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let me see who can answer this one... : ))?

ok...when i was a kid...i had this question...any one has an idea or guess so do is the question

When there was one satan that came down...from the heaven to the earth ...How come one satan became so many.....and they r spread all over over the world??

i asked everyone even my parents to my teachers...i don't know they gave random answer...wat abot u all....pls tell..all answer are accepted... : )..and 10 points who has authantic details...or proper all of u r welcome.. : ))go on answer

18 Answers

  • Muse
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all, you should keep in mind that Shaytan isn't a "fallen angel" like in the Christian traditions. He's a Jinn, which means that he can reproduce and have children.

    Second of all, look at this hadith:

    "Umar (ra) said, "The progeny of Satan are nine - Zaleetoon, Watheen, Laqoos, A'waan, Haffaaf, Murra, al-Musawwit, Daasim and Walhaan. Zaleetoon commands the markets and he unfurls his banner therein; Watheen commands catastrophes; A'waan commands rulers; Haffaaf commands intoxicants; Murra commands licentious music; Laqoos commands the Magicians; Al-Musawwit commands [false] news which he puts in the mouths of people while they know not its origin; Daasim commands houses: if a man were to enter his house without greeting his wife and family with salaam and mentioning the name of Allah the Exalted, Daasim will cause a dispute between husband and wife such that it leads to divorce, separation, or violence; as for Walhaan, he whispers [in people's ears] during ablution, prayer, and other acts of worship."

    These nine Shayateen are the direct descendants of Ibliss. Each of them have different occupations and methods of leading people astray. For the rest, when we hear about the "troops of Shaytan", they are only the ones who (literally) sold their souls to the devil.

    As you know, the Jinns are like humans. They have the possibility of being either good or bad (except that most of them choose the evil path). They can see us, we cannot see them. They can have an overwhelming power over us, just like the Shayateen. This is why Islam permits exorcism to rid one's self of the evil of the Jinn. The way to ward off the harm of Shayateen is to take refuge in Allah.

    There are also other followers of Shaytan, just look around you and you'll find them in mankind. Once Shaytan recruits a new member among the people (by making him do bad deeds), that person in turn can influence the rest in evil. It's like a virus, that once you place in the midst of humans, will spread amongst whoever does not have the necessary antibodies (faith in Allah) to repel it.

  • 1 decade ago


    Peace be upon you.

    In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

    There four life from heaven descends to earth.

    a. Prophet Adam Radhiallahhuanhu to India/Ceylon (Sri Langka)

    b. Eve (Siti Hawa Radhiallahhuanhu Alaihis Salam) to Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    c. Satan Iblis Laknattulah to Habsah. Jinns are like human being. Jinns produce and reproduction in larger numbers and live longer than human being.

    d. Snake to Afghanistan

    All bare childrens and sprade all over the world as today.

    The population of Human being in the world now are about 7.5 Trillion.

    That goes to Satan Iblis Laknattullah is a creation from Jinn produce and reproduction in larger number and live for longer period on earth (NOT from ANGEL) by Al-Mighty God Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala increasing from time to time to Mislead the mankind which is a as tool or means to test the Slaves of Al-Mighty God Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala till doomsday (end of the world).

    Wabillahhitaufiq Walhidayah Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim - In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    The term "Satan" (Shaitan in Arabic) has the meaning of enemy. It is usually used to refer to Iblees. Iblees was the jinn who was of such high status that he spent much of his time in the company of the angels. When Allah created Adam, peace be upon him, He commanded all the angels to prostrate to Adam. Iblees, who was among them at this time, refused to prostrate out of arrogance, because he was made out of fire which he felt was better than being made out of earth. So due to his rebellion, Allah cursed him and he has been known as Satan ever since. He was not ever an angel. Angels are creations of light without free will. They are completely obedient servants of Allah.

    Iblees, now Satan, was able to work on other jinn who were evil or weak of character and turn them to be evil as he was. Since the term "Satan" is as much a title as a name, it can be applied to the other evil jinn who assist the "capital S" Satan do his work. The reason there are so many is that the jinn, just like humans, have free will and can decide to be good or evil. Just as there are evil humans, there are evil jinn, and they are those who attempt to trouble their fellow jinn and mankind and to lead them astray. And Allah knows best.

    May Allah guide you to the best in this world and the next. Ameen.

    Fi Aman Allah,

    Nancy Umm Abdel Hamid

  • 1 decade ago

    -When Shaitan (IBlees was getting off from the Jannah(Jannat) he asked Allah Subhanao-Talah to give him long lasting age (till the day of jugdement) to mislead Human beings and Allah had given him strength to do this.He challanged Allah Subhanao-Talah that he will mislead human biengs and he will keep mankind as much busy in this world that they will forget the motive of their arrival in this world.And Allah Subhanao-Talah challanged him that he wont be able to do this True believers and who are momins.

    Off course he couldnt do this alone so,He has a large batalian with him in the form of


    2)Human beings

    3)Our Nafs-e-Ammara which puts doubts in our heart.

    He is not working alone.We all carry a shaitan inside of us,who keeps us away from Quran and its Taleemaat and from Sunnah.

    Hope that work for yeah.

    That was a good questions but There could be some more good questions like why did Allah Subhanao-Talah sent us here & what have we done for his sake so far in this world?Are we gonna go there with good deeds or our bad deeds gonna take us to Hell.

    Any way May Allah Subhanao-Talah give us Hidaya to spend our lives on true patterns of Islam, which we have almost forget.

    Jazak Allah.

    Assalam O Alaikum.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I do not see anywhere in the Quran where jinns are numbered as one.

    Muslims accept Allah's Word without stupid, senseless questioning because the Muslim is expected to be smart and to check before questioning anything.

    Allah speaks of men and jinns and Iblis and Adam and Allah goes on to speak of Adam's sons without going into details of when and how so why does this not apply to Iblis and his own?

    The shaytans were created and established before Adam and Allah sees no reason to go into detail about this so why query?

    No God but Allah!

    Source(s): Quran
  • M S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    you are ASSUMING

    Allah swt wrote the stories in an excellent attracting ways

    Adam can be seen as the father of jinns / spirits,

    when Adam & wife +satan were sent out of Jannah / Heaven, the word was said get out of it ALL

    we were given only little knowledge not ALL



    YUSUFALI: They ask thee concerning the Spirit (of inspiration). Say: "The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you, (O men!)"

    PICKTHAL: They are asking thee concerning the Spirit. Say: The Spirit is by command of my Lord, and of knowledge ye have been vouchsafed but little.

    SHAKIR: And they ask you about the soul. Say: The soul is one of the commands of my Lord, and you are not given aught of knowledge but a little.

    anyone with questions in regard of Holy Books [all 3] can ask me

    God is One, so is true faith

    Muslim follow all prophets

  • 1 decade ago

    Allah send Adam and Eve on earth to live here and now his

    descendents are nearly six billions. Why is it so difficult to understand that Satan has lots of jins and men working for him and who knows he has also descendents like Adam has.

  • joto
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    specific. interior right here techniques: a million.) once you submit a question you may sort an answer your self, and the yahoo report-trolls won't provide up you from doing so. 2.) you may have yet another account, and answer your guy or woman question, or perhaps award your self ultimate answer, yet on condition which you're relatively desperate for those ten factors.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have helped research such an article. It has the necessary Quaranic and hadith referances. I hope it answers your question and many more on this subject matter..

  • 1 decade ago

    There is only one Iblis but his evil jinn followers are many.They are the ones who help him in his corruption plans.There are good jinns and bad jinns but the bad ones are the mini devils ,I guess you can call them that!

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