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What are some easy ways to save money?

What tips and tricks do you use?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I use the web for LOTS of money-saving help! Examples follow:

    - Look constantly for work at home opportunities to help save from running around town finding pt work for more income (like during holidays) , and instead earn $$ at home 24/7:

    - Focus on DIY (do it yourself) projects instead of hiring subcontractors and other expensive options, by shopping online, too, for materials and free newsletters with helpful tips:

    - Find sites with helpful tips for sving on gas expenses while traveling around:

    - Use online financial tools like calculators to see if you can save by refinancing, leasing, etc.:

    - Look for home remedies, over the counter items and other less costly alternatives for cosmetics and everyday items like creams and lotions by shopping online, too:

    Off finding more... :)

  • debijs
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    ~~It's very simple really. Start shopping for fresh food only. Stay away from any packaged or pre made meals. Eat at home and make your food fresh and healthy. It's a double pay off. Health and money. Make your own cleaning supplies, healthier, safer for the environment and you, and saves lots of money. The links below are some great websites to learn about formulas, ideas, etc. for these things. Stay out of stores. Start volunteering or join something of interest to you for entertainment. No fast food trips or expensive coffee drinks. Take your lunch to work. We have changed our entertainment to free things or nearly free. Park days with picnics. Museums, state park trips, etc. We have started doing all these things and it is so much help on our budget during these very hard times. Best of all, every change has actually improved our quality of life. I can't believe I use to think a day at the mall was fun. That would bore me to death now. Shopping is just a necessity for me now, as I have so many new interests. Stop using credit cards. This automatically makes you live within your means. Again, makes things better and stress free in your life. Hope you enjoy these websites:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    An easy way I recently discovered is to buy coupons and discounted gift cards for everything I buy. It's become an obsession of mine lately...

    I use to buy coupons for anything I need to buy and then I go to (which seems to be a sister site of Brand Name Coupon) and I see if I can find a discounted gift card to the store.

    I've been saving money like crazy with this method.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I'm only a high school teenager, so i don't actually earn any money yet. But if im desperate to save up for something expensive, i buy one of these. They are like tin cans but with a slot at the top to put money in. And the only way to get the money out is to open it with a can opener, this way, you won't be temped to dip into your savings. (unless you are really desperate)

    I saved up for spending money for a holiday last year and i saved up about £150 in a year. (which is good for me) I tryed to put in as much change and notes as possible.

    Heres where to buy them. (you can get them in lots of shops too!)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Stop buying drinks (especially water!!!) from pop machines or individually in the cooler at a gas station or grocery store. If you buy a pop a day every week you're spending at least $7.00 probably closer to $9.00 a week. thats $28-$36 a month that could go into savings. Return rented movies on time! Late fees are usually the same as renting the movie again (times however many days late they are.) If you rent a movie that cost 2.99 and brought it back 3 days late that's $8.97!!! between that and the original cost to rent the movie you could BUY a movie!! Or save money on renting them and go to your local library. I checked out Awake- with Jessica Alba for FREE while it was still a new release at my local rental place and got to keep it for a week instead of 1 day! keep an eye on sales flyers and coupons. Some people buy general mills cereal for $4-$5 a box. I buy it when it goes on sale for $2.00 or less and usually there are coupons either in the aisle or if there's a certain kind you like you can search for coupons on ebay and get like 20 $1 off general mills ceareal coupons for 1.50 or so. then stock up when its on sale . Cereal lasts FOREVER. just put it in a cupboard or shelf in a dry place. I usually don't spend over 1.50 a box for name brand cereal (which is cheaper than the store brand ON SALE at the store i go to. When you go out to eat order a water instead of pop or alcohol. That's anywhere from $2-$10 or more depending on what you're drinking! It's always better to get your alcohol in a grocery store than by the each in a bar or restaurant. Or don't drink alcohol at all and save TONS of money. Check out the clearance racks or aisles at target, walmart, etc... you can find things for as much as 90% off the original price. even food! Get a good rewards credit card But ONLY if you can and will pay it in full each month. if you don't end up paying finance charges or late fees/overdraft fees you can earn money on money your already spending to begin with. We have a card that we earn 3% on gas purchases and 1% every where else and put all the expenses we have to pay every month on it. We pay our car insurance, phone bill, gas, groceries, etc... and usually earn $10-15 per month and it get's subtracted off our amount due. We use chase perfect rewards card. be careful that you don't get a card that claims to be rewards card but you earn points and then "get to" buy things for like $10.00 that you can probably get for the same price at a store. make sure it either credits the money right to your statement or gives you the option of having a check or gift card mailed to you. I have many more but don't want to bore you! email me if you'd like more ideas, or geared toward specific things... Good luck!

    Source(s): my own shopping experiences.
  • Dew
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    in the evening I turn the lights out and use candles,There cheaper than electricity.

    cut coupons and compare prices in store ads.Make a list and a budget.

    Close the blinds or curtains to keep heat inside they also counts for when it is hot outside,it will keep it cooler in the house, Turn down the thermostat to like 60-69.

    Cook on the grill it;s alot cheaper than turmng the stove on.

    Make a list for the holidays.I like to use the ltd book to buy gifts.

    when you go to the store and have bills that need paid take them with you instead of using stamps.

    Source(s): Mom of 3
  • Derek
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Save about 10% of every paycheck.

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