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Lv 5
bksamz asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why can't the conservatives take defeat grace-fully?

They know they are down in the polls, people are tired of the same old same old an want change, are they just stuck in the past, an can't admit they are wrong?

15 Answers

  • Willie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They will in time. You can't blame them for not giving up until the fight is officially over.I'm supporting Obama but just because he's ahead in the polls I will stop donating and campaigning for him.If all his supporters did that he'd probably end up losing.No matter who you are voting for they will need your support even after the election.

    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    This is pretty pitiful, I must say! When Democrats are losing, the conservatives imply that we are unpatriotic, irreligious, impious, and wicked in the extreme. This is nonsense, of course. People of good conscience can always disgree about politics and religion simply due to culture and upbringing, as well as social standing and income levels. It has always been that way, since at least 10,000 years ago when people first started making a living from growing plants and raising animals instead of hunting and gathering wild plants. Some have had more than others, so they've had different outlooks on things. Those who have more like to keep their more generous helpings (the Republicans) and those with less think that things ought to spread around a little more evenly (Democrats). Well, at least some of the time, the Democrats are going to get their way, I should think. The Republicans have had their way for quite some time now. It's high time the Democrats had theirs for a bit. We've been sucking it up as best we could. Now let them be still for a little while. This screaming and crying and gnashing of teeth and calling good men terrorists and Muslims has got to stop! Wanting to cut the opposition's head off or assassinate the opposition's candidate is absolutely monstrous! I'm surprised at McCain for inciting this sort of behavior in his followers and I'm astonished that he's only now begun to oppose it. Now hush, little Republicans. The world isn't going to end if a Democrat is in the White House! We've had Democrats in there before and the U.S. managed to survive. You know it and I know it. So calm down, sit on the sofa, and drink some iced tea until the public's fancy turns. They'll eventually tire of us. They always do. Then they vote Republican again. You'll see.

    Source(s): Little old lady who's just a bit miffed at all this nonsense, so now where did I put that rolling pin and whose head should I knock some sense into?
  • 1 decade ago

    You mean like the liberals did in 2000 and 2004? Last I heard the election was on Nov. 4th. Polls have been wrong before.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We will, when we're actually defeated.

    And we will not be like the whining drooling hate-filled people who have been suffering Bush Derangement Syndrome these past 8 years, who have been anything but graceful in defeat.

    It's funny that you leftists want us to act better than you have. You've been, collectively, throwing a temper tantrum for 8 years, and now you have the gall to question OUR grace in a defeat that hasn't happened yet?

    No wonder I disrespect the Democrats and leftists.

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  • what Gore didn't take defeat gracefully. Bush congradulated him before all the votes were in and then once Bush won when all the votes are in. Gore did not congradulate him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe because they give a hoot about this country and don't want it run by a man with MANY questionable friends. After all, like it or not, we ARE judged by the company we keep!

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL And how skewed are the polls exactaly? We havnt lost yet, and i cant wait till nov 5th after we win to throw it in your face.

    But thats right! your ahead in the polls! means you dont need to vote! so dont go! theres enough democrats that will vote for ya...

  • 1 decade ago

    They are a fearful people. By definition change is not something the conservatives want to allow.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If they didn't trot out the same tired policies that were always disastrous before, they wouldn't be conservatives, they'd be progressives. They expect people to vote for them because they represent tradition—the tradition of doing everything wrong.

    Source(s): Besides, they still need to go all out trying to steal the election, so they can call us "sore losers" again.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You assume that those polled are telling the truth


    And remember, it is DEMOCRATS who are lying about their willingness to vote for a black person, and NOT the Republicans.

    Also, Obama represents "change", but "change" for the worse (higher taxes for everyone, socialized medicine, etc.)

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