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Do you honestly think that McCain or Obama has the answers to get out country on track?

I mean, do you honestly think that either one of these guys has the "magic bullet" that will make things better? I don't--I see each of them simply spewing party line politics--which don't tell me SQUAT!! I'm truly skeptical about both. What do you think? And--be honest, don't just give me the "party line rhetoric". Be introspective.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are correct . but isn't it amusing to watch all the little people put themselves into one box or the other and act like they have all the answers ? Amusing and sad.

  • 1 decade ago

    Both candidates are weak on the economy. They both voted for the bailout and it was not the best thing to do especially when over 1 1/2 billion of pork spending was added on to it in the second round of votes. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not but when that pork was added on it was clear it was not good.

    Obama wants to raise teachers pay and have paid daycare, paid college and paid health care for almost everyone besides raising taxes on many small business which make over 250 thousand/yr .That is unrealistic and would really ruin our economy.

    McCain wants to keep the tax cuts President Bush enacted which would keep business on a more productive course. If the tax cuts are taken away as Obama wants then business will cut back on employees and probably move up their prices to consumers.

    The other thing is that Obama is mostly against oil drilling in our own land and off shore. McCain wants the drilling in most other places except in Alaska where we have a great amount of it. We need the oil to not depend on other nations who can raise its price and force it on us. We would also get more tax revenue and more jobs if we produced more oil here. We need that revenue to pay down the huge deficit that Congress (both Republicans & Democrats) and President Bush have given us.

    Many people including the main media do not know much about Obama's background. He has not disclosed a lot of his education or political voting record or finances unlike most candidates and McCain has been open about his background.

    Perhaps the biggest indicator of how finances will be conducted is the personal happenings of the candidates. Obama has had business dealings with the now criminal John Rescoe even when he was under indictment with multiple counts of violations. He received over 100,000 $ from Fannie Mae during the time a lot of their shinanigins were going on and we are supposed to trust Him with our countries budget.

    McCain in the 80's was charged with wrong financial dealings in the late 80's as one of the Keating 5 politicians. In the end 3 of those people were charged with wrongdoing but McCain was cleared of any wrongdoing although it was said he showed poor judgement.

    McCain has at least one former lobbyist for the corrupt Fannie Mae mortgage company on his advisor staff but worse that that Obama has one of the main former executives from Fannie Mae as a financial advisor.

    You can verify these things by doing searches on You Tube and past news articles and video. So based on what i just told you I think you can see who is the better candidate although both are not the most desirable to have in the white house.

  • 1 decade ago

    Me personally if McCain gets in office he just want to press the button to launch all missiles at everyone who he thinks is the enemy of the U.S. so that will be a no for him. Obama I'm not to sure because he don't have the experience to come behind Bush and correct his mistakes but we need someone who can and will help the people of the U.S. so it is yes for Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no politician that ever existed nor will one ever live, The saying 2heads are better than one was made up for a reason, also it will take these obvious lack of moral groups to back off and let real issues be talked about. We need to do our research on our candidates for all offices especially our local leaders and make sure they are responsible if you don't do Research on candidates do the rest of us a favor and don't vote. We all need to get our morals back stop listening to actors and rappers and grow up and lead don't follow. Now Lets all toast to a better America I love you democrats(fellow Americans) God that was hard to say.

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  • Sandy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    McCain certainly doesn't. Just look at the last 8 years and you'll know where that has lead. I think there is more of a chance for Obama to make the changes necessary.

  • 1 decade ago

    Welcome to America. This shouldn't surprise you. Its America. We get to vote for tweedle dum and tweedle dee. We get the lesser of 2 evils which is still evil.

    You of course can vote for the Libertarian or Green. Of course, they have no chance, and Libertarians are just Republicans who believe drugs and prostitution should be legalized.

    I'll probably vote for Obama. He does have some good ideas and Mcain has some horrible ideas. Both believe in war, they just disagree on location.

  • MS S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Since I am wary of nuclear power, I am loathe to say that McCain's plan with building nuclear power plants will create jobs and energy independence. I am in a coal state, but I hear a lot of the East Coast still uses oil for heat.

    Under no circumstance could Obama get a government clearance in the public sector.

  • Ricky
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We need siomeone to run the county. The better person. If we wanted 100% magic, we'd elect David Copperfield.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    President Obama has a specific plan to reduce the country's debt by eliminating the Bush welfare program for people who make over $250,000.00. He will end the illegal occupation of Iraq and concentrate on the terrorist who are responsible for attacking us. He will make sure that every American has affordable health care taking the burden of the uninsured off the tax payer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, but I think McCain will do more damage while Obama can repair some of the harm done by Bush and Co.

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