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A Novel of Hurt ); (Serious answers plz, if I get any that is... )?

Okay, here goes nothing! Im a soph in college. Throughout high school, I had a best friend that I did like EVERYTHING with. I had some of the greatest times of my life w/ her and shared countless memories with her. We had a lot in common and had our ups & downs like everyone else, but always seemed to work "whatever" out. Now, I dnt even know her! After graduation, we went off to separate colleges. I knew things would change somewhat and that it would be harder to hangout, but I didn't expect to lose her?!? We haven't talked or txted for a month and a half and it's killing me! I've tried multiple times to see what the deal is, but she blows me off, at least it feels like it. I'm confused and don't know why she hates me now?! I love her like a sister, despite the way she treats me sometimes. I know she's a good person and I can forgive her for the times she has hurt me or brush off hurtful stuff. I'm sure I've hurt her too tho, but when things are shaky, Im the one tht usually comes back and apologizes or tries to work things out; I know she would NEVER try to patch the friendship up. I guess what it boils down to is I simply care way too much! Im in denial about losing her as a friend and really dnt want to, but there's nothing I can do, ya know? Sure, I could send her a letter explaining my feeling, thoughts, etc. but I couldn't handle it when I would get something back saying, "Whatever, have a good life" or nothing at all...something like that. I would feel embarrassed, hurt, and I dnt have the balls to call her because I know she wouldn't listen. I can't do this anymore, always hoping she'll call or txt me; I give up & Im a failure. I think my heart has finally ripped out completely and I just have to accept things for what they are. I dnt know why I care so much or put up with what I do, but I do. I'm sorry this is so long and dnt even expect any answers because it's so long, but if someone, even if it's only one person, has any advice, I would appreciate anything. I can't take the crying and break downs anymore. It's pretty sad I have to vent abt something like this on here, but it's all I've got. Thanks ;(

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I want to start by saying that your NOT a failure. Have confidence in yourself you can't do anything without confidence. If she was a true best friend then she'll put anything you had (like a problem) aside and just be your friend. But since she's not then i don't see why you have stress it. Don't let negative people like that in your life. Because all your going to get out of it is pain and heartache. I think you've done enough from you guys past since you say that your always the one that patches your friendship up again. I'm sorry to say but she obviously doesn't care about your feelings which is sad since you guys were best friend she should have a little more sensitivity. Once again don't let negative people in like that if she is acting this way toward you i don't see why you should even bother. Keep your pride and your dignity don't go back pleading for your friendship back. The way i see it she doesn't even deserve you as a friend. She is lucky enough to that you're even caring about you guys friendship. This time i don't think you should pick up the pieces, since you two are separated and go to different colleges you can find new friends as i suspect she's doing too. I think it's time to go separate ways. I've been through it too. It's not good but you'll live through it and find more positive people along the way that would help up not bring you down like she did.

    I hope this helps. And good luck. If you need any more advice you can just e-mail me im open to any questions. :)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Its good that you have thought about this before you just jump right in because once it is gone you cant get it back. Anyway to be honest your first time will hurt but every girl is different so you may not feel it as painful as your friends did. I'm afraid there is no way of numbing the pain and some girls can bleed but its not as much as you think it will be, it wont get messy so don't worry about that. Its not the act of sex which makes your first time special its who you choose to share that first time with that makes it magical. If you are truly in a serious relationship and feel that this guy is the one you want to share your first time with then regardless of a little pain it will be magical for you. Good luck xxx

  • 1 decade ago

    YOUR NOT A FAILURE, ohh trust me in this one.. ive had soo much people come and go, espically the fact that you guys have gone your seperate ways, and you were nice enough to keep trying to make it work out.. and if she doesn't see that, then the problem is with her, not you, from what I can tell sure she could be a good person, but i know for a fact when people go to college they change, some good, some bad, some just become a bit lost.. now I know it's hard, and I hate hearing this, since it doesn't work most of the time the whole " time heals everything" but it's always going to be something that hurt you, but your going to learn from it, and it will only make you stronger, don't let one person, ruin who you are inside, make new friends, smile, watch movies, go on rollercoasters, meet new people, be yourself, and you know what. don't bother talking to her if she blows you off, youll find she'll come back one day apologizing, and your going to forgive her, but anyone whose normal won't ever be the same, and she'll need to gain back your trust that's for sure.. just smile..

  • 1 decade ago

    Losing Someone you care about is always painful.

    You are not alone in this. My best friend and i still talk but we have went different directions in our ways and attitudes.

    Just do what we all do,bite our tongues and get on with life.

    dad says to get over one person is to find another to care about. Find yourself a girl friend and show her the things you have seen and learned in life. NEVER say anything about your Best friend that isn't with you anymore. women don't wanna hear about other women and ex friends.

    Source(s): bigdaddy_ruffluv's book on relationships and dating
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  • I know exactly what you are going through. i had particular experienced with my friend since was I was 15 and then this February he bailed out on me and i was so hurt that started to cry but then i was mad and i wanted to know why he did this to me and what did i do to deserve this ... then I realize that it made me stronger and that even though it damage inside me i still kept strong and little by little i got over it .. I'm still getting over it but i realize there are more important things in life then what he has done but i have no regret of it whatsoever.. even though u feel like you can't move one, u have to or this best friend of ours has control of you then you so yourself.. its going to be tough but u can make it.. you area strong human being and that should say something.... remember that there are worse things that can be worse then difficult.. BE STRONG AND NEVER LET NO FRIEND TAKE CONTROL OVER YOU.. YOU WILL KNOW IN THE END THAT IT WAS MENT TO BE..

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