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My roommate steals my food.?

I live in a dorm. I long-board to Safeway and pick up snacks for the week (jerky, cookies, popcorn). I put them in my closet. (It cannot be locked). When I come back from class, some if it is gone. Since we lock our room, I strongly suspect that my roommate sneaks snacks for himself when I am away.

Can you give me some advice on how to deal with this?

Punching him out or poisoning this food are not options.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First off that stinks! I would seriously sit him down and just come out and say, "Hey, are you eating my food?" If he tries to lie, idk, maybe go check the trashcan and see if any wrappers from your food are in there. If you want a less confrontational conversation, try opening your closet and say, "Hmm, seems like I have less food than I remembered," (make sure he is in the room and can hear you) I guess if none of that works, hide it better or be sneaky when you buy your food so he won't know when you stock up. Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    First you nicely explain why he cant take the food (especially without asking) if that works then that's good if not then ask him to put in some money for the snacks, if he disagrees and is negative towards both approach then he is a stubborn selfish and/or extremely fat person and you should use other tactics such as buying limited amount of snacks for a week but don't use this straight away first explain ask, etc.

    Note: just ask him/her what actually happened i.e. maybe visitors came that day so he gave some to them , etc don't be scared to ask because you're a roommate (same rights i think) so you both have to compromise and come to a solution.

    Source(s): Opinion/Idea
  • eyJude
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would get a locking box put your stuff in it and keep it locked.

    Take some of the stuff (decoy's) and soak it in something vile.. or put liver in place of the jerky (have someone dry a few peices for you so you can just stick them in and you will know which ones they are)

    cookies... soak with hot sauce (the really hot stuff) or put pepper on them (make some from scratch and add some really FUN ingredients) like laxitive !

    Then watch...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd say try buying a little box you can lock and keep it in there. Just make sure you keep the key with you. Of course you may have to get the box and lock separate, and you can always try combination instead of a key.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hide a camera looking toward the closet and see if its really him first. Then go talk to him and ask him to either stop or pay for it or both. If he denies doing it then show him the tape. Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell him that if he takes your food again, you will expect him to pay for it. I suggest you get a small locker of some sort and lock your food away.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do what everyone else says - buy a safe. Or hide them somewhere else - lining of your pillow is always good. And get back at him. When my sister was mean to me I spat in her pimple cream. Does he have face wash?


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    put your name on it.. and if all else fails......KNOCK HIM OUT :)

    answer mine..;_ylt=Aq...

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