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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 1 decade ago

Who are ten people you admire most from the last 1,000 yrs?

Please add a brief explanation - no ranking needed.


Not asking for perfection - some people admire Hitler. "admire most" leaves a lot of room for interpretation - on purpose.

8 Answers

  • Me
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mother Teresa... For her betterment of mankind, Leader of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity.

    Elvis...His contribution to Rock and Roll

    John F. Kennedy...gave his life as president

    John Wayne...His contribution to the movie industry

    Princess Diana....Her charitable contribution dealing with landmines

    Bob Barker....Promoting the control of the pet population

    Oprah...charitable contribution

    Bill Gates....Microsoft and made computers more affordable and his donations to charity

    Robert Jarvik...The artificial Heart

    ALBERT ARNOLD ( AL) GORE JR. for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.

    YASSER ARAFAT...efforts toward peace in the middle east

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    I would go back to Michael’s Hart’s book The 100 a ranking of the most influential persons in history. Then I would exclude Muhammad & the others who lived before the year 1008. This would make the list as the following: 1- Isaac Newton 2- Johannes Gutenberg 3- Christopher Columbus 4- Albert Einstein 5- Louis Pasteur 6- Galileo Galilei 7- Charles Darwin 8- Nicolaus Copernicus 9- Antoine Lavoisier 10- James Watt

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    People To Admire

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow! You seem to assume the best in people, in that they actually have some sense of history that goes farther than the last 8 years. In addition, some answers may reveal a certain parochial attitude, and I'm afraid I may be no different.

    Ok, that said, here goes in order of history:

    1.King Conor MacNessa - A Passionate, Irish Warrior King Poet

    Honored education but was a fierce defender of his clan

    2.Brian Boru - King of Ireland

    Freed Ireland from the Vikings and did much to unify the Country

    3.Leonardo da Vinci - extraordinary mind and artistic talent

    4.Copernicus - his discoveries are key to what we now know of the Universe

    5. Thomas Hobbs - Philosopher; social contract theorist.

    6. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin - brilliant minds that helped to form "a more perfect Union."

    7. Oppenheimer, et al - Scientist and Director of the Manhattan Project

    8. Abraham Lincoln Franklin Delano Roosevelt - two of the greatest US Presidents.

    9. Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King - two of the greatest figures in the fight of Man's inhumanity to Man

    10. My Dad - inspired me to be interested in the first 9.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Hegel, Kierkegaard, Camus, Heidegger, Victor Hugo, Machiavelli, my father, Bertrand Russell, Jean Paul Sartre, and Jean Jack Rousseau

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey LW :)

    At first glimpse, this seems reasonably easy to answer, but upon actually thinking about it, other than the first one, it's rather hard...

    My Mum

    No matter what, she is top of my list, for various reasons.

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Excellent author, respected doctor, and spiritualist.

    {the fact I am currently listing to an radio audio series of Sherlock Holmes in no way influenced my answer!}

    Robert the Bruce

    It's hard to explain why, but my Scottish roots feel he is the most deserving of a place on my list.

    Queen Elizabeth II

    No, it's not because I'm British! She is just an amazing woman, who has been one of the greatest heads of state the world has ever had.

    Andrew Carnegie

    Scottish industrialist and philanthropist. He is one of the reasons that public libraries exist ~ when he was a child, only boys who were apprenticed to a trade could borrow books for free. Now everyone can :)

    Blimey, I've had to struggle just to get these 5!

    Ralph Richardson

    It is really tough to explain why this excellent actor is on my list, but it's basically because of his eccentricity. For me, he made it acceptable to be individual and 'not quite fit in'.

    Josephine Wall ; Johanna Pieterman ; Amy Brown

    These three ladies are all artists who just amaze me every time I see their artwork. I have books of work by Josephine and Amy {and printouts of Johanna's}, and every time I look at them it just astounds me. If I could draw like that...

    JW :

    JP :

    AB :

    Elsie Inglis

    Scottish doctor & surgeon, philanthropist, and member of the Women's Sufferage Movement. One of the first students of the Edinburgh School of Medicine for Women, she then founded her own medical practice and maternity hospital. At the outbreak of WWI, when the government told her the frontline was no place for a woman, she set-up her own field hospitals, funded by the WSM. All her adult life she had campaigned for women to have the right to vote, but died from cancer a year before it happened.

    I'm going to try to come back with the rest ~ I need to think...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Babe Ruth-Enrichment of lives through baseball...

    FDR......Actions of WW2

    Thomas Jefferson......American Revolution, creation of gov

    Nelson Mandela...........Black Rites

    Elvis Presley......Enrichment through music

    George Washington.......First President, set precedent, forming of USA

    Martin Luther King Jr......Civil Rites

    Abraham Lincoln.........Freed slaves

    Henry Clay.....The Great Compromiser, no USA with out him

    Mozart.......Greatest composer

  • 1 decade ago

    This is hard, cause every admirable person, had faults. ex. George Washington was a slave owner.

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