speaks of ALL CREATION groaning and longing for Christ to come back and restore everything - animals are part of creation and they are included in this restoration of all things.

    God the Father can do all things - when we know His heart it's easy to trust Him with our beloved pets.

    So Davie, rest assured there is a place for all who put their trust in Christ Jesus - there is a reward for us and our beloved pets.

    Love and peace to you and loved ones, including 4 legged ones lol : )



    To industrial noise - i appologise - i could have put it over in a kinder way - can you forgive me?

    Anyway maybe those evangelicals who said it just don't know the Lord's ways - i seem to remember trying to explain the 'soul' to some Christians yrs back -- i could remove my comments but i've said it now and can't take it back - once again i am very sorry xx

    ~ ~ ~ ~

    I N, thank you : )

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I was so sorry to hear about Helter's bunny. The fact that he opened his home and his heart to an animal that was abandoned like that speaks volumes to his character...Helter is a good guy. My family had a coonhound/bluetick when I was growing up that always howled when you would play the harmonica or sing a high-pitched 'oooo'. Thinking of that never fails to bring a smile to my face and inspire a nostalgic sigh.

  • Tasia
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Why would God leave mans best friend behind? He did create all the animals and Adam named them all. Of cource your dog will go to heaven.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    evangelicals claim "animals dont have a soul" (even though the bible doesnt say)

    EDIT: trinity: i heard that here, in R&S ... many times.


    and...of course its not true.... cuz there's no such thing as a "soul" ...nor "heaven"

    BUT if there was a heaven, i would definitely want my puppies there.

    can you imagine a world with no animals? ...I CANT

    Source(s): edit: trinity: no apology needed :)
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