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Favorite Answers6%
  • HELP MY GOLDFISH!!! It won't eat! :((?

    I won a goldfish at a festival 3 days ago. Since it's been home, I haven't seen it eat; the pellets just float around! Yesterday (day 2), I noticed it looked like it was chewing, then I saw it spit a pellet out. I just tried flakes today and it didn't seem interested. I may try a couple more times with the flakes, but what should I do?!? Has anyone else had this problem??

    It is in a 10 gallon tank with a bubble stone & filter. I have a couple fake plants and rock structure. I treated the water and used a nitrite/ammonia solution to get rid of the these toxins. The temp is abt 70 degrees. It swims around a seemed to really enjoy all the bubbles haha, but today it has been swimming in the rest of the tank. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :)

    7 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Sit on vs. sit in kayaks and a knee replacement!?

    I have a total knee replacement and would like to take up kayaking. I've been researching some of the different types out there and it looks like a sit on kayak would be easier to get in and out of....I'm 24 yrs old and just looking for some opinions/experience of other kayakers! Thanks!

    2 AnswersWater Sports6 years ago
  • Do you think someone can learn to be unselfish?

    We all know people who are all about themselves, always putting themselves before others...However, there are also people who are the exact opposite; they always seem to put themselves last!

    So I'm just curious, do you think selfish people can learn to be unselfish? I'm not talking about a 100% change or that someone is always selfish or unselfish.

    Yes or No, and your thoughts????!?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • People who have experience with wigs?

    Im a 22 yr old female going through chemotherapy. My hair fell out very quickly all at once so does anyone know what types of wigs are best? Any advice would be helpful- thanks!

    2 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • Lateral leg/knee issues- help plz??!?

    I play college basketball and for probably about the past 2 months, Ive been experiencing these sharp pains in my right leg. At first, I didn't think much about it; I just pushed it aside. Well, some 2 months later, Im still experiencing the sharp pains. A few weeks ago, the lateral part of my leg by the knee started hurting. When running, it would take me a while to get going, then I was good. It just hurt getting started to run and when I was standing still. I had the trainer look at it and he thought it was a worn out IT band. (Illiotibial Tract, i think). Thankfully, I had a 2 week Christmas break and just rested it. It feels better, but I still have the sharp pains that vary from my thigh to my knee. I got it looked at and the nurse practitioner did some tests and was pretty sure nothing was torn.....I started taking an anti-inflammatory medication, but these pains keep me up for a couple hours at night, just like lying in bed. Any suggestions or advice would greatly help!! Thanks!!

    I'm 21 btw so I dnt think this is obviously normal lol

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • SCREAMO RAMBLE..............Organic sucks! Who's with me?

    wlefhoRGOWHWHG;Owhgo;wHG;WHGO;WIEH;LWGHO;hg;WHG;lwhgo;wi GRRRRRRRRRR Chemistry is really important in the world and a lot of advances have saved lives, etc., but OMG it's sooooooooooo retarded at the same time!! Idk how people could work/learn this garbage for the rest of their life! Who cares how this molecule can be oriented or how this electron will move here blah blah blah......I mean, WHO CARES!????? (jk i know people do!) but I will never need this in life or understand prolly even a fourth of it, but GRRRRRRRR!! I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (no offense to any organic lovers....God bless ya!) I just needed to VENT!!!!!

    POLL: Who agrees Organic sucks? (i dnt expect anyone to answer btw lol so easy 10!)

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • GRRRRRRR evil organic strikes again ;\?

    Soooo wht is SN1, E1, SN2, E2???? I still have some reading to do, BUT can someone plz explain the BIG pic here and how you can tell one from another or like how to use it in problems?!? IDK, ANYTHING on this would be of great help! Thanks A LOT!!

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know anything about the NAVY DENTAL CORPS?!?

    Could be a possible career and a way to pay for it.......?!?!

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Good websites to help lose weight/be healthy?!?! HELP ;\?

    Okay so my family isnt blessed genetically.... my grandfather died of a heart attack when he was 46, my mom got high blood pressure at 46 and is overweight, and my brother's blood pressure is now being monitored & he has chest pains ever so often. Recently, my mom's brother had a aneurysm and hopefully he'll make it :( I guess wht Im getting at is Im scared at not only my own health down the road, but more family's. I know my mom and brother could exercise more and I think if they had some motivation, they could get into better shape and hopefully reduce their blood pressures?!? Are there any good websites tht anyone can recommend tht give good workouts?? My mom is on b.p medication and her knees are bad so running is sorta a no go. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    13 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why are some people so hateful??!! Any theories? lol?

    I swear, some people are so selfish, heartless, and dont think twice abt their actions and how they affect the people around them....whts their deal? Are they just unhappy individuals?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What's a good 1-year, creative present to get my boyfriend?!? Think outside the BOX! ;)?

    I know it's been asked a million times, but I know someone out there has something great!! Wht did u all get ur gf/bf for ur anniversary? THANKS!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • organic for dummies?!?!?

    Can someone plz emplain WHY on EARTH we use resonance structures and just in general, how you work problems?!? Like I know the e- are the only things tht move and tht u want each atom to have an octet, etc....IDK, I JUST DNT UNDERSTAND HOW TO MOVE THEM?!?! So confused!?! Help would be great! Thanks a lot, I apreciate any help! :)

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • What is the condensed formula for this....?

    Im "fresh meat" for my organic chemistry class's basically gonna swallow me up this year lol. Anyways, im given this picture of a pentagon and at the top point on it, there is N with H right under it. I have to take this structure and write the condensed formula for it. (this is pyrrolidine im talking abt btw) I think my prof wants us to do the line-angle formula, then the extended formula, then finally, the condensed. All this is really new to me and I sorta know wht to do, but I still need a lot of help! Can someone please explain how to do this? I would greatly appreciate it :) Thanks.

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • ahh LOOK, a great career question 4 u! :)?

    How did u know what u wanted to do for the rest of ur life?! Im a junior in college and its crunch time! Im mixed about what I wanna do after I graduate- thought abt being a vet, but now Im thinking dentistry?!? Tell me abt ur wild careers and how they became to be :) Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • POLL=ur opinion!!!!!!?

    Open the old wounds and see what happens


    Keep them shut and leave everything as it remains.

    What ya'll think?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Calling all organic chem graduates (aka, peeps who have taken this class)?

    So Im taking organic chemistry nxt semester....what specific things should I start studying now to better prepare myself? I can already sense one BIG HEADACHE coming my way lol- Thanks :)

    4 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Today's my YA! anniversity!!! POLL TIME :)?

    It's been exactly 3 years since I created my account on here :)


    When is your YA! anniversity?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Need help ASAP for a "Welfare Debate!"?

    Okay so I know very little about the welfare subject in America. Im in a debate and my team is "for welfare," (I guess meaning tht it does work and is good lol). This is the harder side to defend, but the statement I was given is, "private welfare versus government welfare." Im supposed to look up stuff about this, but what?!? I REALLY need help! Can someone show me a good website or even better, tell me about this and how I can fight back?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • SURVEY: Ugh, tell me how...?

    YOU deal with anger and frustration!!!! I'm feeling this right abt now, jw thanks.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • A Novel of Hurt ); (Serious answers plz, if I get any that is... )?

    Okay, here goes nothing! Im a soph in college. Throughout high school, I had a best friend that I did like EVERYTHING with. I had some of the greatest times of my life w/ her and shared countless memories with her. We had a lot in common and had our ups & downs like everyone else, but always seemed to work "whatever" out. Now, I dnt even know her! After graduation, we went off to separate colleges. I knew things would change somewhat and that it would be harder to hangout, but I didn't expect to lose her?!? We haven't talked or txted for a month and a half and it's killing me! I've tried multiple times to see what the deal is, but she blows me off, at least it feels like it. I'm confused and don't know why she hates me now?! I love her like a sister, despite the way she treats me sometimes. I know she's a good person and I can forgive her for the times she has hurt me or brush off hurtful stuff. I'm sure I've hurt her too tho, but when things are shaky, Im the one tht usually comes back and apologizes or tries to work things out; I know she would NEVER try to patch the friendship up. I guess what it boils down to is I simply care way too much! Im in denial about losing her as a friend and really dnt want to, but there's nothing I can do, ya know? Sure, I could send her a letter explaining my feeling, thoughts, etc. but I couldn't handle it when I would get something back saying, "Whatever, have a good life" or nothing at all...something like that. I would feel embarrassed, hurt, and I dnt have the balls to call her because I know she wouldn't listen. I can't do this anymore, always hoping she'll call or txt me; I give up & Im a failure. I think my heart has finally ripped out completely and I just have to accept things for what they are. I dnt know why I care so much or put up with what I do, but I do. I'm sorry this is so long and dnt even expect any answers because it's so long, but if someone, even if it's only one person, has any advice, I would appreciate anything. I can't take the crying and break downs anymore. It's pretty sad I have to vent abt something like this on here, but it's all I've got. Thanks ;(

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago