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Lv 4
M V asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

How can I use this furious rage inside of me?

All of my life I felt a burning inside. Inadequacies which I knew could be overcome. I have built up an extreme bloodthirsty hate, and I don't want it to go away. I want to use it; to bring it outside and unleash it to continue perfecting myself. If anyone out there has truly harnessed this energy, please let me know. Don't give me b.s. responses about being happy or getting help. I refuse that. I want to bring this hate out.


thanks for the laugh jp

the bear wrestling sounds like fun.

Update 2:

Who said anything about physical perfection? I guarantee that you cannot know what kind of energy I get if that's what you think I'm talking about. When I get in this state everything gets stronger, I hear things much farther away, my vision becomes perfectly clear, I can focus on anything, create, design, but I have no control over it. I need to know how to harness it.

Update 3:

I want it to help myself become stronger; physically, mentally, and emotionally. I know if I learn how to focus it I can do all of those things.

Update 4:

Good luck to yourself. Thanks for the chat.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I understand what you mean about the rage. I go through it a lot(read my profile). But what I have learned from all of my life experiences is putting that rage or fight inside of you into things you are passionate about. In some ways it will make you a stronger and more confident person who will achieve his goals.

    As long as the rage is not going to harm you or anyone else, you can keep focused on whats important. Of course never step on anyone toes or it will come back to you.

    For me it's been my recovery and the fight to win. I still have a lot of rage but that is so much better then hiding out and feeling sorry for myself.

    My next fight will be to take on a goal that I always have been to afraid to attempt. I guess for fear of failing. Going back to school for a passion I always have had. That passion is art. At 46 I will do this and win because I can use my rage, my fight to keep my strong. In the end I will know I did this on my own and for that I will be who I was meant to be.

    Take care and never give up!


    What I mean is you know the things that you are passionate about, things you are good at. Take that rage and do those things, believe me you will learn to focus. It's not like the person in the dead end job or the job they dread getting up every morning just to pay the bills. I have had a really ruff life(and no I don't feel sorry for myself) but know just by useing my rage, will and fight to overcome somethings, I'm a much more focused person. That's becaused I accomplished something that was hard.

    Feel free to email anytime, we can chat and I can give you more details.

    Good night for now:)

    Source(s): ~me~
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is strange how your associate bloodthirsty hate with perfecting yourself. Who is it you hate the most - yourself? Will you know when you have perfected yourself and what will you do with all that energy then? Do you think there will be a time when you will be content and enjoy who that hate has driven you to become? I have had to push myself to achieve but I call it persistence. I have found along that journey of persistence a contentment in who I am and the things that matter to me most are relationships not so much what I achieve in physical things.

    I have read what you have written and am not really sure why you call this hate. Are there times when you manage this better than other times, consentrate on what makes it more manageable at those times, for example if you find this energy is more manageable by mediatating first and picturing yourself doing something you want to achieve.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have felt this on occasion, it really does fuel you and motivate you, but after a while you feel used and spent up. Mostly, for me, its rage at people who have done me wrong in my life, i have a hard time giving up grudges and i remember things (even the small little things) for a really long time. Sometimes, for no particular reason i remember those people, and i wish that i would meet them again now and completely rip them apart; or to wish a nasty and violent end to them.

    That hatred that you feel is easily consumed with your work that you do with it, as it motivates you intensely. But it runs out quickly; the only way to get more energy is to feel angry again. Generally this isn't a good advice for anyone. Because being angry constantly is like torturing yourself and letting your mind not be at peace on purpose.

    I understand the wanting to harness it, its strong and emotional. But it will hurt you in the end.

    Source(s): The person below me does not understand. Self loathing or hatred of others can drive you to do many great things, its a real motivator. But she has a point; how many things are you going to change for yourself because you want to than for others, because they don't approve of you? In the end your hatred is manifested because in some way you feel injustice, perhaps because others view you as inadequate or shitty people have constantly put you down. Don't change yourself for them, change yourself for you. For what you want to be. I'm sorry because i know you don't want to hear this, but being happy in your life is integral to living; all those other people who have done you wrong or told you in some way or another that you were inadequate don't give a shit and are happy and fine with their life. You need to move on for yourself, do what you want to do. brooding over your failures or your fears of inaquedacy will make you feel sad and eventually weaken you. Question to you: What do want this rage for? Do you want it so that you can improve yourself or a habit that you have? It sounds as if you want motivation to change yourself and the flaws you see in yourself. This is good, because you know what is making you upset, but the truth is that you can do this without anger or hate. It takes time and determination. Its slow. But thats the only way you see results in the long run. To become physically stronger you MUST gain muscle and endurance, run and lift weights for this, it must be part of your daily ritual; every other day you want to be lifting. To become more intellectual you need to read a new (history or science) book at least every week, to become Emotionally stronger, you must be able to connect with people (This will make you less wary of rejection and build a stronger mental shield against negative thoughts and comments). Good luck, it seems like you and me are both working on these things at the same time.
  • 1 decade ago

    you could:

    work out, a lot.

    start a career in specializing in breaking things.

    start a career in throwing things away, by destroying them, then burning them.

    create metal art, with your HANDS.

    become a bear wrestler, eventually rescue someone in the woods

    move to Burma or Laos, develop a never ending hate for asian guerillas, become the next Rambo.

    design a costume, become a masked vigilante, beat up stalkers, rapists, or murderers on the streets at night.

    become a mountain guide, repel dangerous animals by screaming towards the sky, or glaring in their direction.

    become a hardcore(really hardcore) porn-star.

    start a band.

    run away from your problems, PARKOUR STYLE.

    help bake a giant loaf of bread, knead it by punching.

    move to the desert, demand the ground for water, by beating it, preventing future droughts.

    or you could seek some form of help..

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure if the community guidelines will let me answer this the way I want to. I have dealt with this and am still doing so. But i have been flagged 4 times in 2 days for "inappropriate answers" which this would clearly be. If still curious, email me at

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No no longer really will quickly quit transforming into, yet there'll be a surprising, entire stoppage and REVERSAL of "the livid rage transforming into interior you." you'll experience flood of relief. yet, there is an important shy away: Your lil trailer will unexpectedly permeated w/ a god-undesirable stench and also you may faint from it. i'm hoping your undesirable mommy is asleep. once you awaken from this bothered close eye, lots of the hideous scent will be lengthy previous. yet examine on mommy, she could be lengthy previous too, in some senses of the be conscious. nicely, son, you've been examined and make it via the valley of lack of existence. Now merely save in thoughts, relax on the beans and broccoli.

  • 1 decade ago

    kick boxing!! punch as hard!!be healthy

    the drums?? create a cool beat with ya furiousity..

    rugby..u might just be really good at it and u need anger for that ;)

    that's how u can unleash ur anger and it will not harm others but benefit u too ;)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd say take up boxing, mega fun, get to beat the **** out of boxing bags/people, and get toned and fit at the same time. if you really love it and get into it you could eventually turn your anger into your of luck with that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know it can be channeled, sometime. I think your best bet is any form or art, or to start betting into some of the more intense athletics/sports.

    a friend started long distance bicycling to help him with this.

  • 1 decade ago

    Put it writing. If you can unleash your blood thirsty desire on to paper you will make a fortune. It would make for sensational reading.

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